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That was quick Çeviri Portekizce

472 parallel translation
That was quick
- Foi rápido.
Well! That was quick.
Bem, isso é que é ser rápida...
That was quick.
Foi rápido.
Ooh, that was quick.
Foi rápido.
That was quick.
" Foi rápido!
- That was quick. The tea, I mean.
- Foi rápido.
Well, that was quick.
Foi rápido.
- That was quick. - Yeah.
Acabaste depressa.
- That was quick.
- Foi rápido.
That was quick.
Foi rapido.
Gee, that was quick of me, wasn't it?
Gee, é muito rapido, não é?
Gee, that was quick.
Gee, isso foi rápido.
That was quick
Foi rápido.
- That was quick.
- Que rápido.
That was quick, Ken.
Fui rápido, Ken.
That was quick.
Foste rápido.
That was quick thinking', Eddie.
Raciocínio rápido, Eddie.
- The mercy that was quick in us of late... by your own counsel is suppressed and killed.
Seguindo vosso conselho, nossa clemência usual já foi suprimida.
That was quick! No, honey. It's your commercial.
- Querido, é o teu anúncio.
That was quick.
- Foi rápido.
That was quick.
Foram muito rápidos.
- That was quick, Hoss.
- Essa foi rápida, amigo.
That was quick.
Isso foi rápido.
That was quick!
Isso foi rápido!
That was quick, lads. Put it over here.
Ponham-no ali.
That was a pretty quick trip you made.
Foi uma viagem rápida, a tua.
She was always quick to seize upon anything that would improve her mind... or her appearance.
Ela sempre foi rápida a captar tudo que desenvolvesse a sua mente... no seu ponto de vista.
If that was the idea, we'll put a quick stop to it.
Se era essa a ideia, vamos acabar depressa com isso.
That was a quick interview.
Foi uma entrevista bem rápida.
- Well, that was a quick decision.
Decidiu rápido.
Very excited he was, and he said... to get to his house as quick as I could... that his girl had been raped.
Estava muito perturbado, e disse... para ir à casa dele tão depressa quanto possível... que a sua rapariga tinha sido violada.
Well, that was the quick way to get it down.
Foi a forma rápida de o pôr lá em baixo.
That was a quick conference.
Foi rápida, a reunião.
That was quick, Ann. Did you fi...?
Foste rápida.
Take over from Mr Grey. - A little quick with that gun. - The jerk was comin'on board!
A identidade dos sujeitos ainda não foi descoberta... o tempo para negociar os reféns acabou de chegar no controlo para acabar com a empresa desses terroristas.
The eye that the quick lime blinded was mine.
O olho que a cal viva me cegou, era meu!
Then he said that I was to get my white ass out of there quick or he'd cut it.
Depois, ele disse... para eu pôr a minha peida branca dali para fora depressa, senão cortava-a.
You know, here in Jerkville, where these yokels... is busy flicking dandruff off their mail-order suits... they forget awful quick that it was men like you that made it... safe and possible for them to lead out their dull little lives.
Sabes, aqui na Parvónia, onde estes pacóvios se preocupam em limpar a caspa dos seus fatos comprados por correio, esquecem-se depressa de que foram homens como você que fizeram com que fosse seguro para eles seguirem com as suas miseráveis vidas.
People who knew her when she was young said that she was quick and bright, and full of fun.
As pessoas que a conheceram quando ela era jovem disseram que ela era rápida e inteligente, e cheia de humor.
Foi muito rápido, Herr Flick. Vou faze-lo mais devagar.
A scientific expert would pronounce at once that it was drawn up on a suburban line. Since nowhere, save in the immediate vicinity of a great city, could there be so quick a succession of points.
Um perito diria logo que isto foi escrito numa linha suburbana, já que, em lado nenhum, excepto na vizinhança duma grande cidade, haveria uma sucessão tão rápida de agulhas.
That was so quick.
Foi tão rápido.
Come on, quick. The guys downstairs say that number 5 was hit by a huge power surge.
Disseram que o robot foi atingido por uma forte corrente elétrica.
But when we saw the spots of blood on the tent, we knew as we looked that this was a very quick event.
Mas quando vimos as manchas de sangue na tenda entendemos que tinha sido tudo muito rápido.
That was very quick...
Foi muito rápido.
Untrained in survival skills, I was given a quick course in using a microfilm camera, and a purse that made up in function for what it lacked in fashion.
Aprendi num curso intensivo a usar uma câmara de microfilme, e deram-me uma carteira funcional mas com pouco estilo.
A veteran of two wars, he was now partnered with me, whose only qualification, as he was quick to point out, was that I was born to some low-class individuals from Berlin.
Um veterano de duas guerras, era agora meu colega, para quem a minha única habilitação, como ele bem referia, era ter nascido de gente da classe baixa de Berlim.
And if I was to say you shit in your pants because of a cowardly soul I bet you'd show me that pistol right quick and shoot me dead.
E se te dissesse que te estás a cagar de medo aposto que sacavas a pistola para matar-me.
It was so quick that...
Foi tão rápido...
That was very quick thinking.
Pensaste rápido.
This party was dope, but that shit got played quick.
A festa foi curtida, mas acabou depressa.

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