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Translate.vc / İngilizce → Portekizce / [ P ] / Pass it to me

Pass it to me Çeviri Portekizce

252 parallel translation
Chief, five of our best agents have disappeared on this case already. Then write it on a piece of paper and pass it to me.
Sabe, Carlson, sempre quis usar um destes chapéus de cozinheiro.
The Charm of Making, you swore to pass it to me.
Merlin, leva-me contigo. O Feitiço da Criação, prometeste que mo passavas.
- If you get in trouble, pass it to me.
Se te vires em apuros, passas-me a bola.
Pass it to me. No! It's under the seat.
Pass it to me!
Passa-me a mim.
Pass it to me.
Dê-mo, por favor.
Coach said pass it to me.
O treinador pediu passe.
To pass in through that magnificent gateway, on Visitors Day at a cost of sixpence was a humiliating experience, but I forced myself to undergo it.
Entrar por aqueles portões sumptuosos no Dia dos Visitantes foi uma experiência humilhante, mas forcei-me a passar por ela.
It is only fitting, for the sake of my friend and partner, Luke Joiner, for me to take the first hour. Every trail, every pass is guarded.
Única oportunidade, do meu amigo e sócio, Luke Joiner, tomar a dianteira.
But you can take it from me that I shall pass on any blame and with interest... to any one of you who fails in his duties.
Mas cobrarei qualquer deslize, e com juros... de qualquer um que falhar em seu dever.
It don't look right for a man to pass a police car faster than the law allows, right?
Não me parece bem, um homem passar um carro da polícia numa velocidade acima da permitida, certo?
It looked too good to pass up, so I thought I...
Pareceu-me bom de mais para deixar passar, vai daí pensei...
So to pass the time one day, I calculated what it was worth getting shot at.
De modo que um dia calculei quanto valia me deixar matar.
Thought it would give me something to pass the time.
Pensei que me ajudaria a passar o tempo.
But the King, for good or ill, chose to pass the burden of the church onto me, and now I must carry it.
Mas o rei, pelo bem ou pelo mal... deu-me os interesses da Igreja. Eu assumi a Igreja.
Here's an embarkation pass - it belongs to a sailor who supports us.
Deu-mo o marinheiro que me informou.
They told me that they were immediately going to launch the disc and pass it on the radio, and then I will have a very convenient contract.
Até me disseram que iam lançar imediatamente o disco e passa-lo na rádio, e falaram-me num contrato "relâmpago".
Now it seems to me that doing manual labour beforehand... .. helped me pass the exams.
E, agora, não sei, mas parece-me que o facto de ter feito aquele trabalho manual físico me ajudou a tirar o bacharelato, a revê-lo contigo.
So, m'lord it only remains For you to pass the most savage sentence on me
Meritíssimo, só lhe resta aplicar-me a sentença mais pesada
E more, if had deviated me 90 degrees for prevent them, exactly thus it had that to pass for many.
E mais, se me tivesse desviado 90 graus para os evitar, mesmo assim tinha de passar por bastantes.
Knauer takes the pass and throws it to Levitt Levitt takes the ball and he's going to the Mean Machine 30-yard line on me.
Knauer recebe o passe e atira para Levitt Levitt com a bola, corre para a linha das 30jardas dos "Autómatos do Mal" Para mim.
It helps to pass the evenings.
Me ajudam a me distrair.
If we're gonna make it stick that I'm a god... you ought to bow when you pass in front of me like everybody else.
Se queremos que acreditem que sou um deus terás de te curvar quando passas diante de mim, como os outros.
When Bill Cody was shooting meat for the railroad, they thought it'd be a good stunt to pass out buff heads to all the nabobs.
Bill Cody caçava carne para o caminho de ferro... E achou uma boa ideia, em dar-me a cabeça.
I've been told to say it could pass over to the private sector.
Disseram-me para avisar que pode ser privatizado.
I will permit it to pass over me and through me.
Permitirei que passe por mim.
It was only yesterday that the chance came for me to pass beyond the door.
Só ontem é que tive a oportunidade de passar por essa porta.
If there is any kindness I can show to any creature, let me do it now for I shall not pass this way again.
Se há gentileza que posso mostrar a alguma criatura, que seja agora, pois não mais cruzarei este caminho.
Ultra Magnus, it is to you, old friend, I shall pass the Matrix of Leadership, as it was passed to me.
Ultra Magnus, é a ti, velho amigo, que devo passar a Matrix de comando, tal como a passaram a mim.
But when she took mine and squeezed them... it was as if she was trying to pass her strength on to me.
Quando ela me dava a mão e me apertava, era como se tentasse passar a força dela para mim.
If you happen to pass by 84 Charing Cross Road... kiss it for me!
Se passarem pela Charing Cross Road, 84, beijem-na por mim!
Axel, if Marci doesn't want to give me her number, I'll give you my number, you just pass it on to her.
Se a Marci não me dá o telefone, dá-lhe tu o meu.
I've read this paper long enough to know you're not one of the worst, so it's all the more baffling that you would try to pass this vicious fiction off as reasoned fact.
Leio este jornal há tempo suficiente para saber que você não é dos piores, e espanta-me ainda mais que queira fazer passar esta ficção malévola por factos racionais.
Better you give it to me and I will pass it on.
É melhor dares-me para eu o passar.
Give it to me and I will pass it on.
Dá-me e eu passo-o.
I pass it to you who vanquished me.
Passo-ta. A ti, que me venceste.
At first I didn't know how to take it. I thought you were making a pass at me.
Primeiro não sabia como interpretá-la, Pensei que se estivesse a fazer a mim.
You know, I went in for this stomach problem. Turned out I had a stone the size of a golf ball. Took me a month to pass it.
Rebecca, o que se passa?
It's just that I'm here with my parents and my mother wants me to take a civil-service test and to tell you the truth, I don't even think I'd pass it.
É que estou com os meus pais e a minha mãe quer que eu vá fazer testes para a administração pública, e eu nem a certeza tenho de que ficaria aprovado.
I overstated myself. Yet had you stayed, I feel something - something quite terrible for me... for you too, would've come to pass. You know it too.
Mas se tivesse ficado sei que algo... algo terrível...
From what you have told me, Ensign, the distortion ring will make contact with us momentarily whether we attempt to pass through it or not.
Pelo que me contou, Imediato, o anel de distorção fará contacto momentâneo connosco se tentarmos passar através dele ou não.
If you could find it in your heart to pass me...
Se pudesse passar-me, de certeza que arranjo forma de compensá-la.
It would be a tad hypocritical... for me to pass judgement.
Seria hipócrita da minha parte... julgar-te.
Operations fed you a lie, knowing you'd pass it on to me, making me a much more convincing advocate, right?
O Operações mentiu-te, sabendo que me ias dizer isso fazendo de mim uma advogada ainda mais convincente.
Eric, just pass it around the side to me.
Passem-mo pelo lado.
I'll try not to gun it as I pass you on the thruway.
Obrigado, Libby, mas eu o meu coração disse-me para ir de autocarro.
Mmkay, take a smell, pass it on, and when it gets back up to me, we'll finish talking about it.
Cheirem, passem e quando voltar a mim, acabamos de falar sobre ela.
Instead, he used the moment to pass it on to me.
Em vez disso, ele usou-o para mas passar.
Far be it for me to pass judgment... on somebody consumed by their passion.
Longe de mim julgar alguém consumido pela paixão...
The President told me to pass the word to you stick it to them
O Presidente mandou-me dizer-lhe que não os largasse.
I called about the wine. unfortunately, I don't have time to pass by Vigata again this year but.. I'II send it to the house.
Este ano não me vejo com forças para passar por Vigata, mas farei com que to mandem a casa, farei com que to levem.

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