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Translate.vc / İngilizce → Portekizce / [ M ] / Middleton

Middleton Çeviri Portekizce

157 parallel translation
I'm starting a tunnel tomorrow from our garden under the streetcar tracks and into Mrs. Middleton's terrace.
Amanhã começo um túnel no jardim, abaixo das vias do elétrico... ao terraço da Sra. Middleton.
- Evening, Mr. Middleton, Mrs. Middleton.
- Boa noite, Mr. e Mrs. Middleton.
Calling Dr Middleton.
Chamando o Dr Middleton.
Elaine May Bender of Middleton, New York.
Elaine May Bender de Middleton, Nova Iorque.
- There's a flight from Middleton to Washington, D.C. Leaving tonight at 11 : 15.
- Há um voo de Middleton esta noite às 23 : 15 para Washington, DC.
- James Middleton.
- James Middleton.
There's Brown, Scurlock. Middleton's all right.
Temos o Brown, o Scurlock e o Middleton.
I want you to transfer tank armor to Middleton's 8th Corps right away.
Quero que transfira blindados para a 8ª de Middleton imediatamente.
I have established a right-of-way slapped through the middle of old Middleton's Park.
Provei o direito de propriedade do parque Middleton.
( Middleton ) lt brought the troops face to face with the fact that this was going to be a long war and a tough one and the Germans were very good.
Isto fez com que as tropas enfrentassem o facto de que iria ser uma guerra longa e dura e os alemães eram muito bons.
Stoney Walker's coming in and Rufus Middleton is going out, giving Middleton a breather.
Stoney Walker vai entrar e Rufus Middleton vai sair, dando a Middleton tempo para respirar.
Rufus Middleton.
Rufus Middleton.
Clarence fucking Middleton.
O sacana do Clarence Middleton.
Clarence Middleton for the defendant.
Clarence Middleton, pela defesa.
Well, Clarence Middleton.
Clarence Middleton.
For the record, Mr. Middleton withdraws.
Que fique registado que o Sr. Middleton se retirou.
- Did you see that girl work over Middleton?
- Viste a rapariga a bater no Middleton?
Mr. Middleton doesn't represent you anymore.
O Sr. Middleton já não a representa.
Mr. Kirk, do you have any idea why Claudia attacked her former attorney, Clarence Middleton?
Faz ideia de porque é que a Claudia atacou... o anterior advogado, Clarence Middleton?
A red-letter day. The law is law and I need to teach them. I have established a right-of-way slapped through the middle of old Middleton's Park.
Provei o direito de propriedade do parque Middleton.
Well, I better get back to Hunter's Lodge, to make sure ms. Middleton has everything under control for lunch.
Tenho de regressar ao Retiro dos Caçadores, verificar se a Sra. Middleton tem tudo pronto para o almoço.
- Ellie, where is ms. Middleton?
- Ellie, onde está a Sra. Middleton?
Mrs. Middleton!
Sra. Middleton!
Mrs. Middleton, where's my wife, do you know?
Sra. Middleton, sabe onde está a minha mulher?
- Why? Ms.Middleton wanted to go to the Stoddard's to pick up some game.
A Sra. Middleton quer ir a casa do Stoddard buscar alguma caça.
- Mrs. Middleton!
- Sra. Middleton!
We don't seem abble to find ms. Middleton, sarge.
Não conseguimos encontrar a Sra. Middleton, sargento.
- He'd asked me for Mrs. Middleton.
- Falo da Sra. Middleton.
I heard ms. Middleton go to answer and I got up to see who was.
Ouvi a Sra. Middleton atender e levantei-me para ver quem era.
It was a man I didn't recognize, so I waited for ms. Middleton to show him to the gun room and come'n announce him.
Era um homem que não reconheci, por isso esperei que a Sra. Middleton o levasse à sala de armas e o viesse anunciar.
Ms. Middleton knocked a minute later, said the man wouldn't give his name, but wanted to see mr. Pace...
A Sra. Middleton bateu à porta, disse que o homem não dizia quem era, mas queria ver o Sr. Pace...
The housekeeper, ms. Middleton, she was in the room with you, was she?
A governanta, a Sra. Middleton, estava consigo na sala?
Tell you what, I put my money in this Middleton woman beeing lead with the killer.
- Digo-lhe uma coisa, aposto que a Middleton está feita com o assassino.
I wish to question you in connection to the murder of your uncle, Mr. Harrington Pace, and with the disappearance of the housekeeper, ms. Middleton.
Desejo interrogá-lo em relação ao assassínio do Sr. Harrington Pace, e ao desaparecimento da governanta, a Sra. Middleton.
- They found ms. Middleton.
- Encontraram a Sra. Middleton.
- Mrs. Middleton?
- Sra. Middleton?
- Yes, I am mrs. Middleton.
- Sim, sou a Sra. Middleton.
- I am unwell, and it changes everything, this testimony of Mme Middleton.
- Estou indisposto e este testemunho da madame Middleton muda tudo.
Tell me, mademoiselle Joan, on the night of the crime, when was the last time that you saw madame Middleton?
Diga-me, mademoiselle Joan, na noite do crime, quando foi a última vez que viu a madame Middleton?
Tell me more about madame Middleton.
- Fale-me da madame Middleton.
Did madame Middleton tell you something about herself?
A madame Middleton alguma vez lhe contou algo sobre ela?
Oh, that's mrs. Middleton's, sir.
É da senhora Middleton, senhor.
Then, this mysterious woman, who is also from county of Mayo, turns up and replaces mrs. Middleton.
Então, esta mulher misteriosa, que também é do condado de Mayo, aparece e substitui a senhora Middleton.
Tell me, monsieur Stoddard, if you please, on the night Mr. Pace was killed, madame Middleton to your house to collect some game birds, did she not?
Diga-me, monsieur Stoddard, se quiser, na noite em que o Sr. Pace foi morto, a madame Middleton veio a sua casa para buscar algumas aves de caça, não veio?
Then why did madame Middleton use it, to telephone to the police?
Porque é que a senhora Middleton não telefonou à polícia?
It is essential that we determine the whereabouts of the person that calls herself madame Middleton.
É essencial que determinemos o paradeiro da pessoa que se denomina madame Middleton.
And turned himself back into madame Middleton.
E voltou a ser madame Middleton.
- Mrs. Middleton was the bearded man?
- A Sra. Middleton era esse homem?
You see, we only had the word of mrs. Middleton herself that a bearded man came to the house that night, but of course that was not true. - No, I saw him.
Só a Sra. Middleton viu o homem de barba na casa, nessa noite, mas claro que isso não era verdade.
As I've said all along, we've got to find this mrs. Middleton.
Como sempre disse, temos de encontrar esta senhora Middleton.
And the spurious Mme.Middleton had to have an accomplice to oil the spring.
E a espúria Middleton tinha de ter um cúmplice para olear o mecanismo.

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