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Reconsider Çeviri Portekizce

1,209 parallel translation
You know, if the other specialists at Buckland's have your expertise and talents, I might reconsider their standing job offer.
Se os outros especialistas da Buckland tivessem a sua perícia e talento, talvez reconsiderasse a sua proposta de emprego.
I tell you what. If you're nice, I'll try to get her to reconsider.
Se tu fores bonzinho, faço com que mude de ideia.
But I do hope you will reconsider.
Mas espero que a reconsidere.
But if they make a powerful declaration of their love, then you have to reconsider.
Mas, se fazem uma declaração de amor, tens de reconsiderar.
I move we reconsider our club name.
Voto para mudarmos o nome do nosso clube.
Med, cheer up about the coach because I feel he'll reconsider the big move.
Med, anima-te sobre o treinador acho que vai reconsiderar a mudança.
Maybe you should reconsider.
Talvez devesse reconsiderar.
I urge you to reconsider, Captain.
Peço que você reconsidere, Capitão.
Only chance would be if you reconsider.
Só se reconsiderar.
Mr Weems, can I ask you to reconsider testifying against Cutrona?
Sr. Weems, posso pedir-lhe que reconsidere testemunhar contra o Cutrona?
Maybe we should reconsider what we talked about before.
Talvez devêssemos reconsiderar sobre o que falámos antes.
Peggy's threatening to reconsider.
A Peggy já ameaça desistir.
Colonel, I beg you, please reconsider.
Peço que reconsidere.
Well... the shark dragged me into the cave, was getting ready to have me for dinner... so I pulled out my dive knife and I made him reconsider!
Bem... O tubarão arrastou-me para dentro da caverna,... e estava a preparar-se para me comer então eu tirei a minha faca de mergulho e fiz-o reconsiderar!
- You won't reconsider?
Não queres reconsiderar isso?
Please reconsider what you're doing.
Por favor, reconsidere suas acções.
Let's slow down and reconsider this in the shower.
Vamos acalmar e reconsiderar isto no chuveiro.
Enough to make them reconsider.
O suficiente para os fazer reconsiderar a decisão.
Bring me this intruder... and I will reconsider the case against agent Sandoval.
Tragam-me esse intruso! E eu reconsiderarei o caso contra o Agente Sandoval.
I suggest that you reconsider your position.
Precisaremos de uma providência para fazer o tal exame. Que tal irmos ao ginásio do Korska ver o que as miúdas dizem do patrono?
Maybe you should reconsider?
Talvez devesses reconsiderar.
Well, I'm sure if you tell him how important this weekend was to you, he'll reconsider.
Bem, estou certo de que se você lhe disser... que esse fim-de-semana é muito importante para si ele reconsiderará.
Captain Janeway tried to make the creature reconsider what it was doing. to make the creature reconsider what it was doing.
A Capitã Janeway tentava fazer a criatura reconsiderar o que estava fazendo.
I'm prepared to go back to Unimatrix Zero and release it myself, but I'm willing to reconsider.
Estou preparada para voltar a Unimatriz Zero e libertá-lo eu própria. Mas estou disposta a reconsiderar.
Hopefully, you will review it and reconsider.
Espero que analisem e que mudem de ideia.
Listen, I've been thinking and I'm gonna give you one chance to reconsider.
Estive a pensar e vou-te dar mais uma oportunidade de reconsiderar.
I think you should reconsider.
Acho que deves reconsiderar.
Gracie... I'd like to ask you to reconsider.
Gracie, gostaria de te pedir que reconsiderasses.
Will you reconsider?
Vais reconsiderar a hipótese?
Cyrus, I beg you to reconsider.
Alá é grande. Cyrus, peço-lhe que reconsidere.
That said... I wouldn't mind having a go with you right now, if you want to reconsider.
Mas, mesmo assim... não me importava de te dar uma voltinha agora mesmo, se quiseres reconsiderar.
Just for the record, I'm supposed to ask you to reconsider.
Para que conste, eu devia pedir-te que reconsiderasses.
Well, will she reconsider?
E então? Vai reconsiderar?
I want you to reconsider.
Quero que reconsidere o vir connosco amanhã.
Please reconsider General.
Por favor, reconsidere General.
Whether or not you're going to reconsider his marriage proposal now that he's just a human.
Se vais ou não reconsiderar o pedido de casamento, agora que ele é apenas um humano.
All right, I mean, if you reconsider, you can come back.
Está bem. Se reconsiderarem, podem voltar.
He asked me to reconsider his application.
Pediu-me que reconsiderasse a candidatura.
I was hoping you would reconsider.
Esperava... Esperava que reconsiderasse-o.
But if you explain, they might reconsider.
Mas lhes explique as circunstâncias e que o reconsiderem.
Now, you can reconsider my offer, or you can take your chances.
Agora, reconsidere a minha oferta ou arrisque como entender.
Dad wants to know if you'll reconsider.
O pai quer saber se reconsideras.
Listen, I would reconsider calling Dean.
Se fosse a ti, telefonaria ao Dean.
So does that mean that you might reconsider my suspension?
Isso significa que pode reconsiderar a suspensão?
I didn't reconsider.
Não pensei.
I think he'll reconsider, once he and her father see the evidence.
Vai reconsiderar quando ele e o pai dela virem as provas.
I beg you, reconsider.
Suplico-te, reconsidera.
She said that it was a sign that I should seriously reconsider cheerleading.
Disse que era um sinal para eu reconsiderar voltar para a claque.
T, I'm asking you to reconsider.
- T, peço-te que reconsideres.
Makes you reconsider, doesn't it?
Faz-te reconsiderar, não é?

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