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Translate.vc / İngilizce → Fransızca / [ Y ] / You're getting married

You're getting married Çeviri Fransızca

798 parallel translation
- We're getting married. - Did you forget?
- On se marie, t'as oublié?
Tell me... did you tell her you're getting married?
Tu lui as dit que tu allais te marier?
- You're getting married.
- Vous allez vous marier.
After all, you're getting married tomorrow.
Après tout, vous vous mariez demain.
You say you're getting married.
Vous allez vous marier? Bien entendu.
- You're getting married.
- Toi, tu va te marier.
You're taking the sleeper today, then getting married tomorrow?
Vous prenez le train et vous vous mariez?
Say, Hildy, does Walter know you're getting married?
Walter sait que tu te maries?
But if you figure on getting married with my rock, you're nuts.
C'est vous les fous, de croire que je vous laisse ma pierre!
Who? Miss Masterson, the lady you're getting married to.
La demoiselle que vous épousez!
I wish you'd remember you're getting married on Wednesday.
Vous vous mariez mercredi.
- You're getting married?
- Vous vous mariez?
You think we're getting married the right way?
- Ce mariage te convient? Simple et sans histoires?
Looks more like you're going on a trip than getting married.
On dirait que vous allez en balade plutôt qu'à un mariage!
He can't have known you're getting married.
Il n'a pas pu savoir que vous vous mariez.
Since you're getting married, you can go for a walk.
Puisque vous allez vous marier, vous pouvez aller vous promener.
It isn't possible that you're still thinking of getting married.
Vous ne pouvez pas encore envisager de vous marier.
No, we're getting married. I told you.
J'échapperai à la misère.
You're not the only one who's getting married.
Vous n'êtes pas le seul à vous marier.
- If you're interested, I'm getting married.
- Si cela vous intéresse, je vais me marier.
I understand you're getting married?
Bonsoir à tous! Alors, tu te maries?
Stop crying. You're getting married.
Arrêtez de pleurer.
Have you told Vittorio that you're getting married?
Et tu as dit à Vittorio que tu allais te marier?
And you're getting married, to the woman his men found in your hut.
Il veut aussi que tu te marries, que tu épouses la fille qu'on a retrouvé dans ta cabane.
So you're getting married today. That's wonderful.
Vous vous mariez aujourd'hui?
And you're getting married?
Et tu veux l'épouser?
You're getting married in an hour.
Vous vous mariez dans une heure.
We ain't getting married, but you're too bullheaded to listen!
Mais on se mariera pas! Vous ne voulez pas m'écouter!
Tell them you're getting married.
Dis-leur que tu te maries.
- By the way, you're getting married.
- Au fait, tu vas te marier.
You're getting married?
- Tu vas te marier?
I brought her here. I like your son a lot. But I heard you're getting him married to Shambhu's niece...
Ton fils me plaît beaucoup mais d'après ce qu'on m'a dit, il va épouser Champa, la nièce de Shambhu.
We're getting married in a few days. We'd like you to come to the wedding, Doc, if it doesn't interfere with your poker.
On aimerait vous voir au mariage, Doc, si vous n'êtes pas pris par le poker.
You're getting married... and I never met this fiancé of yours.
Tu vas te marier... et je n'ai jamais vu ton fiancé.
And then, do it later on but that seems like such a hack's way of getting married, so we're going to drive up-state, or over to Jersey, or wherever it is that you do it, and do it.
Mais cela paraît si banal. Alors, on va plutôt partir vers Jersey... enfin là où on peut... se marier... et le faire.
You're getting married.
Tu te maries?
- You're getting married?
Tu te maries?
But I'm getting married, while your fiancee leaved you because you're so poor.
Ma fiancée attendra. La tienne t'a plaqué dès que t'as été sans le sou.
You're getting married this year.
Tiens. Tu te marieras cette année.
- You're getting married.
- Que vous allez vous marier.
You're getting married.
Tu vas te marier.
And now you're getting married
Mais pour combien de temps? Dire que tu vas te marier.
Is it true you're getting married?
C'est vrai, tu te maries?
Oh, you're getting married?
- Oh, vous allez vous marier?
- You're getting married?
- Tu veux te marier?
You're talking about becoming honest, and getting married.
Tu parles de devenir honnête, et de te marier.
You don't think we're getting married, do you?
Vous ne pensez tout de même pas qu'on se marie, hein?
If you're getting married, you need a wedding ring.
Puisque t'es acculé au mariage, il te faut une alliance.
"Dear Samantha just a note to let you know that I found the right girl for me and we're getting married."
" Chère Samantha, Je veux vous apprendre que j'ai trouvé la femme de ma vie et nous nous marions.
You mean you're not excited about getting married?
Vous n'êtes pas ravi de vous marier?
Serena, if you're really serious about getting married you have to find yourself a single man.
Serena, si tu penses vraiment à te marier, il faut te trouver un célibataire.

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