Maybe Çeviri Portekizce
200,146 parallel translation
Maybe another time, huh?
Da próxima ganhas.
We're thinking maybe he did, and whoever it is doesn't want to wait for your scam to pay off.
Pensamos que ele encontrou, e seja quem for não quer esperar pelo vosso golpe.
I've been holding onto this for a few years, but maybe now's the time.
Guardei isto durante anos, mas talvez agora seja a altura.
Maybe we can find another theoretical physicist to help us.
Talvez encontremos outro físico teórico para nos ajudar.
Maybe we should just call it a night.
Talvez fosse melhor irmos embora.
Okay, maybe I'm the one who's sad.
Está bem, talvez seja eu que esteja triste.
Maybe the fact that you went and had a baby.
Talvez pelo facto de tu teres um bebé.
[Kimmy] Maybe if I hear the name, I'll remember which brand of condom I liked so much.
Se ouvir o nome, talvez me lembre de que marca de preservativos gosto tanto.
" Duke Snyder is a deranged individual who consistently replies'maybe on Evites.
" Duke Snyder é um indivíduo desequilibrado que responde'talvez'aos convites.
Maybe you won a boat ride.
Podes ter ganhado uma viagem de barco.
Maybe I should give Sandwich a real chance.
Se calhar devia dar uma hipótese a sério ao sanduíche.
Because I realized early on that these student loans are basically small business loans, and the business is you, and you're maybe not such a great business.
Porque percebi logo no início que estes empréstimos a estudantes são basicamente créditos a pequenas empresas, o negócio somos nós, e talvez não sejamos um bom negócio.
Maybe he's a piece of garbage.
que talvez seja um bandalho.
" I'll gain weight, maybe bigger explosion.
Engordo, talvez provoque uma explosão maior.
She basically said, "You need to go to more 12-step meetings and get some more recovery, and maybe we can get back together."
Então, ela disse : "Tens de ir a mais reuniões dos 12 passos e recuperar mais um pouco e talvez possamos voltar a namorar."
Maybe I'm supposed to be with someone who's bipolar.
Talvez eu deva estar com alguém que seja bipolar.
Maybe she has some answers. But wait.
- talvez ela tenha respostas.
Not that you look like you work for a cartel. Maybe you do.
Não é que pareças trabalhar para um cartel.
- So maybe it's one of them.
- Talvez seja um deles.
- Or maybe it was the one person allowed unsupervised visitation with Game... his mother.
- Ou talvez seja a única pessoa autorizada a ter visitas não supervisionadas com o Game. - A mãe dele.
A day, maybe two.
Um dia, talvez dois.
Maybe it'll tell us something about whoever created it.
Talvez nos indique quem o criou.
Teach him a lesson, maybe, but they won't kill him.
Vão dar-lhe uma lição, talvez. Mas não vão matá-lo,
Maybe he did drugs?
Talvez usasse drogas?
You want to maybe take a break?
Quer fazer uma pausa?
Somewhere Danny maybe used to go with his friends.
Um local que o Danny talvez frequentasse com os amigos.
Maybe it's just some kind of self-help thing and the guy got some confidence.
Talvez algum tipo de auto-ajuda que ajudou a ficar confiante.
Dark blue, maybe black.
Azul escuro, talvez preto.
Maybe our first victim isn't his first victim.
Talvez a nossa primeira vítima não seja a primeira dele.
Maybe she needed some fresh air - or she got hungry or something.
Talvez precisasse de apanhar ar, ou ficou com fome.
God forbid, smile, maybe.
Deus me perdoe, sorrir, talvez.
Yeah. Maybe he can't sexually get off and that only adds to his rage.
Talvez não consiga ter prazer sexual e isso apenas aumentou a sua raiva.
Well, maybe it's because you're on loan - from Mossad. - I have the same clearances
- Tenho as mesmas responsabilidades e pessoas disparam contra mim.
Maybe they're gluten-free.
Devem ser sem glúten.
Maybe carob.
Talvez alfarroba.
Maybe you left it at your date's house.
Talvez deixaste na casa dele.
Maybe we should try it sometime.
- Devíamos ir lá um dia.
Well, maybe you liked the danger.
Talvez tenhas gostado do perigo.
And maybe... maybe Prentiss can talk to Fiona, see what she can do on the legal side.
E talvez a Prentiss possa falar com a Fiona, ver o que ela pode fazer no lado legal.
Maybe he did it out of habit.
- Talvez seja um hábito dele.
You know, maybe I'll share it with your son.
Talvez possa partilhar com o teu filho. Sim.
Back door was open again. Maybe he tried to sneak out.
A porta dos fundos estava aberta de novo, talvez tenha tentado fugir.
Young guy, maybe in his 20s.
Um tipo jovem, na casa dos 20 anos.
Catatonic, maybe?
- Catatónico, talvez?
Well, maybe there was just a slight chink in your fluffy armor.
Bom, talvez exista alguma pequena abertura na tua armadura fofa.
Maybe we can't get to you, but we can get to your friend.
Talvez não possamos tocar-te, mas podemos tocar no teu amigo.
Vow of silence maybe?
Voto de silêncio, talvez?
Little tricks and then, maybe even gain Rachel's trust?
Pequenos truques. E depois talvez até ganhar a confiança da Rachel?
Maybe it was just livestock or something.
- Talvez fosse gado ou outra coisa.
Suddenly, I feel like I'm in the wrong boardroom and maybe I'm early.
E de repente parece que estou na sala de reuniões errada e talvez tenha chegado cedo de mais.
maybe later 400
maybe one day 85
maybe it's better this way 17
maybe not tomorrow 22
maybe next time 255
maybe another time 111
maybe not today 46
maybe next week 45
maybe i do 116
maybe i don't 50
maybe one day 85
maybe it's better this way 17
maybe not tomorrow 22
maybe next time 255
maybe another time 111
maybe not today 46
maybe next week 45
maybe i do 116
maybe i don't 50