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Translate.vc / İngilizce → Fransızca / [ W ] / Witness protection

Witness protection Çeviri Fransızca

954 parallel translation
This is the best that the Witness Protection Program could do?
C'est tout ce qu'on t'a proposé pour ta protection?
Well, Mr. Goodman was in our Witness Protection Program.
M. Goodman était un témoin sous protection.
Or even worse... you can try and go into... the Governments witness protection programme... and testify against the Don and Dominic.
Ou même pire... vous vous mettez sous la protection de la Justice et vous déposez contre le Don et Dominic.
I want immunity. The Witness Protection gig, you know?
Je veux le programme de protection des témoins.
I want a list of everybody in Witness Protection... who knew we were holding Marcellino... and anybody else who could've known... from the district attorney to the commissioner.
Il me faut la liste de tous ceux qui savaient chez nous... et ailleurs, jusqu'au procureur.
I mean, we break our backs to get him in the witness Protection Program.
On se tue à le protéger en tant que témoin.
No, they got a witness protection program where you enroll and...
Il existe un programme de protection des témoins.
Look, the witness protection program isn't so bad.
Le programme de protection des témoins marche plutôt bien.
I won't make it to any witness protection program.
Je ne vivrai pas assez longtemps pour ça.
Serrano's gonna get to me before I get to any witness protection program.
Serrano m'aura avant.
You're trespassing into witness protection.
Vous transgressez le programme de protection des témoins.
Witness protection.
La protection des témoins.
You testify, we'll put you in a witness protection program.
Si tu témoignes, on te protège.
Listen, pal, you just better hope the witness protection people put you some place safe, like Fort Knox or Mount Everest or somewhere.
J'espère pour toi qu'on te planquera dans un endroit sûr. Fort Knox, l'Everest, n'importe où.
That was a year ago, and in the meantime, she's been on the Witness Protection Program.
C'était il y a un an, entre-temps... elle était dans le programme de protection des témoins.
You mean in a witness protection program?
Vous parlez du programme de protection des témoins?
If he did know something would you guarantee witness protection for him and his family?
S'il savait quelque chose... garantiriez - vous sa protection et celle de sa famille?
Have you ever heard of the witness protection program?
Sais - tu qu'il existe un programme de protection des témoins?
That witness protection thing sounds pretty good.
La protection du témoin, c'est un bon plan.
If the body ain't where he said, would we get witness protection?
Si le cadavre est ailleurs, on nous protégera?
The Sways enter a witness protection program and they'll choose their new city.
Protection de toute la famille... dans la ville de son choix.
When you enter the witness protection program, you have to sever all ties.
Quand on est un témoin protégé, on coupe les ponts.
- Didn't she have witness protection? - She did.
- Elle n'était pas dans le programme de protection des témoins?
Put it in the witness protection programme?
Vas-tu l'inscrire dans le programme de protection des témoins?
Witness protection.
Protection de témoin.
Witness protection?
Sous protection du FBI?
Shouldn't you be in witness protection?
Tu ne devrais pas être sous protection?
Weren't you in Florida Witness Protection?
Je te croyais en Floride.
He's back in town. He was in Witness Protection.
- Il est de retour en ville.
Some stickups the witness protection people thought I pulled that I didn't.
Il a ressorti une vieille histoire de hold-up.
We'll put you in the Witness Protection Program.
On vous mettra sous protection.
No, thanks. I got my own Witness Protection Program.
Merci. J'ai ma propre protection.
We'll send this to your Witness Protection buddies.
On l'enverra à la Protection des témoins.
This is US Marshal John Kruger, of the Witness Protection Program. He'll handle your personal security.
Le marshall John Kruger, Protection des témoins, va s'en charger.
The Witness Protection Program.
Inscrivons-nous au programme de protection des témoins.
- Witness Protection Program. Come on.
- Parce qu'on va se planquer.
One call to the Witness Protection Program... and we're Steve and Phyllis Goldenberg of Tempe, Arizona.
Appelons le programme pour la protection des témoins, et on sera Steve et Phyllis Goldenberg, de Tempe, dans l'Arizona.
The witness under the protection of that court.
Le témoin est sous la protection de ce tribunal.
And most damaging of all, the prosecution has produced a surprise witness, one Christine Helm, whom the prisoner brought from the rubble of her homeland to the safety of this country, giving her his love and the protection of his name.
Et à notre plus grand préjudice, il y a eu un témoin-surprise, Christine Helm, que l'accusé a tirée des ruines de son pays pour notre quiétude, en lui donnant son amour et son nom.
I have a star witness who needs protection.
Il faut protéger un témoin capital.
I work, uh, in the witness relocation section.
Je travaille au département de protection des témoins.
Well, I think you could begin by telling her you're a relocated government witness.
Commencez par lui dire que vous êtes un témoin sous protection.
He said that after I testify, I'll be in the witness relocation program.
Il a dit qu'après mon témoignage je ferai partie du programme de protection des témoins.
She's a witness under my protection.
C'est un témoin. Je la protège.
I volunteer to be a police witness in prosecuting Kim. In exchange, I would like to have police protection.
Je peux témoigner contre Kim, mais je veux être protéger.
We have reports that someone is trying to abduct the police witness.
On m'a confié la protection rapprochée du témoin.
You're telling me that the FBI is gonna turn a star witness over to locals for protection.
Vous me dites que le FBI veut confier un témoin vedette à des flics locaux?
The only option is... Protection of Witness Program
Il faut faire appel au programme de protection des témoins.
Don't push the witness for protection
Joue le témoignage forcé.
That's when I joined the Witness Relocation Program.
C'est là que j'ai intégré le programme de protection des témoins.
Luella Delano was the witness.
Lu Delano était sous protection.

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