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Sir charles Çeviri Portekizce

324 parallel translation
Your brother is here, Sir, inside with Sir Charles.
O seu irmão está cá, senhor. Lá dentro, com Sir Charles.
- Good evening, Sir Charles, Captain Vickers.
Boa noite, Sir Charles. Capitão Vickers.
Sir Charles, may I have the pleasure of presenting Count Volonoff.
sir charles macefield, permita-me que lhe apresente o conde Volonoff.
Well, since your kindly government has spared me the burden of dispensing its annual appreciation to my countrymen I am blessed with more leisure.
Não sir Charles, desde que o seu simpático governo poupou-me o fardo de ter que preocupar-me com os meus compatriotas Fui abençoado com mais tempo livre.
And as you know, in my country, Sir Charles friendship can be claimed by friendly actions alone.
E como sabe, Sir Charles, no meu país a amizade pode ser reclamada por este tipo de actos.
I sometimes think, Sir Charles that a great government resembles a beautiful woman who, intoxicated with her own beauty is apt to withdraw from a sincere suitor the favors she's always granted.
Por vezes penso, Sir Charles, que o grande Governo se assemelha a uma bela mulher, que, intoxicada pelo poder da sua beleza, Esta prestes a abandonar um pretendente sincero, que lhe prestou sempre todos os favores.
"Sir Charles Macefield's compliments to Gen. Scott." No new orders.
sir charles Macefield envia os seus cumprimentos ao general scott.
Lord Raglan can't be disturbed while the war council's in session. - Take it up with Sir Charles Macefield.
Não posso interromper o concelho, enquanto estiver em sessão, depois trato disto com sir Macefield.
Be good enough to issue the orders, Sir Charles.
- Então assuma o comando, Sir Charles.
You will deliver it personally to Sir Charles Macefield, you understand?
Entrega-o pessoalmente a Sir Charles Macefield, percebeste?
Sir Charles, I know it's strange to find Beatrix here but I want you to believe...
Sir Charles, sei que é estranho dar com a Beatrix aqui, mas acredite...
Sir Charles, I asked Beatrix to come here tonight because...
Sir Charles, pedi à Beatrix que viesse cá à noite porque...
Oh, come, Sir Charles.
Ora, Sir Charles...
Sir Charles'health, no doubt?
A saúde de Sir Charles, sem dúvida?
Yes, Sir Charles'health, no doubt.
Sim, a saúde de Sir Charles, sem dúvida.
The London Post, Sir Charles.
Correio de Londres, Sir Charles.
Sir Charles, glad to see you.
Sir Charles, prazer em vê-lo.
Well, Sir Charles, that's...
Bem, Sir Charles, isso é...
Yes, sir, Sir Charles.
Sim, senhor, Sir Charles.
Tonight, on my way to Sir Charles'...
Esta noite, a caminho da casa de Sir Charles...
I am not sick.
Como está, Sir Charles?
Sir Charles.
Sir Charles.
"The body of Sir Charles Baskerville discovered on Dartmoor early today."
O corpo de Sir Charles Baskerville foi encontrado em Dartmoor.
"The death of Sir Charles Baskerville has caused much sadness... " in the small village of Grimpen, Dartmoor.
A morte de Sir Charles causou enorme tristeza na aldeia de Grimpen.
The plain facts of the matter are that a fortnight ago... Sir Charles Baskerville was found dead on the moor.
Há quinze dias, o Sir Charles foi encontrado morto na charneca.
You mean Sir Charles had been attacked?
Quer dizer que ele foi atacado?
Sir Charles must have been terrified when he died.
Ele devia estar aterrorizado quando morreu.
There were the servants', for instance, your own, and Sir Charles'.
Havia as do Barrymore, as suas e as do Sir Charles.
Sir Charles must've been tiptoeing back to Baskerville Hall when he died.
Ele deve ter ido em bicos dos pés até à Mansão, quando morreu.
You have not yet told us what Sir Charles died of.
Não nos disse de que morreu ele.
The only thing I noticed was that he said Sir Charles... was tiptoeing about Dartmoor at night.
A única coisa estranha foi o Sir Charles andar em bicos dos pés em Dartmoor.
Did anyone else benefit under Sir Charles'will? Yes.
Mais alguém beneficiou do testamento do Sir Charles?
Then, you see, I was Sir Charles'best friend.
Mas, era o melhor amigo do Sir Charles.
She was most upset by Sir Charles'death.
Ela ficou perturbada com a morte do Sir Charles.
I will. Barrymore? Since you've mentioned Sir Charles'death... perhaps you could tell us a little more about it.
Talvez nos possa dizer algo mais sobre a morte do Sir Charles.
You found Sir Charles'body up near the old Abbey, I understand.
Encontrou o corpo perto da velha abadia, se bem entendi.
What made you go up there to look for him?
Eu ia a casa do Dr. Mortimer para lhe dizer que ele tinha desaparecido, e depois vi o Sir Charles caído no chão, morto. O que o levou a ir procurá-lo lá?
Then I saw Sir Charles lying there dead. But what made you decide to go across the moor to look for Sir Charles?
Mas o que o fez decidir atravessar a charneca para o ir buscar?
Barrymore... did you go across the moor because you half expected to find Sir Charles... because of the legend?
Atravessou a charneca porque contava encontrar lá o Sir Charles? Por causa da lenda?
What I know is that I've heard it... heard its terrible howl on the night before Sir Charles died... and I never want to hear such a sound again in all my life.
Só sei que a ouvi. Ouvi um uivar terrível na noite anterior à morte do Sir Charles, e não quero tornar a ouvir um som daqueles, nunca mais na minha vida.
How many times Sir Charles and I have discussed life, you know... over a glass of sherry.
Quantas vezes eu e o Sir Charles conversámos sobre a vida. À frente de um copo de sherry.
Sir Charles knew his creature comforts, all right.
O Sir Charles conhecia os prazeres humanos.
Yes, he knew a woman when he saw one, did Sir Charles.
Ele sabia reconhecer uma mulher quando via uma.
Do you know, dear old Sir Charles, he loved doing that? Yeah. He did, indeed.
O saudoso Sir Charles adorava fazê-lo.
There's an fine train service to and from London... and as Sir Charles died here only a month ago... it's less suspicious for Sir Henry to die in London.
Há excelentes ligações de comboios para Londres. O Sir Charles morreu aqui, pelo que seria menos suspeito o Sir Henry morrer lá.
Sir Charles, I'd almost forgotten about him.
- Sir Charles, quase me esquecia dele.
- All right. But the person who benefited most from his will was Sir Henry.
Mas, quem mais beneficiou do testamento do Sir Charles foi o Sir Henry.
And Sir Charles, your dear uncle, he died here, didn't he?
O Sir Charles, o seu querido tio, morreu aqui, não foi?
"We, duly elected to the Assembly... " by all the peoples of Jamaica... " renew our pledge of fealty to his most gracious...
Nós, devidamente eleitos para a assembléia pelo povo da Jamaica, renovamos nossos votos de lealdade a sua graciosíssima majestade, o rei Charles II por seu representante, sua excelência o governador da Jamaica, Sir Henry Morgan.
No, sir.
- Escuta, Charles...
Poor Sir Charles.
Pobre Sir Charles.

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