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That was great Çeviri Portekizce

2,862 parallel translation
That was great, huh?
Aquilo foi incrível, não foi?
That was great, Darryl.
Essa foi boa, Darryl.
Annabeth, that was great, great demigod driving.
Annabeth, foi uma beleza de condução à semideus.
That was great.
Foi óptimo.
That was great.
Isso é óptimo.
- Oh, that was great.
- Oh, isso foi óptimo.
That was great energy, man. - Yeah. It was.
Isso é que foi energia.
- That was great.
- Foi óptimo.
That was great, Bucky.
Foi fantástico, Bucky.
That was great!
Foi altamente!
Yeah, that was great.
Sim, foi grandioso.
His neck was always very, very thick. And I was always very jealous of it,'cause I think, uh, in Roman times, it was a sign of a great warrior to have a neck like that.
O pescoço dele foi sempre muito, muito grosso e eu fui sempre muito invejoso disso, porque eu penso que em tempos Romanos era um sinal de grande guerreiro ter um pescoço daqueles.
That was really great.
Óptimo mesmo.
It was a great race, and I think it's terrific that we're able to hold huge events like this today in American cities.
Foi uma grande corrida e acho que é fantástico que possamos realizar grandes eventos como este em cidades americanas.
That's great,'cause I was actually planning on turning gay this weekend.
Isto é ótimo, porque eu planejo virar gay neste fim de semana.
That was... great.
Isso foi... óptimo.
Duke, that guy who was sitting there, I spilled coffee all over him. - Great.
Duke, entornei café em cima do tipo que estava ali sentado.
That's a great idea if he was running a political campaign in Africa.
Isso é uma grande ideia se ele estivesse a fazer uma campanha política em África.
But I'm here to tell you that we were here When this city was great, And we'll still be here when it's great again.
Mas estou aqui para dizer que estávamos aqui quando esta cidade era grande, e vamos estar aqui quando for grande outra vez.
You did what you felt was right. And that shows great courage.
Fizeste o que sentias ser correcto, e isso revela grande coragem.
That was a great hug!
Foi um abraço do melhor!
But anyway, I just thought it was so great that there's two people here in the office that are going through this at the same time.
Enfim, achei óptimo o facto de haver duas pessoas aqui que estão a passar por isto ao mesmo tempo.
- Oh, that was a great day.
Foi um grande dia.
Like, what if I was that guy? I just want to find a great house.
- Só quero encontrar uma casa boa.
Ooh, that was great.
Foi óptimo.
It was good. Yeah yeah, that's great. That's great, whatever.
Sim sim, isso é óptimo É óptimo, o que seja.
That was a great dream.
Esse foi um grande sonho.
Oh, that was awesome! And it gave me a great idea for a prank! Gilda, you game?
queres ajudar?
That was the hair specialist at Great Michael Street Hospital.
Era o especialista capilar do Hospital Great Michael Street.
And if you could refrain from mentioning that it was my dad who crashed the party last night, that would be great.
E tu podes abster-te de comentar que foi o meu pai que apareceu na festa ontem á noite, seria porreiro.
This is great : That "The Cave" was elected best whatever... we can save it or throw it away.
Pois, estupendo..... que A Caverna foi eleita como leitura, e tal...
The boy I saw in that square was capable of being more than just good, but of being great.
O menino que eu vi naquela praça era capaz de ser mais do que apenas bom, era capaz de ser grande.
Well, that's great but... did you tell him I was working?
Isso é óptimo, mas... Disseste-lhe que estou a trabalhar e não posso sair?
It will give me great pleasure to know that it was the keeping of a civilized man.
Vai dar-me um grande prazer em saber que ele esteve à guarda de um homem civilizado.
And I think that was a great idea.
E acho que foi uma excelente ideia.
The great Augustus, Rome's first true great emperor how could he have imagined that Rome the whole world, as far as he was concerned, would be in ruins?
O Grande Augusto, o primeiro grande imperador de Roma, como ele pensava que Roma, que era o mundo para ele, ia estar um dia em ruínas?
That was not a great choice.
Não foi uma boa escolha.
Well, in that case, if it was of such great concern to you, why did you not report your suspicions to your superiors at the War Department?
Bem, nesse caso, se lhe causou grande inquietação, porque não reportou as suas suspeições aos seus superiores no Departamento de Guerra?
That was a great speech, nurse.
Bela apresentação, enfermeiro.
When I started falling in love with Stuart, it was great that I was a photographer, so I could just go up easily to him and ask him,
Quando comecei a apaixonar-me pelo Stuart, foi óptimo eu ser fotógrafa, então pude chegar até ele e perguntar-lhe :
Well, I... I just want to tell you that was a great show.
Só queria dizer-te que foi uma grande actuação.
That was a great leap forward, right?
Foi um grande salto em frente, não é verdade?
- Well, that was really great.
- Foi sensacional.
That was a really great team effort.
Ótimo... trabalho em equipe.
Becouse for this perfect victory, it was also essential that the other side... think is, everything that's excellent, great in some way and noble, should not engage in any kind of fight.
Porque, para a sua vitória perfeita foi importante a colaboração do outro lado. Ou seja, tudo o que é excelente, grande de certa maneira e nobre não deve participar em qualquer batalha.
She wrote to say that she was doing great and was promoted to general manager of Barnes Noble.
Ela escreveu a dizer que estava ótima e que foi promovida a gestora geral do Barnes e Noble.
That was a great day, Mr. Gould.
Foi um dia óptimo.
That was so great last night.
Foi tão bom, ontem à noite.
That was, uh, a great speech, sir.
Foi um belo discurso.
Dad, when I was a kid, you said that when I grew up I was going to do something great.
Pai, quando eu era miúdo, disseste que quando crescesse, faria algo grandioso.
Visually making that video with Mark Pellington, he did such a great job at making you see kind of how heavy that lyric was.
Visualmente, fazer aquele vídeo com o Mark Pellington, ele fez um trabalho excelente ao fazer as pessoas verem o quão pesada aquela letra era.

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