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Northbrook Çeviri Portekizce

18 parallel translation
Oh, sweet. There's a pile-up in Northbrook.
Houve um acidente em cadeia em Northbrook.
But they suspect he's the real Northbrook sniper?
Mas suspeitam que ele seja o atirador de Northbrook?
The police consider the Northbrook case closed, but it's the same rifle, same m.o.
A polícia considera esse caso concluído, mas é o mesmo rifle, mesmo modus operandi.
- Same as Northbrook.
O mesmo de Northbrook.
Police arrested Northbrook resident...
A polícia prendeu o residente de Northbrook Carl...
We have a suspect in custody, but I wanna be clear about this. This is not the Northbrook Sniper.
Temos um suspeito sob custódia, mas quero ser claro sobre isso, não é o atirador de Northbrook.
The shooting bears many of the same trademarks as Northbrook, but this sniper is a copycat.
Tem muitas das características do de Northbrook, mas esse atirador é um imitador.
This lawsuit has put the Northbrook shootings back in the news lately.
E esse processo colocou as mortes de volta às notícias,
I would like to point out that the defense attorney is in collusion with the lawyers that are bringing the Northbrook suit.
Gostaria de destacar agora que a defesa está em conivência com os advogados do processo de Northbrook.
He was the detective in the Northbrook killings.
Detetive Mangold. Era o detetive das mortes de Northbrook.
You were under intense pressure to convict someone for the Northbrook killings, weren't you?
Estava sob pressão para condenar alguém pelas mortes de Northbrook, não é? Meu trabalho é esse.
Address says Northbrook.
Diz que a morada é em Northbrook.
1116 Pine Ridge, Northbrook.
1116 Pine Ridge, Northbrook.
Nathan Ward, same address as that car registered to Northbrook.
Nathan Ward, o mesmo endereço onde o carro está registado em Northbrook.
She's a special needs teacher in Northbrook.
É professora de necessidades especiais em Northbrook.
- Northbrook Evidence.
- Evidência de Northbrook. Como?
Repeat, it's an emergency! Shots fired! Oh, my God.
Deus, está parecendo o atirador de Northbrook.

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