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Tried to kill me Çeviri Portekizce

1,595 parallel translation
Does that mean that someone has tried to kill me?
Será que isso quer dizer que alguém me tentou matar?
Somebody just tried to kill me.
Alguém agora mesmo tentou me matar-me.
She tried to kill me.
Ela tentou matar-me
- They really tried to kill me?
- Eles tentaram mesmo matar-me?
Another girl I dated... she gained 20 pounds and tried to kill me with a brick.
Outra namorada minha. Engordou nove quilos e tentou matar-me com um tijolo.
they tried to kill meto keep.
Eles tentaram matar-me por isso.
Those guys came into my house and tried to kill me.
Esses tipos entraram em minha casa, e tentaram matar-me.
You think you're the first who tried to kill me?
Pensas que és o primeiro a tentar matar-me?
- Tried to kill me.
- Tentou matar-me.
Four of you have tried to kill me in the past.
Quatro de vós já tentaram matar-me.
- Oh. He was on the bus this morning. - He tried to kill me!
Ia no autocarro esta manhã e ele tentou matar-me!
You know she tried to kill me, right?
- Sim. Sabes que ela me tentou matar, certo?
That couch tried to kill me.
Aquele sofá queria-me matar.
- We just got done fighting a war with Egypt and every person who has ever tried to kill me and my family, has been trained in Saudi Arabia.
Acabámos de travar uma guerra com o Egipto, e todos os que tentaram matar-me e à minha família foram treinados na Arábia Saudita.
They killed her, then they tried to kill me because I love Jodie.
Eles mataram-na e depois tentaram matar-me porque amo a Jodie.
Mr. Sonderling, he tried to kill me!
Sonderling, ele quer matar-me!
He tried to kill me.
Ele quer matar-me!
Can you believe that your darling little boy just tried to kill me with this?
Acredita que o seu querido menino me tentou matar com isto?
He tried to kill me.
Tentou matar-me.
He tried to kill me this morning.
Ele tentou matar-me, esta manhã.
He was one of them. He tried to kill me.
Estava nele, ele tentou me matar.
The other night, someone tried to kill me.
Na outra noite, alguém tentou me matar.
She tried to kill me.
Ela tentou matar-me.
You mean the people who tried to kill me, who killed 4 of my men!
Os que tentaram matar-me e mataram os meus homens?
Right before you tried to kill me.
Mesmo antes de me tentares matar.
They killed my men, they tried to kill me!
Mataram os meus homens e tentaram matar-me.
! You tried to kill me and our father.
Tentaste matar-me a mim e ao nosso pai.
And looking back on it now, I realize karma must not have liked what I did,'cause it tried to kill me with an exploding bush.
E olhando agora para trás, apercebi-me que o karma não deve ter gostado do que eu fiz, porque tentou matar-me com um arbusto explosivo.
Your mother... she tried to kill me.
A tua mãe... tentou matar-me.
That man tried to kill mE.
Aquele homem tentou matar-me.
Lots of men have tried to kill me.
Muitos homens já me tentaram matar.
I'm going to find out who killed him ; I'm going to find out who tried to kill me, and I'm going to do something about it.
Vou descobrir quem o matou, vou descobrir quem me tentou matar, e vou fazer alguma coisa quanto a isso.
That's because he tried to kill me.
Isso foi porque ele tentou me matar.
Stewie tried to kill me.
O Stewie tentou matar-me.
You should have seen the look on his face when he tried to kill me.
- Se o visses quando me tentou matar...
You tried to kill me.
Tentou me matar.
He's the one who tried to kill me.
Foi ele que me tentou matar.
You tried to kill me!
- Tentaste matar-me!
If you had tried to kill me, you too Wouldn't have survived.
Se tentasses me matar, também não terias sobrevivido.
Earl tried to kill me?
O Earl tentou matar-me?
You know after Annie first left me I tried to kill myself.
Sabes, depois da Annie me ter deixado, eu tentei suicidar-me. Ela contou-te isso?
It looked like he tried to kill himself more than once.
Parece que eu tento me suicidar mas de uma vez por todas.
I tried to kill myself, all right?
Tentei suicidar-me, está bem?
I'νe tried, but I cannοt do it on my own, so I need yοu to kill me.
Já tentei, mas não consigo fazê-lo sozinho. Por isso, preciso que me mate.
My mom was trying to kill me and so I ran over her and my dad made the dog die because it tried to bite me and I left it in the car, and I didn't know where to go and I remembered that Anna and Ken lived here, and I'm Laura.
A minha mãe tentou matar-me, então eu atropelei-a, O meu pai estava em casa e matou o nosso cão, Porque ele tentou morder-me, eu sai com o carro,
You tried to kill yourself because you couldn't talk to me.
Tentou matar-se por não conseguir falar comigo.
Um, Cass... I'm sorry you tried to kill yourself because of me.
Cass, lamento que te tenhas tentado suicidar por minha causa.
Bianca said you're gonna find whoever tried to kill her.
A Bianca disse-me que vai encontrar quem tentou matá-la.
You would kill me if i tried to escape,
Muito engraçado.
I once tried to kill myself.
Eu tentei me matar uma vez.
He ignored me, he used me politically, oh, yeah, and he tried to kill Carlos.
Ele ignorou-me, usou-me politicamente e, é verdade, tentou matar o Carlos.

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