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You can eat it Çeviri Fransızca

457 parallel translation
You can eat it right now.
Tu peux manger tout de suite.
- Well, here's your cake, and you can eat it.
- Alors mange ton gâteau.
- No, you can eat it.
- Non, mange-le toi.
You can eat it.
Tu peux le manger.
You can eat it, you weave it and you wear it.
On peut la manger, la tisser, puis la porter.
I hope you can eat it.
Vous devez manger.
You can eat it... It's really good!
Ça se mange et c'est rudement bon.
You put the candy in here and then when you lift up the head, the candy comes out and you can eat it.
On met le bonbon là-dedans, et quand on soulève la tête, le bonbon sort et on le mange.
- Look, you can eat it raw, first quality.
- Tu peux les manger crues.
You can have your cake and eat it, too.
Vous aurez le beurre et l'argent du beurre.
- Can you eat it? Those boys can't.
- Vous pouvez le manger?
It's funny. You can eat chicken now whenever you want.
Maintenant on en mange, quand on veut.
It might interest you to know that Mr Antro has two broken ribs, a broken collarbone and can't eat a bite.
Si ça peut vous intéresser : M. Antro a des côtes et une clavicule cassées et il ne peut pas manger.
Like dogs! If you can't eat something you bury it!
Comme un chien enterre un os.
- You can't eat it.
- Pas la manger.
You can't have your cake and eat it... And not want it.
C'est jamais facile de renoncer à sa part du gâteau.
Eat a lot, you can eat all of it
Mange bien. Tout, si tu veux.
- You can't have your cake and eat it - You can't have your cake and eat it
Tu ne peux pas avoir le gâteau Et les miettes
You can't eat this rich food without whiskey to cut it. Nitrates.
Une nourriture aussi grasse appelle un bon whisky.
You can't eat before a performance. It gives you indigestion.
Manger avant de jouer te rend malade.
You gotta eat dirt before you can analyze it, sweets, and I think that quickly eliminates you.
Vous bousculez avant d'analyser, et ça vous élimine directement.
Eat it. So you can be special like me.
Mange, tu seras toi aussi spécial.
Better, it's hard to eat gold, but cheese you can eat.
- C'est de l'or? - C'est mieux, c'est du fromage. L'or, ça ne se mange pas.
I can always eat. You wouldn't know it, but I eat like a horse.
Tu sais, j'ai un appétit d'ogre.
First, you can't decide whether to eat with me, then it's into bed.
D'abord, vous hésitez pour dîner, puis c'est pour aller au lit.
"You can't have your cake and also eat it."
Quelqu'un doit payer
I can't take it anymore, you eat.
Vous n'avez pas faim? Mange.
If you can't stand it, don't eat it.
Laisse-le, si tu n'en veux pas!
It's true that you can't eat tulips, but their beauty is very valuable today.
Les tulipes ne se mangent pas, mais de nos jours, leur beauté est très prisée.
And don't think I'm watching you eat it if I can't!
Et ne crois pas que je vais te regarder manger la tienne!
You can't have your cake and eat it too in life. Oh, yes, I did.
On ne peut pas tout avoir dans la vie.
You can't have your cake and eat it too.
J'ai eu tout ce que je voulais.
You can't eat it all. Or drink it all.
Tu ne peux pas tout manger ou boire.
- You guys eat it together. - No, we can't take it.
- Non, on n'en veut pas.
If you want to eat food... you can do it like this.
Et pour manger... Ce n'est pas bien compliqué.
Yes, I brought the chocolate chip ice cream home and you can't have it until you eat all your dinner...
"J'ai pensé à rapporter la glace au chocolat..." mais tu n'en auras pas avant d'avoir fini ton assiette.
- I really can't eat any more, Mrs Moreton. - Did you enjoy it?
- Je n'en peux plus, Mme Moreton.
How can you guys eat that? It looks like dead animals.
Comment peut-on manger des cadavres d'animaux?
It's a bit late to eat out, but I can make you something at home.
Il est tard pour aller en ville mais mangeons un bout chez moi.
It's strange how you don't get some things... It'd ruin my appetite. You can sleep in his bed, but not eat from his bowl?
c'est étrange comment certaines choses me coupent l'appétit tu peux dormir dans son lit mais pas dans sa soupe?
I can see you didn't eat it...
Je vois bien que tu n'en as pas mangé.
It's like a free candy store, and you can eat any piece you find.
Et tu peux manger ce que tu veux.
Therèse, the surprise on the chair, can you eat it?
- Dites donc, Thérèse! La surprise sur la chaise, ça se mange?
And if you want, I can eat it right now.
Si tu veux, je peux le manger.
You got to take it easy. She's ravenous and she can't eat.
Elle a faim et ne peut pas manger.
Will one of you just say something so I can become hysterical, eat a box of Mallomars and get it over with?
Je vous en prie! Dites quelque chose, que je pique ma crise et qu'on n'en parle plus.
It would be better for you to eat this can than what is inside of it.
Il vaudrait mieux que tu manges la boîte que ce qu'il y a dedans.
Eat as much of it as you can and you keep eating it.
En manger! Tu en mangeras et en remangeras encore.
Of you can't sing anything else, at least cut it out while we eat.
Vous connaissez pas une autre chanson?
you know how it is, when i can't sleep,... i eat.
J'ai aussi remarqué que vous avez plus de poubelles qu'avant.
How can you eat this? It's a tonic
Comment peux-tu avaler ça?

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