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All i heard was Çeviri Portekizce

257 parallel translation
All I heard was the rain falling harder, and harder.
Só ouvia a chuva... a cair cada vez com mais força.
All I heard was New York, and naturally I was excited.
Só ouvi falar de Nova lorque e fiquei entusiasmada.
I, I, I, I, all I heard was that the duchess had a siege of rheumatism.
Eu, eu... soube que a Duquesa teve um ataque de reumatismo.
All I heard was that he was talkin'about some investigation.
Tudo que eu ouvi foi que falavam de um tipo de investigação.
All I heard was a lot of yelling a-and things breaking, and all of a sudden that gunshot went off, and Lila screamed.
Só ouvi muitos gritos e coisas a partir... e de repente soou o disparo e Lila gritou.
All I heard was trash talk.
Só ouvi disparates.
All I heard was you clipped Bobby.
Soube que arrumaste o Bobby.
All I heard was the sound of my own breathing through the oxygen mask.
Só ouvia a minha respiração através da máscara de oxigénio.
All I heard was, "No prob. La, la, la, la. We'll be fine."
Só ouvi : " Não há problema...
For six months before Carol and I split up all I heard was, " My friend Susan is so smart.
Durante seis meses, antes de a Carol e eu nos separarmos só o que ouvia era : " A minha amiga Susan é tão esperta.
- Theo, all I heard was you screaming,
O que é que ouviste?
I tried, but when I got to my lawyer's office, all I heard was :
Tentei, mas quando cheguei ao advogado, só ouvia :
In case you haven't heard, I lost all my money and it was plenty.
Caso não saiba, perdi todo o meu dinheiro. E era muito.
Not at all. I heard Mendelssohn yesterday. lt was awful.
De todo. Ouvi Mendelssohn ontem. Foi horrível.
All I was capable of was obedience when I heard a command.
Só era capaz de obedecer ao ouvir a ordem.
All I heard is O'Mara found out it was Jed who killed his folks.
Tudo que sei é que O'Mara descobriu que foi o Jed quem matou a família.
I heard his voice, that was all.
Ouvi a voz dele, foi só isso.
I heard that holler and there was hundreds of'em all over the place coming right at me, all painted up and naked.
Ouvi aquela gritaria. Eram centenas deles, por todo o lado, vinham na minha direcção, todos pintados e nus.
I don't know I had everything all packed, then Carlos yelled the stage was ready and I heard somebody saying they weren't going.
Não sei Já tinha as malas feitas, apareceu o Carlos a dizer que iam partir e ouvi alguém dizer que não ia.
When I heard he was here, I hitchhiked all the way.
Quando soube que ele estava aqui, vim à boleia para cá... E é isso!
She was standing guard and all of a sudden I heard her scream.
Toby... "
What fray was here? Tell me not, for I have heard it all.
Não mo conteis, já ouvi tudo.
Last I heard, I was all of it.
Só restei eu.
I was not there, but I heard tell of it on all sides.
Eu não estava lá, mas foi-me contado em todos os lugares.
Because in all probability, I'm still talking And what you heard was a pause.
porque o mais provável é eu ainda estar a falar e só terem ouvido uma pausa.
Yeah, but I heard it was all mental.
Pois, mas ouvi que é tudo na cabeça.
What was all that hollering about gold I heard?
Que conversa era aquela, sobre ouro?
I've heard all this since I was a kid and we're in the shit!
Porra! Desde que eu me conheço por gente que ouço esse papinho, mas é a mesma merda!
All that time when I was in the joint, never heard from you.
Este tempo todo que estive na choça. Não tive notícias tuas.
The reason I came, Vicar, was to give you a message from Griselda but I realized that you knew all about it, because I heard you trying to start the thing, and, uh...
Vim aqui para lhe dar um recado da Griselda. Mas vejo que descobriu por si porque ouvi-o tentando fazer aquela coisa pegar...
All I ever heard was, "Wait until the father comes."
Eu ouvia o tempo todo : "Espere até o pai chegar."
All I'd heard was, "Wait until the father comes."
Porque sempre ouvia : "Espere até o pai chegar."
For a second, I thought I was dead. But when I heard all the noise, I knew they were cops.
Pensei que estava morto, mas ao ouvir o barulho, soube que era a bófia.
I heard you caught that guy who was robbing all them 7-Elevens.
Soube que apanhaste o assaltante das lojas de conveniência.
That's why when I heard Pete was in the hospital all alone,
É por isso que quando ouvi que o Pete estava no hospital sozinho,
All I know is there was a lady in a tub, and she heard a noise.
O que eu sei é que havia uma senhora na banheira, e ela ouviu um barulho.
I was closing up for the night, when I heard all hell break loose.
Estava a fechar quando ouvi o chinfrim.
Now, I'm sure all of you have heard the rumors... that a batch of Duff was contaminated with strychnine.
De certeza que todos ouviram rumores de que um lote de Duff estava contaminado com estricnina.
- All right. I heard that she was seriously cute.
- Ouvi dizer que ela é uma graça.
I don't know, but when I was in the white place I saw all these icons and heard all these voices, all about Lex Luthor.
O que se passa? Não sei, mas enquanto estive naquele sítio branco, vi vários ícones e ouvi vozes, todas sobre o Lex Luthor.
While I was growing up all I heard from my mother was :
Toda a minha vida, enquanto cresci, passava o tempo a ouvir a minha mãe a dizer :
Yeah, I heard y'all niggers was hiring'.
Sim, ouvi dizer que andavam a contratar pretos.
It was all Mikey's plan. When I first heard he was taking the case, I was gonna have him burned.
Quando soube da participação dele, ia mandar liquidá-lo.
After all we heard about this colony, I was expecting more.
Depois de tudo o que ouvimos sobre esta colónia, estava à espera de mais.
I was flowing a rhyme when all of a sudden I heard somebody screaming "No No No Don't!"
Estava a fazer uma rima quando de repente ouvi alguém gritar : " Não... Pára...
It's all right. I heard about someone getting beaten once when I was a little girl.
Lembro de alguém sendo espancado antes, quando era uma garota.
All I heard about was a development named Clearwater Estates.... where the state and county matched funds to build a connecting road.
Só soube de um desenvolvimento turistico, de nome Clearwater Estates... onde o Estado investiu dinheiro para o condado construir uma estrada.
All I heard for four years through college was....
Durante quatro anos de faculdade só ouvi...
Once I heard y'all was interested, I figured we'd best leave it to the experts.
Quando ouvi que estavam interessados, achei melhor deixá-lo para os peritos.
But in all Emmet Ray stories you dont know whats true... or what's exaggerated. You dont know what to believe. What I heard was this.
Mas como todas as histórias dele... não se sabe se são inventadas... fantasiadas, ou verdadeiras.
Look, man, I swear to God, he just wanted to know how I heard about the place, that's all. He didn't know it was me, Gabriel.
Juro, só queria saber onde tinha ouvido falar do casino, ele não viu que era eu.

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