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Translate.vc / İngilizce → Portekizce / [ T ] / They're all lies

They're all lies Çeviri Portekizce

34 parallel translation
All they're doing is writing lies.
Tudo o que escreveram são mentiras.
Carlton, honey, they're all lies.
Carlton, é tudo mentira.
Maybe if you knew that the serum they gave you not only granted you superhuman abilities but also shortened your life- - that without an antidote we're all doomed to die within a year- - maybe then you'd see your destiny lies with us!
Talvez se soubesses do soro que te deram... Concedeu-te grandes capacidades, mas também encurtou a tua vida. Mas sem antídoto, condenam-nos a viver apenas durante um ano.
They're all lies.
É tudo mentira.
So all the people we've heard in court today, some of them you consider to be your friends, they're all telling lies?
Então todos os que ouvimos, alguns amigos inclusive, estão a mentir?
But they're not all lies.
Mas não sou todas mentiras.
They're all lies.
É tudo mentira!
They were all lies. Lies told on an effort to become your good friend until you left for Italy. But now that you're not leaving,
Eram todas mentiras que disse a ela para tornar-me seu bom amigo até que foste pra Italia.
They're all lies!
São mentiras!
Yes, they're all lies.
Sim, são mentiras.
It's all lies and propaganda, as far as they're concerned.
Para eles, é tudo mentira e propaganda.
They're all lies?
São tudo mentiras?
- You can't say that they're all lies any idea how many kids I've helped get out of this neighborhood
Fazes ideia de quantos miúdos ajudei a sair deste bairro?
They're all lies, you know.
São tudo mentiras, sabes?
They're not getting the truth from anybody else. All that shit on the news, is a pack of lies.
Não estão a obter a verdade de mais ninguém, toda aquela porcaria nas notícias é um monte de mentiras.
They're all fake and lies.
São falsas e matreiras.
They're to blame for all the lies... and the heartache, everything.
São os culpados por todas as mentiras... e os desgostos de amor, e tudo.
And all of our lies and masks... they're, they're stripped away and our truth is revealed.
Arranca toda sua história, e máscaras... e a verdade se revela a você.
They're all lies.
São só mentiras.
They're all lies, but she could use somebody to talk to anyway.
É tudo mentira, mas se calhar ela precisa de falar com alguém sobre isso.
# They're no good to me # # And here's all your lies # # You can look me in the eyes #
they're no good to me and here's all your lies you can look me in the eyes with that sad, sad look that you wear so well
They're all... lies.
Tudo isto é... mentira.
They're all morons and everybody lies. Wait.
São todos uns imbecis e toda a gente mente.
No, listen, these things they're saying, Leslie, they're all lies.
Não, ouve. Tudo o que estão a dizer, Leslie, é mentira.
You don't think they're all about Lies and conspiracy like everybody else? !
Achas que eles não mentem e conspiram como toda a gente?
Those notices they post, instructions, they're all lies.
Esses folhetos que penduram são instruções. É tudo mentira.
Those are the most loving things that Barney has ever done for me, and they're all based on lies.
Isso são as coisas mais adoráveis que o Barney fez por mim e são baseadas em mentiras.
You know, Mark, all that time in undercover, pretending to be someone else, telling lies like they're the truth, having to believe they are the truth...
Sabes, Mark, todo aquele tempo infiltrado, a fingir ser outra pessoa, a dizer mentiras como se fossem verdade, a ter que acreditar que eram verdade...
They're all lies! Shut it. I know they're lies, you fucker!
São tudo mentiras! Eu sei que são mentiras, seu cabrão!
None of those stories hold water because they're all fucking lies.
Nenhuma dessas histórias têm sustentação porque são todas mentiras do caralho.
" Planets, stars, gravity- - they're all lies.
" Planetas, estrelas, gravidade... é tudo mentira.
They're all lies, sir.
É tudo mentiras, senhor.
We're taught lies about the greatness of our hosts, lies about all the good things they're gonna do for us.
Contamos mentiras sobre a grandiosidade dos hospedeiros. Mentiras sobre as coisas boas que farão.
Whatever they told you, they're all lies!
Seja lá o que te disseram, é tudo mentira!

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