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That was Çeviri Portekizce

261,256 parallel translation
His team packaged it into a newsreel that was distributed to theaters around the country.
A sua equipa compilou-as num noticiário que foi distribuído em cinemas em todos os EUA.
That was the end of Ford's involvement in the war.
Esse foi o fim do envolvimento de Ford na guerra.
That was the caring side of Ford.
Era o lado gentil de Ford.
He embodied the principle of a land that was formed by immigrants.
Representava o princípio de uma nação criada por imigrantes.
There was one that was particularly close to me because it was done right after the war.
E há um que me é particularmente caro porque foi feito logo a seguir à guerra.
It took another thousand years until the Song Dynasty of China took this magnetized piece of iron spinning around to realize that that was how we could determine north from south.
Levaria mais mil anos até que a dinastia Song da China usasse este bocado magnetizado de ferro para perceber que através dele seria possível determinar Norte e Sul.
They told us it was impossible. So, that was the starting point.
Alguns disseram que era impossível e este foi o nosso ponto de partida.
She wasn't allowed to do the physical stuff, because of the sexism of the time, so she used the one thing that they couldn't take away from her and that was her intellect.
de mulheres para começar a fazer aquele tipo de trabalho. Não tinha permissão para trabalhar com certos materiais por causa do sexismo da época, então usou a única coisa que eles não poderiam tirar dela, que era o seu intelecto.
That was before Bolivia.
Isso foi antes da Bolívia.
That was a former associate that works for the Colombians now.
Esse era um ex-associado que trabalha com os colombianos.
[Coppola] I myself am less critical of the fact that they were saying this stuff was real combat footage, and in fact it was staged.
Pessoalmente, sou menos crítico da ideia de dizerem que eram imagens reais de combate quando era tudo encenado.
[Greengrass] It was the largest combined operation in history at that point.
Foi a maior operação coordenada da história até essa altura.
Famously, I think he told his wife that he was going off for a little local skirmish.
Diz-se que disse à mulher que ia filmar uma escaramuça local.
[Kasdan] The fact that Stevens had that wish is an indication of his courage and his commitment to the cause, which he thought was worth risking family, friends, career, life.
O facto de Stevens ter esse desejo era um sinal da sua coragem e do empenho pela causa, ao ponto de arriscar perder a família, os amigos, a carreira, a vida.
I think everybody could see that Western civilization was at stake and they needed to fight or die.
Era evidente que a civilização ocidental estava em risco... REALIZADOR... e era lutar ou morrer.
The sheer human cost of that operation, the numbers of people that died, was too pitiless.
Só o custo humano dessa operação, a quantidade de pessoas que morreram, era impiedoso.
He had his unit shoot everything that he thought was important, and that included very cinematic details.
Pediu à sua unidade que filmasse tudo o que achava importante, incluindo pormenores muito cinematográficos.
But he became panicked that it was too dark in there and that he would not get the images of this pivotal moment in history.
Mas teve medo que estivesse demasiado escuro lá dentro e que aquele momento histórico não aparecesse no filme.
Hitler's Shoah, Hitler's genocide, had been so successful there that there was no one left.
A Shoah de Hitler, o seu genocídio, fora de tal forma eficaz ali que não sobrara ninguém.
Wyler returned to Hollywood, but he believed that his directing career was over.
Wyler regressou a Hollywood, mas acreditava que a sua carreira chegara ao fim.
I think the strongest feeling I ever had in my life was the horror and the revulsion and the exposure to things that I couldn't believe was part of human existence, the violence and wickedness that took place in those...
Creio que a sensação mais forte que tive na vida VOZ DE GEORGE STEVENS foi o horror e a repulsa e a exposição a coisas que não podia acreditar fazerem parte da experiência humana, a violência e o mal que ocorreram nesses campos de concentração.
He did not want to send his men to see things that he was not willing to see.
Não queria mandar os seus homens verem coisas que ele próprio não estava disposto a ver.
I couldn't possibly believe that there was that kind of savagery in the world, you see.
Não podia acreditar que existia tal selvajaria no mundo.
If the propaganda gave you the reason to go into war, the footage of the liberation of the camps, what these men saw, proved that the enormity of the task was worth it.
Se a propaganda mostrara as razões para entrar na guerra, as imagens da libertação dos campos, o que estes homens viram, mostraram que aquela tarefa hercúlea valera a pena.
Well, it was the first Holocaust footage the world had seen, and it was only after the war that this footage began to come out.
ATROCIDADES NAZIS Foram as primeiras imagens do Holocausto reveladas e só começaram a surgir depois da guerra.
Well, I made that film for the Army, for the American Army. I was in the Army, a soldier at the time.
Quando fiz esse filme para o Exército dos EUA, também eu estava no Exército, era um soldado.
I followed them from their induction, from the first time they filed in and sat down in the receiving room and it was explained to them what the cameras were doing there, and that the cameras would continue to follow them through their treatment.
Desde o momento em que chegaram, quando entraram todos e se sentaram na sala de espera e lhes foi explicado o que faziam ali as câmaras e que os continuariam a seguir ao longo do tratamento.
And there was no pretension, by the way, that they were curing these patients.
Não havia qualquer pretensão, já agora, de estarem a curar aqueles doentes.
In societies where manliness and bravery are so admired, it was knowledge that we're all different, and something can happen that just cracks your spirit, and it happened in every war there's ever been.
Em sociedades em que a virilidade e a coragem são tão admiradas, o filme representava a ideia de que somos todos diferentes e de que há coisas que nos quebram o espírito e isso acontece em todas as guerras.
John Huston's film about PTSD, before the term "PTSD" was ever invented, is a film that had been suppressed by the War Department.
O filme de John Huston sobre stress pós-traumático, antes de existir o termo, tinha sido suprimido pelo Departamento de Guerra.
That film was as much therapy as filmmaking.
Esse filme teve tanto de terapia como de realização.
These films that I was seeing then, after the war, in Hollywood, were not made from life, they were made from other films.
Os filmes que vi em Hollywood depois da guerra não eram baseados na vida real, mas sim noutros filmes.
He was not the same George Stevens that left.
Não era o mesmo George Stevens que tinha partido.
Ingrid Bergman, who was the number-one star in America at that time, and I started on a comedy, and she was waiting for it, and she says, "Where's our comedy?"
Ingrid Bergman, que nessa altura era a principal estrela da América, e comecei com uma comédia e ela estava à espera : "Onde está a nossa comédia?"
What he had seen during the war and at Dachau was so impactful for him that he thought he could never make something frivolous again.
O que ele vira durante a guerra e em Dachau marcou-o de tal forma, que pensou que nunca poderia voltar a fazer algo frívolo.
I hated to see him leave comedy for the other stuff that came later on, for the more serious stuff, because nobody could do comedy quite like he was doing it.
O GIGANTE Tive pena de o ver a deixar a comédia pelas outras coisas que fez mais tarde, as coisas mais sérias, porque mais ninguém conseguia fazer comédia como ele.
There was an optimism in Ford's films of the'20s and'30s that's never quite there after that.
NA RODAGEM DE A PAIXÃO DOS FORTES Os filmes de Ford dos anos 20 e 30 tinham um otimismo que não torna a surgir depois disso.
It took me many years and fitful maturity to understand that the questions that Ford was asking about what is owed to the past were still important, and ever more important as the'50s became the'60s and the'70s.
Demorei muitos anos e tive de ganhar muita maturidade para perceber que as perguntas que Ford levantava acerca daquilo que devemos ao passado ainda eram importantes, e ainda mais com a passagem para as décadas de 60 e de 70
And what makes it particularly interesting wasn't just that they crossed quite a lot of open ocean, but they were doing it without any certainty that there was anything on the other side.
E o que tornou isto interessante não foi o facto de eles terem atravessado uma grande extensão em alto-mar, mas o facto de terem feito isto sem nenhuma certeza de que haveria algo do outro lado.
I mean, you got these different landmasses, these continents, which kind of fit together, and there was evidence that suggested that they came from a super continent, but nobody really understood how they might have drifted apart.
Vemos diferentes habitats, diferentes continentes que encaixam-se e havia evidências que sugeriam que tudo isto tinha vindo de um supercontinente, mas ninguém entendia como a terra podia ter-se separado.
In those days, there were hardly any women in the sciences, but Marie Tharp was a woman who always had this passion for geology and geography, and she was given this big break during the Second World War, when they suddenly needed women to start doing that kind of work.
Naquela época, quase não existia cientistas do sexo feminino, mas Marie Tharp era uma mulher que sempre teve esta paixão pela geologia e geografia e ela teve esta grande oportunidade durante a Segunda Guerra Mundial em que de repente precisaram
That I was right.
Que eu estava certa.
It was an origin moment that forever reshaped our understanding of planet Earth.
Foi um momento de origem que mudou para sempre o entendimento que temos sobre o planeta Terra.
But long before we strapped ourselves into capsules on top of massive rockets and blasted out into the great beyond, there was one moment, one origin moment of exploration that completely changed our place in the universe.
Mas, muito antes de nos prendermos dentro das cápsulas em cima de foguetões enormes e partirmos para o desconhecido, houve um momento, um momento de origem da exploração que mudou completamente o nosso lugar no universo.
Our greatest explorers today, you could say, are the scientists, and that relates to someone like Galileo. And where he went was courageous because at that point the church forbade humankind to go there.
Podemos dizer que os nossos maiores exploradores hoje são cientistas e isto lembra-nos de alguém como Galileu, um homem corajoso que foi a um lugar aonde a igreja, naquela época, proibia a humanidade de ir.
But, there was this new hypothesis by Nicolaus Copernicus that said,
Mas, houve uma nova hipótese, levantada por Nicolau Copérnico :
I was assured that Epifanio's delivery issue will resolve itself shortly.
Asseguraram que o problema de entrega de Epifanio seria resolvido rapidamente.
It is important work that Garrett was doing.
Era um grande trabalho que o Garret estava fazendo.
That boy was a hot mess.
O garoto estava uma bagunça.
I mean, I'm not surprised that he decided it was time to meet his maker.
Não é surpresa ele achar que era hora de conhecer seu criador.
Well, I was concerned, given Teo's lack of judgment and Epifanio Vargas'reputation, that something may have been done to jeopardize my firm.
Estava preocupado devido a falha de julgamento do Teo e a reputação do Epifanio Vargas, que era algo que podia comprometer minha empresa.

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