There it was Çeviri Portekizce
13,154 parallel translation
The world woke up the morning after and there it was.
O mundo acordou na manhã seguinte e ali estava ele.
I knew. The war wasn't over there, it was here.
Eu sabia que a guerra não era lá, era aqui.
There was no escaping it.
Não há escapatória.
Maybe it's because I always wanted to believe that this other world was out there.
Talvez porque sempre quis acreditar que havia um outro mundo.
It was there. It was dead.
Estava morto.
If it was ever there.
Se alguma vez esteve lá.
His... his mind was so used to, uh, you know, to the leg being there that it... It tricked him into thinking it was there even though it wasn't.
O cérebro dele estava tão habituado, sabes, com a perna dele, que ainda o fazia acreditar que ainda lá estava.
It was there I learned the first real news of someone who might know of Father FERREIRA.
Foi lá que tive pela primeira vez notícias verdadeiras de alguém que poderia conhecer o Padre Ferreira.
I seen somethin'out there, but I'm not sure what it was.
Avistei algo lá fora, mas não tenho a certeza do que era.
She died, and there was nothing that could be done to stop it, and that's it.
Morreu. E não havia nada que se pudesse fazer para impedi-lo. Só isso.
Apart from being drained of blood, it looked like there was no connection between any of the victims.
Além de não terem um pingo de sangue, parece não haver qualquer ligação entre as vítimas.
For what it's worth, I think your mom was too tough on you out there.
Eu acho que a tua mãe foi dura de mais contigo.
I stood there. I stood there oblivious, like an idiot, until it was too late to do anything about it.
Fiquei lá especado como um idiota, até ser tarde demais para fazer alguma coisa.
There was a bit of a thing in your voice. I'm good at hearing things in voices, and you had a thing with the scritching. - What is it?
Sou bom a distinguir sons nas vozes e tu tens uma fixação pelo som da fricção.
There's a discrepancy, which is good, but... it's still their word against Frank's, who was also shot in the head.
Há discrepâncias, o que é bom, mas continua a ser a palavra deles contra a dele, que foi alvejado na cabeça.
There was a tenement on that block before Wilson Fisk swallowed it up in his Better Tomorrow initiative.
Havia um bloco de apartamentos lá antes de o Wilson Fisk o ter destruído com a iniciativa dele.
It was supposed to be there.
Devia estar.
It was supposed to be there.
Devia estar ali.
Whoever he was, it's like he was never there.
Seja lá quem for, é como se nunca lá tivesse estado.
Whatever good you saw, whatever... you know, code of honor that you understood... it was never there.
O bem que viu, o código de honra que notou, nunca existiu.
It was right there. You had to sweep in.
Tinhas de te intrometer.
That was tough in there for you, right? It was...
Foi difícil para si estar ali, certo?
What you saw back there, it was...
O que vista ali atrás, era...
When Rip first recruited us, I made it my business to case every square inch of this tub in the event there was something worth stealing.
Quando Rip nos recrutou, tornei um assunto meu vasculhar cada centimetro quadrado desta banheira para o caso de haver algo que valesse a pena roubar.
It was there that I crossed paths with Connor again.
Foi nela que eu cruzei de novo o caminho com o Connor.
I know so much about it, it's almost as if I was there.
Eu sei tanto sobre ela, que parece quase que eu estivesse nela.
Down there, though, it was years... and years.
Mas lá em baixo, pareceram-me anos... E anos.
Normally, I'm not an ear girl, but when Vinnie told me that he was putting a tongue saber in there, and he said he was swishing it around, my chair was like a wading pool.
Geralmente, não fico excitada com conversas eróticas, mas quando o Vinnie me disse que ia enfiar a língua pontiaguda lá dentro e disse que ia andar com ela à roda. A minha cadeira ficou uma autêntica poça.
I mean, you might could think I'm trouble, when I handed it to you it was all there.
Podes pensar que te dou problemas, mas quando to entreguei estava todo aí.
There was this, you know, it's very difficult to get.
Havia isto, sabes, é muito dificil de arranjar.
I know what it looks like, but there was no other way.
Eu sei o que parece, mas não havia outra maneira.
And it was you who put it there.
E fostes vós que lá a puseste.
Initially, there was, like, this residual sense of betrayal, but now that I know you're serious, you know, it kind of softens the blow.
No início, sentia que me tinhas traído, mas agora que sei que estão numa relação, sinto-me melhor.
I get it. I only went in there to see Cooler'cause he said it was urgent, and she was there, and then I... and then I just, I heard this voice.
Só entrei lá porque o Cooler disse que era urgente e ela estava lá e eu...
There's a reason it was called The Dark Ages.
Por alguma razão ficou conhecida como a Idade das Trevas.
- It's not my fault. There was a soldier outside who was very interested in getting in.
Estava um soldado lá fora que queria muito entrar.
By the time our ships got there with the cure, it was too late.
Quando os nossos navios chegaram lá com a cura, era tarde demais.
One night, it was about, um, three months after Phil stopped working on our house, and I walked in and there he was.
Uma noite, foi uns três meses depois de o Phil ter deixado de trabalhar lá em casa, eu entrei e ele estava lá.
Lex said it was bad out there, but I didn't know he meant this bad.
O Lex disse que estava mau lá fora, mas, eu não sabia que estava assim tão mau.
There it was again.
Lá está ele novamente.
And from there, it was just a pretty great summer.
E a partir daquele momento, foi, apenas... um excelente Verão.
And there were two guys in it. One was white, and one was black.
E estavam dois tipos lá dentro, um deles era branco e o outro era negro.
And Channel 2 was there last night as Lieutenant Governor Ray Carroll made it official, announcing his run for congress. Carroll says that...
E o Channel 2 estava lá esta noite, quando o Governador Ray Carroll tornou a coisa oficial, e anunciou a sua candidatura ao Congresso.
Well, I think that if people knew that there was someone that could protect them, it would... it would really help.
Penso que se as pessoas soubessem que há alguém que pode protegê-las, ajudava de verdade.
When we got a... First saw bitcoin you know, about a year and a half, almost two years ago. I don't think anybody would deny that it was a bit of a wild, wild west, because there was no regulation.
Quando soubemos da Bitcoin pela primeira vez, há cerca de um ano e meio, quase dois anos, não me parece que alguém negasse que iria ser uma grande fantasia porque não existia regulação.
But part of what's so amazing is that people kept using it even after there had been numerous incidents in which it was clear that the company was not up to the task of safeguarding the money.
Mas o que é incrível é que as pessoas continuaram a usá-la. Mesmo após terem havido numerosos incidentes, em que era óbvio que a empresa não estava à altura do desafio, no que respeita à salvaguarda do dinheiro.
And there's a whole bunch of money missing, and no one knows if they just lost it, it if was stolen from them, if they embezzled it or what, but the important lesson from gox isn't that bitcoin doesn't work.
Há imenso dinheiro perdido. Ninguém sabe se o perderam, se foi roubado por eles, se o desviaram. Mas a lição importante a retirar da Gox não é que a Bitcoin não funciona.
It is believed that Sebastian Jane was murdered by certain mob interests to whom he owed money, a lot of money and then, according to the police, there were several rumors in the criminal world that you had hired local racketeers to find out who the person was that killed your brother.
Acredita-se que Sebastian Jane foi assassinado devido a alguns interesses da máfia, para quem ele devia dinheiro, muito dinheiro, e então, de acordo com a polícia, houveram vários rumores no meio criminal, de que contractaste criminosos locais para descobrir a pessoa que assassinou o teu irmão.
If there was anything left of Frank Kitchen it was his point-blank aim and I couldn't wait to use it.
Se não tivesse sobrado nada do Frank Kitchen... Eu tinha esse alvo à queima-roupa, e eu não podia esperar para o usar.
Well, it was- - Frankie, look, there's a drone!
Bem, foi... Frankie, olha um drone!
There never was. It was me.
Nunca houve.
there it is 2912
there it goes 120
there it is again 133
there it goes again 28
it was 5878
it was over 93
it was nice talking to you 43
it wasn't meant to be 40
it wasn't me 977
it wasn't your fault 315
there it goes 120
there it is again 133
there it goes again 28
it was 5878
it was over 93
it was nice talking to you 43
it wasn't meant to be 40
it wasn't me 977
it wasn't your fault 315
it was nice knowing you 36
it was great to see you 35
it was nice to meet you 237
it was nice seeing you again 19
it was nice seeing you 35
it was an accident 1408
it was a long time ago 376
it was great 632
it wasn't that bad 112
it wasn't 1008
it was great to see you 35
it was nice to meet you 237
it was nice seeing you again 19
it was nice seeing you 35
it was an accident 1408
it was a long time ago 376
it was great 632
it wasn't that bad 112
it wasn't 1008
it wasn't my fault 280
it was fun 381
it wasn't hard 37
it was good 635
it was a mistake 473
it was a 305
it was beautiful 226
it was me 921
it wasn't a big deal 50
it was amazing 310
it was fun 381
it wasn't hard 37
it was good 635
it was a mistake 473
it was a 305
it was beautiful 226
it was me 921
it wasn't a big deal 50
it was amazing 310