You know that too Çeviri Fransızca
1,812 parallel translation
- You know, again, I mean, if I do drink a lot of water - and I eat a lot of salad too. So that's good.
- V ous savez, si je bois beaucoup, et si je mange beaucoup de salade.
Ah, that's a violation, too, you know.
- Ça aussi, c'est une infraction.
I know it's a lot of work to take care of the kids, and I know that it's your day off, too, but I would really, really appreciate it, and I would really, really, really owe you big.
Je sais que s'occuper des enfants, ce n'est pas rien, et je sais que c'est ton jour de congé, mais ce serait plus qu'adorable, et tu pourras me demander tout ce que tu voudras.
I just, you know... It was just too bad... that association with him... I never thought that would hurt me.
Je n'aurais jamais pensé que notre association puisse me nuire.
If I were to break a million, he wanted to maybe show that... you know, I have already done it. Because nobody knows that I've done it too.
Il voulait peut être me démontrer que quoi que je fasse, même si je passe le million, je resterai toujours dans son ombre.
I've missed it, too, but you know that until they check your levels next week and figure out what's wrong, you have to eat healthy and take it easy.
Ca me manque aussi. Mais jusqu'à ce qu'ils te réexaminent, et qu'ils voient ce qui ne va pas, tu dois manger sain et te reposer.
Usually I don't go there'cause it's, you know, too fancy, but there's a warehouse sale twice a year, so I bought this and another one that I may wear, but probably this one. I got it at barney'S.
De chez Barney's.
You know,'cause I could throw that in, too.
Je pourrais ajouter ça.
- You know, my wife always tells me that I'm too blunt with the patients, but between the color and the way you're slathering it on, it's making your mouth look huge.
- Vous savez, ma femme dit que je suis trop franc avec les patients, mais entre la couleur et la façon dont vous l'étalez, votre bouche a l'air énorme.
You know, there's a way to fix that too.
Il y a une manière d'arranger ça.
Well, I mean, he just keeps saying, you know, the planet is "all going away," and it just occurred to me... that Hillary's going away, too.
Vous savez, qu'est-ce que je vais faire? C'est trop tard et il n'y a rien qu'on puisse faire, tout s'en va.
You know, I can't help but wonder... if all those things I told myself... that knowing the truth about me would be... too much for Lana to handle... if she knew my secret, she'd be in danger...
Je n'arrête pas de me demander si toutes ces choses que je me disais... Que savoir la vérité sur moi serait beaucoup trop à gérer pour Lana, Que s'il elle connaissait mon secret, elle serait en danger...
I want this more than I've ever wanted anything. And I know that you do too.
C'est ce que je veux plus que tout au monde, et je sais que toi aussi.
You know, you don't seem too upset that she's dead.
Sa mort n'a pas vraiment l'air de vous avoir bouleversé.
And if you're any kind of a real therapist, you know that, too.
Elle le sait. Et si vous êtes vraiment une thérapeute pour couples, vous le savez aussi.
My kids are gonna need that, too, you know?
Mes enfants vont aussi avoir besoin de ça, tu sais?
If you can accept that I love him, too, then maybe we could be, I don't know, friends?
Si tu peux accepter que je l'aime aussi, alors peut-être qu'on peut être, je ne sais pas, amies?
And this cup is way too full. I'll spill it! You know that!
Y a trop d'eau, je vais renverser!
You know, that was, uh, you know, Junior's teacher and Sadie's too, right?
Tu sais, c'était, tu sais, le professeur de Junior et aussi de Sadie, non?
It's too late for that. Ok, i know you don't wanna hear it, But you know, I just wanted to say that,
Je sais que tu veux pas, mais je voulais seulement dire que je m'y suis sûrement mal pris.
Anyway, I think that you know things, too,
Néanmoins, je pense que tu sais des choses, aussi,
You know, you are way too classy, and have way too nice of a body to be hanging out with a douche bag like that.
Tu sais, tu es bien trop classe et bien trop bien foutue pour traîner avec un gland pareil.
And you don't got to worry about it'cause you know how to do that stuff, too.
Et t'inquiètes pour ça parce que tu sais faire ces trucs aussi.
Ys do that, too, you know.
Les mecs font ça aussi, tu sais.
- Yeah, that's - that's what I'm saying. - Okay, well, you know what? That's too damn bad, because I have something to say to you, Delilah Malloy.
Alors, c'est qui ce Pete?
You know that, they know that, and I know that, too.
Tu le sais, ils le savent, et je le sais aussi.
I just need to know that you want me too.
J'ai juste besoin de savoir que tu veux de moi.
Well, it was my hope that by taking a piece... just a piece of this great man with me, that maybe I, too, could, you know, one day achieve that kind of courage, or that kind of honor.
J'espérais qu'en emportant une partie... une petite partie de ce grand homme avec moi, il me serait aussi possible, un jour, d'atteindre ce degré de courage, et d'honneur.
I agree that you are ajunk seller, but I know a bit too. They are fake. - They are real.
Tu es peut-être brocanteur, mais je m'y connais aussi.
you know, is it too much to ask that this family come together on thanksgiving and be kind and loving and supportive?
Sérieusement, est-ce trop demander à une famille d'être ensemble pour Thanksgiving? Et d'être chaleureuse et aimante et de se soutenir?
It just that, you know, the kids are sick, too, and they're not letting me get any sleep, and you know what?
C'est juste que, les enfants sont malades aussi et ils ne me laissent pas dormir, et tu sais quoi?
And if you did, I think you would know that you're asking too much.
Et si tu les savais, tu saurais que tu en demandes trop.
But I know you've had rough times, too, And I always assumed that your faith had helped you get through them.
Toi aussi, tu as vécu des moments difficiles, et j'ai toujours cru que c'était ta foi qui t'avait aidée à tenir le coup.
When you took my hand in that restaurant, I could feel the electricity, and I know you felt it, too.
Quand vous avez pris ma main, j'ai senti de l'électricité - et je sais que vous aussi.
Or are you too embarrassed to let anyone know that you're my father?
Ou trop gêné pour dire à tout le monde que vous êtes mon père?
I want you to have everything that your heart desires, And i know that you will learn to love me too.
Je veux que tu aies tout ce que ton cœur désire, et je sais que tu apprendras à m'aimer aussi.
You know, it's too bad that you didn't check the crew list in the first place.
Tu sais, c'est dommage que tu n'es pas vérifier la liste de l'équipe d'abord.
Has someone offered you a ch kno now you know me better than that.Played it way too safe my whole life to report girl on girl action.
Non! J'étais trop prude pour tenter quoi que ce soit avec une fille.
I love you, too, Luke, you know that.
Je t'aime aussi, Luke, tu le sais.
Okay, I have to tell you, I felt so horrible about that and I know Peyton did too.
Je me suis sentie si mal à cause de ça, et Peyton aussi.
You obviously know your victims. Between that and the easy access, I guess that they know you too.
Tu devais bien connaître tes victimes parce que si elles t'ont toutes ouvert, c'est qu'elles devaient te connaître aussi, c'est obligé.
I didn't know that, and I was too chicken to call you myself, and you wouldn't believe the effort that has gone into this, and before I tell you anything else, I'm gonna need that drink.
Je ne le savais pas, et j'ai pas eu le courage de t'appeler moi-même, et tu n'imagines pas l'effort que ça me demande, et avant de t'en dire plus, il va me falloir un verre.
Lfyou everchange your mind, ifyou everfeel like seeing her... you know, that would be okay too.
Et si tu changeais d'idée, si tu avais envie... de la voir, tu... tu sais, tu pourras toujours le faire. Et...
You know, I wanted to tell you that if the wedding stuff is too much for you, let's just celebrate your new account, okay?
Je voulais te dire que si l'histoire du mariage, c'est trop pour toi, fêtons juste ton nouveau contrat, OK?
Do you know that we're flying tomorrow too?
Et tu sais aussi qu'on va voler demain?
You should know that she prepares our planes for us too.
Elle s'occupe de nos avions, non?
Just so you know, I'm pretty good with skin, and I don't think it'd be too much trouble for me to take an indentation of the marks you just left on my neck, match them to the ones on the kids that you claim Wilber bit.
Pour information, je m'y connais en peau, et il ne me sera pas trop dur de relever l'empreinte dentaire des marques que tu m'as laissées dans le cou, de les comparer à celles des enfants que Wilber a soi-disant mordus.
- Can, too. - You don't know how to do that.
- Bien sûr que si.
I would have believed you on that, too. You know somethingabout my case!
Tu sais quelque chose sur mon affaire.
You know, the one that would make it too crowded for owen to come upstairs.
Vous savez, celui qui... mettrait Owen dans l'inconfort s'il montait en haut.
I don't know if I'll be able to, but I know that wherever you go, I'll go too.
Je ne sais pas si je pourrai, mais je sais que là où vous irez, j'irai aussi.
you know 156049
you know what 23733
you know that 5741
you know what i'm saying 653
you know the drill 277
you know what i mean 2419
you know me too well 26
you know that i love you 32
you know what they say 484
you know it 920
you know what 23733
you know that 5741
you know what i'm saying 653
you know the drill 277
you know what i mean 2419
you know me too well 26
you know that i love you 32
you know what they say 484
you know it 920