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Rainer Çeviri Portekizce

101 parallel translation
What about Rilke's saying : "Modern life increasingly separates men and women?"
Que pensa da frase de Rainer Maria Rilke segundo a qual a vida moderna separa cada vez mais os homens e mulheres?
And you know that blonde girl, Rainer, who works in my office with me? She's got...
E, sabe, aquela loura, Rainer, que trabalha comigo no escritório...
This is Hauptmann Rainer Muller.
Este é o Hauptmann Rainer Mueller.
Rainer Werner Fassbinder, who was a German filmmaker, got so jacked up that his heart gagged.
Rainer Fassbinder, cineasta alemão, consumiu tanto que o coração parou.
- [Gasps] Rainier Wolfcastle!
Rainer Wolfcastle.
You know Rainier Wolfcastle?
Conheces o Rainer Wolfcastle? Sim.
[Grunting] Yo, yo, Rainier, my man.
Então, então, Rainer, meu irmão.
- Mmm. Mmm. - Is that Rainier Wolfcastle?
- É o Rainer Wolfcastle?
And here comes out-of-work actor Ranier Wolfcastle.
E aqui vem o actor desempregado Rainer Wolfcastle.
Would you care to meet my new best friend? Rainier Wolfcastle?
Querem conhecer o meu novo melhor amigo Rainer Wolfcastle?
We've met Rainier Wolfcastle, actor, novelist, barbecue sauce spokesman. Now can we meet McBain?
Conhecemos o Rainer Wolfcastle, actor, romancista, porta-voz do molho de churrasco, será que podemos conhecer McBain?
The sleep saved her the moving-in of Ariane's new boyfriend. Rainer, class enemy and barbecue man.
O sono livrou-a de ver a mudança para o novo namorado da Ariane, Rainer, inimigo das aulas e homem do barbecue.
... and Rainer's enthusiasm for the oriental customs and way of life.
... e o entusiasmo do Rainer pelos costumes e estilo de vida orientais.
Generous of you, Rainer!
- Muito generoso, Rainer!
I wanted to introduce Rainer to Mum today.
Eu queria apresentar hoje o Rainer à mãe.
And Rainer... that's my Ariane's new boyfriend.
E o Rainer... é o novo namorado da minha Ariane.
Thank you, Rainer.
Obrigado, Rainer.
- Thank you, Rainer!
- Obrigado, Rainer!
Dr Rainer released you into my care.
O Dr. Rainer deixou-te ao meu cuidado.
Dr Rainer seems to think it'll be good for you.
- O Dr. Rainer disse que te fará bem.
Wait'll Dr Rainer hears about this.
Quando o Dr. Rainer souber disso...
The kidnappers want him to confirm Wallace Rainer.
Os raptores querem que ele confirme Wallace Rainer.
Wallace Rainer is a federal judge.
Wallace Rainer é um Juiz Federal.
and I hope Judge Rainer can forgive my earlier comments pertaining to his character.
.. e eu esparo que o Juiz Rainer possa perdoar meus primeiros comentários sobre a sua pessoa.
I will vote to confirm Wallace Rainer as a justice of the Supreme Court.
Eu vou confirmar o nome de Wallace Rainer Como Ministro da Suprema Corte.
I thought you were voting against Judge Rainer.
Pensei que ia votar contra o Juiz Rainer.
Wallace Rainer's on the phone for you.
Wallace Rainer no telefone para o senhor.
He hates Judge Rainer, but he's gonna vote for him, anyway.
Ele odeia o Juiz Rainer, mas ele vai votar nele, assim mesmo.
Ben, I heard him on the phone with Rainer. He said, "If they hurt her, I'll kill you."
Mas, eu ouvi ele falar no telefone com Rainer ele disse : "se eles machucarem ela, vou te matar".
You've never been a guy to keep your opinions to yourself, and you don't toe the party line when you disagree with it. Which means it must be killing you to lie to the world about how you now support Wallace Rainer.
Você nunca foi de guardar as suas opinões para si mesmo..... e você não se prende á linha do partido quando discorda dele..... quer dizer que deve ser terrível mentir para o mundo que agora apoia Wallace Rainer.
I heard you talking to Judge Rainer this morning.
Eu ouvi você falando com o Juiz Rainer, esta manhã.
Judge Rainer is a part of this, isn't he?
Judge Rainer faz parte disto, não faz?
As for the senator himself, at a news conference early this morning, Jeffrey Collins stated that, as soon as the Judiciary Committee reconvenes, he will vote to confirm Wallace Rainer, the President's nominee to the Supreme Court.
Qunato ao senador em uma declaração para a imprensa, nesta manhã Jeffrey Collins declarou que assim que a Comissão do Judiciário reiniciar, ele votará para confirmar Wallace Rainer nomeado para a Corte Suprema pelo presidente.
Rainer took the Ford, and not yet returned.
Rainer levou o Ford, e ainda não retornou.
- Mike who was brought to Rainer.
- Mike foi quem trouxe para o Rainer.
Rainer surgery went very well, is now recovering.
Rainer passou a cirurgia muito bem, agora está em recuperação.
Is there something for free? – All fresh, Rainer?
Estão a dar alguma coisa de borla?
– Good morning, Rainer.
- Bom dia, Rainer.
Rainer, you do it
Rainer, seja você.
Rainer Heil!
'Heil Rainer'!
– Stay cool now, Rainer. – Mr Wenger.
- Tenha calma, Rainer.
After the class you call me Rainer again.
Depois da aula podes chamar-me novamente de Rainer.
Dude, get a grip. Rainer is cool.
Alter, estás outra vez nervoso.
Now, you are going to turn against me too, you traitor.
O Rainer é porreiro. Não me eespetes uma faca nas costas, seu traidor.
Furthermore, Rainer did not kick you out, Mr Wenger did it.
Além disso, não foi o Rainer que te pôs para fora, mas sim o Sr. Wenger.
But Rainer has really showed us some good things today.
Mas o Rainer fez a coisa certa conosco.
I'm sorry Rainer,... but I think this whole thing is really out of your control.
Desculpe, Rainer, mas acho que já não tem a coisa sobre controle. Não mais.
You think Rainer has something to do with Sara's kidnapping?
Você acha que o Rainer tem algo a ver...
– I hope.
- Tudo bem, Rainer?
Rainer, can't we talk about anything else? – What?
Rainer, não podíamos fazer qualquer outra coisa?

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