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But there was Çeviri Portekizce

8,963 parallel translation
You'd hear them cough or urinate and flush the toilet but there was no real sound.
Ouvíamos tossir, urinar, puxar o autoclismo, mas não havia mais sons.
I could think about that all day, but there was that green trail, just kind of waiting to be followed.
Podia pensar sobre isso o dia todo, mas havia aquele rasto verde, como se estivesse à espera para ser seguido.
I was gonna say Robert Redford, but there was a little bit of Pitt in there.
Eu ia dizer Robert Redford, mas ele tinha realmente uns traços do Brad Pitt.
But there was nothing... nothing about a hack of Air Force One.
Mas não havia nada... nada sobre o ataque ao Air Force One.
Well, the lab was able to pull a print off the note, - but there was no match in AFIS.
Conseguimos obter uma impressão digital do bilhete, mas, não deu nada no AFIS.
So it doesn't seem like the Molinas know where Jada is yet either, but there was a guy at the party with a laptop who was putting together what looked like a search strategy for her.
Parece que os Molinas ainda não sabem onde é que a Jada está, mas havia um homem com um laptop na festa que estava a montar uma estratégia de busca por ela.
There were always supposed to be 69 books, but there was only 68.
Sempre foi suposto sairem 69 livros mas só sairam 68.
I had never been a good bargainer, but there was a sudden excess of adrenaline born of my hatred of the Nazis and my intention, which may qualify as a Christian intention, to do as much as I could for these people.
Nunca fui bom a regatear, mas tinha um excesso repentino de adrenalina fruto do meu ódio pelos nazis e da minha intenção, que posso qualificar como intenção cristã, de dar o máximo por aquelas pessoas. "
The whole time I was in jail, in court, but I wasn't there'cause you stole that from us.
O tempo todo que eu estava na prisão, no tribunal, mas eu não estava lá, porque roubaste-nos isso.
She wasn't there, but the room was freezing, so I went over to the vent to see if I could feel any heat coming out.
Ela não estava lá mas o lugar estava gelado, então fui verificar a ventilação para ver se saía calor.
And, yeah, I was wasted, but y-you're right. I saw them go up there, and I didn't do anything, and...
Estava bêbado, mas tens razão, eu vi-os a subir e não fiz nada.
That's what I keep saying, but it's not working, so I was thinking I could go over there and distract them...
Estou farta de dizer isso e não adianta. Pensei que podia ir até lá e distraí-los.
We don't think there's a current threat to you, but the address to the bar was on the hit man's list.
- Não achamos que seja uma ameaça para si, mas o bar estava na lista do assassino.
Look, it might seem a little wonker-bonkers, but I was reading in Indian Vogue that crickets were all the rage over there.
Olhem, pode parecer loucura, mas estive a ler na Vogue indiana que os grilos são muito consumidos por lá.
JANICE FRONING : But he was the filthiest one out there
Mas era o mais sujo de todos, pois, como disse, nenhuma bola passava por ele.
Well, I'm flattered that you think that I have the stamina for an affair, but I assure you, there was nothing between us.
Estou lisonjeada que ache que possuo a energia para ter um caso, mas garanto-lhe, não havia nada entre nós.
But there it was. Five months after I'd met Jackie, four months.
Mas ali estava, cinco meses depois de conhecer a Jacqui, quatro meses.
But I went back there a week later, and he was dead.
Mas voltei lá, uma semana depois, e o tipo estava morto.
But when she went out there, there was never a guarantee she'd be back in time.
Mas quando ela saiu, não havia garantias que voltaria a tempo.
Then there was a messier story, one that still hasn't been solved, but I doubt it would get any police heroism headlines.
Depois havia uma história mais sórdida uma que ainda não foi solucionada, mas que duvido que receba títulos de heroísmo da polícia.
I really wish there was something more I could offer, but, uh...
Gostava mesmo de oferecer qualquer coisa mais, mas...
It was bold of you to send him up there to wait empty-handed. Especially given the strictures of the timeline. But you knew you could stroll past security any time you wanted with your golf buddy,
Foi arrojado mandá-lo lá para cima para esperar de mãos vazias, especialmente tendo em conta as limitações do tempo, mas sabia que podia passar na segurança com o amigo do golfe, o dono do prédio.
But then they began to attack only from a height of 200-300 meters and only in areas where there was no air defense system...
Mas depois só atacavam de uma altura de 200 ou 300 metros e só em áreas onde não havia sistema de defesa...
There was a scalp laceration but no step-off.
Havia um corte na cabeça, mas não era fratura.
I felt terrible for feeling it, but it was there.
Senti-me mal por isso, mas, ainda sim, senti.
They say she's my big sister, but I'm pretty sure there was a mix-up at the hospital.
Dizem que é minha irmã. Mas tenho a certeza que houve uma troca no hospital.
I wish I could tell you that there was a decent chance that your friend didn't murder his wife... but I can't.
Gostava de poder dizer-lhe que há uma possibilidade do seu amigo não ter matado a sua esposa... mas não posso.
Turns out, there was a match in the system, but... the donor declined the transplant request.
Só que há uma compatibilidade no sistema, mas... o doador recusou o pedido de transplante.
Oh, wow. All I got out of Tony was "good friends," but I know there's more.
O Tony disse que são bons amigos, mas sei que há mais.
But it was a long time ago, and her husband is missing, and there's nothing to talk about.
Mas foi há muito tempo, e o marido dela desapareceu, e não há nada para dizer.
I-I intercepted a call about a possible shooting, but when I got to the alley there was nothing there, so I left-
Interceptei uma chamada sobre um possível tiroteio, mas quando cheguei lá, não havia nada e fui embora.
Well, he was, but then I looked through all the footage, and there's nothing there.
- estava a ir bem. - Estava, mas então olhei para todas as cenas e não há nada lá.
But I was watching TV and there wasn't anything going on.
Mas eu vi na TV e nãoNtinha nada para fazer.
I thought there was gonna be nothing but a grease spot.
Pensei que iria ser apenas nada a não ser uma mancha de graxa.
I got up, threw on some jeans. I thought he was maybe there for a drink, but that wasn't the case.
Pensei que viesse tomar um copo, mas não foi o caso.
There was some stuff from EmeryVision in there, from the right years- - a piece of an old console, a few recalled joysticks- - but I didn't see any sign of any of the cartridges.
- Não percebi. Mas havia lá coisas da EmeryVision dos anos certos. Um pedaço da consola antiga, alguns joysticks recolhidos, mas não vi sinais do jogo.
I did some community service and that was that, but it's out there, you know?
Fiz serviço comunitário e foi só isso, agora já sabe.
But what you didn't say was that your sister was in there.
Mas não disseste que a tua irmã estava aqui.
But I was there when she made a play for power.
Mas eu estava lá quando ela fez a jogada pelo poder.
And not only that, we believe there was the potential that they knew, in fact, who the assailant was, but continued with the prosecution.
E não apenas isso, acreditamos que é possível que tenham sabido quem era o culpado e tenham continuado com a acusação.
And yeah, there was some murmuring "yes" but then she said, "No, I don't like lions", because a lion attacked her son last year.
Alguns murmuram que sim, mas então uma mulher disse que não gosta porque um Leão atacou o seu filho.
And then I don't know if it's true or not, but I also heard that Manitowoc County was not supposed to be allowed in to search and they were in there and they searched.
E eu não sei se é verdade ou não, mas ouvi dizer que o Condado de Manitowoc não podia estar envolvido nas buscas, mas eles estavam lá nas buscas.
I'm a little surprised by the age of him, but I wasn't... wasn't surprised there was somebody else involved.
REAÇÃO ÀS NOTÍCIAS Estou surpreendido com a idade dele, mas não... não fiquei surpreendido que houvesse mais alguém envolvido.
Yeah, but I was only there for the fire, though.
Pois, mas só lá estive por causa da fogueira.
There was evidence that he had a cut on his finger, but what didn't make sense was that there was no fingerprints of Avery's at all, in or on the vehicle.
Era uma prova de que tinha um corte no dedo, mas não faz sentido que não houvesse impressões digitais, nem fora nem dentro do carro.
There were no entire bones that were found, but at least a fragment or more of almost every bone below the neck was recovered in that burn pit.
Não foram encontrados ossos inteiros... ANTROPÓLOGA FORENSE... mas, pelo menos, um fragmento de quase todos os ossos abaixo do pescoço foi recuperado da fogueira.
But Sandy, she was there for me and she believed in me.
A Sandy, estava aqui para mim e acreditava em mim.
Just seeing these beams of light in the inky blackness of the ocean, it was eerily quiet but it was like there was a symphony going on in my mind and Darren was sort of conducting this orchestra.
Ver os feixes de luz na escuridão do oceano... O silêncio era sinistro, mas era como se houvesse uma sinfonia na minha cabeça, e o Darren fosse o maestro dessa orquestra.
There was another, yes, but it was a long time ago.
Houve outro, sim, mas foi há muito tempo atrás.
You helped bring Lili to life, but she was always there.
Tu ajudáste a trazer a Lili à vida, mas ela sempre esteve lá.
Mr. X was one of the lucky ones, but there were still thousands more that desperately needed to get out.
O Sr. X foi um dos sortudos, mas havia mais milhares de pessoas a precisar desesperadamente de sair.

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