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Translate.vc / İngilizce → Portekizce / [ M ] / Maybe some other time

Maybe some other time Çeviri Portekizce

294 parallel translation
- Maybe some other time.
- Fica para a próxima.
Maybe some other time, Mr. President.
Talvez noutra altura, Sr. Presidente.
Well, maybe some other time, Mr. Neff.
Talvez noutra ocasião, Sr. Neff.
Maybe some other time, I'll...
Talvez noutra altura, eu...
Maybe some other time. Oh.
Talvez noutra ocasião.
- Maybe some other time.
- Talvez uma outrahora.
Maybe some other time.
Talvez noutra ocasião.
- Maybe some other time.
- Talvez noutra altura.
Maybe some other time, Lara.
- Ah. Talvez em algum outro momento, Lara.
Maybe some other time, then.
Talvez então noutra altura.
Maybe some other time.
Talves noutra altura.
Maybe some other time.
Talvez noutra altura.
" Maybe some other time...
" Quem sabe uma outra vez,
Maybe some other time.
Fica para outra altura.
Ah, sorry, late for a date. Maybe some other time.
Desculpe, tenho compromisso e estou atrasado.
Maybe some other time.
Quem sabe outra hora.
Uh, maybe some other time.
- Talvez noutra altura.
Maybe some other time, huh?
- Talvez outro dia.
Maybe some other time, huh?
Fica para outra vez, está bem?
Say, uh, maybe some other time.
Ouve... Talvez para a próxima.
- Maybe some other time.
- Talvez noutra ocasião.
- Maybe some other time.
- É melhor ficar para a próxima.
Maybe some other time.
Talvez numa outra hora.
Sorry, maybe some other time.
Lamento, talvez noutra altura.
Thanks. So, maybe some other time?
- Obrigado, talvez para a próxima...
- Maybe some other time.
Talvez, em noutra altura!
Maybe some other time.
- Talvez uma outra hora?
Maybe some other time.
- Talvez noutro dia.
Maybe some other time.
Talvez noutro dia.
maybe some other time.
Talvez em outra ocasião.
Some other time, maybe.
Fica para a próxima.
- Maybe I better come back some other time.
- Talvez seja melhor voltar noutra hora.
Maybe, we'd better make this some other time.
Talvez seja melhor ficar para outra altura.
- Is this it? - Yep. Maybe we ought to come back some other time.
- Talvez seja melhor vir noutra altura.
Some other time, maybe.
Noutra altura, talvez.
Maybe some other time.
Escuta, todos os cães acordaram.
Maybe some other time, OK?
Acabou a brincadeira, amigo.
Maybe I can come back some other time.
Talvez eu volte cá noutra altura.
Maybe we could chat some other time, huh?
Talvez devêssemos conversar noutra altura?
Well, I think maybe we could make it some other time when he ain't around.
Talvez pudéssemos voltar quando ele não estivesse.
Maybe some other time.
- Talvez noutra ocasião.
Maybe we can try it some other time.
Talvez deixar ficar para a próxima.
Maybe some other time.
Fica para a próxima.
Maybe we should do it some other time.
Talvez devêssemos fazer isto noutra altura.
Some other time, maybe.
Talvez noutra altura.
maybe, some other time.
Talvez noutra altura.
Maybe we'll bump into each other some time again in the future.
Talvez nos voltemos a cruzar no futuro.
- Maybe some other time.
- Talvez noutra altura...
Maybe we could do this some other time.
Talvez pudéssemos fazer isto noutra altura.
Maybe you can teach me some other time.
Talvez possa ensinar-me numa outra hora.
Maybe some other time.
- A sério?

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