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And she died Çeviri Portekizce

1,257 parallel translation
And she died of blood poisoning.
E ela morreu por envenenamento de sangue.
And she died there.
E ela morreu lá.
Valerie's brain clotted and she died.
Valerie teve um coágulo no cérebro. E morreu.
It could also explain why he lived and she died.
Também pode explicar por que razão ele está vivo e ela morta.
And she died a horrible death.
E teve uma morte terrível.
They made to fold, and she died in agony of pain.
Eles fizeram-na vergar-se, e ela morreu na agonia dessa dor.
On september 9th 1940 her left foot was amputated and she died a month later.
A 9 de Setembro de 1940 submeteu-se a uma amputação do pé e veio a morrer um mês depois.
- And she died just like I said.
- E morreu tal como eu disse.
She had her cut and she died from it.
Ela levou-a para ser cortada e acabou por morrer disso.
You complained all the time, and she was my only wife. And she died.
Estavas sempre a queixar-te e ela foi a minha única mulher e morreu.
She ate it and she died.
Ela comeu e morreu.
She was a fine engineer... and she died performing her duties.
Era uma ótima engenheira, e morreu a cumprir o seu dever...
But then she died and itjustwasn't worth itanymore.
Mas depois ela morreu, e já não valia a pena.
The child cramped up, fell down and spit up bees till she died.
A criança começou a tremer, caiu e cuspiu abelhas até morrer.
When my father died she began calling us at all hours, saying she was lonely, and frightened.
Quando o meu pai morreu, começou a ligar-nos a toda a hora, dizendo que estava só, que tinha medo.
Look, this is Orpheus and she's Eurydice, his wife, who died from a snake bite.
Olha, este é Orfeo e ela é Eurídice, a sua mulher, que morreu com a mordidela de uma serpente.
She accompanied him for the next 1 5 years and she was beside him when he died.
Ela acompanhou-o durante os próximos 15 anos e estava ao seu lado quando ele morreu.
Then her sister died last year, and with no guardian, she was discharged
E depois a sua irmã morreu o ano passado, e sem nenhum guardião foi-lhe dada alta.
They intruded on cindy's life, to get some control back, but the killer, the killer shot her and made sure she died, so he's drinking from a different well.
Meteram-se na vida da Cindy para recuperar algum controlo, mas o assassino, o assassino alvejou-a e assegurou-se que ela morria, por isso, encaixa-se noutro grupo.
Now, she died shortly after that, and my sister - who actually _ was _ my mother - she never got over it.
morreu passado pouco tempo, e a minha irmã, que era minha mãe, nunca conseguiu ultrapassar isso.
I'm a friend of Callie's and I was there the night she died.
Sou amigo da Callie e estava presente na noite em que ela morreu.
She died when her symbiote matured and was unable to procure another.
Morreu o ano passado quando o simbiota dela amadureceu e eu nao consegui adquirir outro.
Before she died, I looked into Nirrti's mind... and took what I needed.
Antes de ela morrer, li o pensamento da Nirrti e absorvi o que eu precisava.
The second you know about, after she died, to the "Mail", suggesting Collins and Baker were about to go public.
A segunda acerca da qual já sabem, depois dela morrer, para o "Mail", a insinuar que o Collins e a Baker estavam prestes a tornar pública a relação.
You know, it's funny,'cause everybody else apart from you describes her as positive and buoyant before she died.
É engraçado, porque toda a gente além de ti a descreve como positiva e alegre antes de morrer.
It was right after her father died, and... Well, then, she would have been eleven.
Foi logo após a morte do pai.
She died of loneliness. Loneliness and rabies.
de solidão e raiva.
And then Amy Aerobics died, and so she's the new number one chick, dude.
E depois a Amy Aeróbica morreu, por isso ela é agora a miúda numero um, meu.
And she's got some strange habits. Like talking to her husband who died a few years ago.
Além do mais, ela tem hábitos estranhos... como falar com o marido que já morreu.
And after she died,
E depois faleceu, eu o protegi.
She was the closest thing I had after mum died. And how do you feel about that now?
Especialmente quando me dá concelhos e... como te sentes agora?
She died and lost much blood.
Ela morreu e perdeu muito sangue.
My mother's dead. My father and I came here the afternoon she died.
A minha mãe morreu... eu e o meu pai viemos cá na tarde em que ela morreu.
When my wife died he / she left well for and my José best friend
Quando minha esposa morreu se foi para bem e José, meu melhor amigo
My grandma died and she was buried that day, December 6th.
A minha avó morreu, dias antes, e foi enterrada nesse dia, 16 de Dezembro.
- and she was married three times and each husband died in misterious circumstances -
Casou-se 3 vezes. E cada marido morreu em circunstâncias misteriosas.
And I heard you met Hye Ji the day before she died too
E ouvi dizer que te encontráste com a Hye Ji no dia anterior ao que ela morreu
Then she was consumed in the flames and died herself
Então ela não conseguiu sair de casa e morreu também consumida pelas chamas
She died and he dumped you?
Ela morreu e ele abandonou-te?
She saw her parents and brothers who died long ago.
A algum tempo, viu os seus pais e irmão morrerem.
And then Emmy Noether, a talented algebraist who fled from the Nazis to America but then died before she fully realised her potential.
E Emmy Noether, uma talentosa algebrista, que fugiu dos nazis para a América, mas que morreu pouco depois sem ter realizado todo o seu potencial.
Just like she punished me and my brother when my dad died.
Eles se aproveitaram de mim e meu irmão quando meu pai morreu.
You know, Tara told me that once she almost died... and she thought of those who loved her.
Sabes, a Tara disse-me que, uma vez, quase morreu. E ela pensou naqueles que a amavam.
But she'd have been devastated if Daniel had died and she did nothing to prevent it.
Mas ela teria ficado devastada se o Daniel tivesse morrido e ela não tivesse feito nada para o impedir.
So Mr. and Mrs. Cunningham, was Vanessa Keaton here the night she died?
Portanto, Sr. e Sra. Cunningham, a Vanessa Keaton, esteve aqui na noite em que morreu?
After she died, blood settled to her anterior and lividity fixed.
Depois da morte, o sangue assentou no lado posterior e causou lividez.
You tied her body to the undercarriage of the bus and assumed we'd think that she died while attempting to escape... right?
Amarrou-a sob a carroçaria do autocarro, e achou que pensaríamos que ela morreu enquanto tentava escapar, certo?
Actually, he was my wife's dog, and, uh... one of the last things she said to me in the hospital before she died was to be sure I looked after him, and, um, I promised her I would.
Na verdade, ele era o cão da minha mulher, e... uma das ultimas coisas que ela me disse antes de morrer foi para eu prometer que cuidava dele, e... eu prometi que cuidaria.
She was the first woman I spent time with after Julia died and she was sick.
Foi a minha primeira relação após a morte da Julia. Ela estava doente.
Our next-door neighbor, her little boy died in a car crash, and she and her husband split up, like, four months after the funeral.
A nossa vizinha... O filho morreu num acidente e ela e o marido separaram-se 4 meses depois do funeral.
Shhh. I mean... "And he would've died for her, and she would've died for him." What's that about?
"Ele teria morrido por ela, ela teria morrido por ele." O que é isso?

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