We were wrong Çeviri Portekizce
688 parallel translation
I realized then for the first time that what you were doing was right... ... and that we were wrong.
Percebi, pela primeira vez, que o que fazeis era certo e que estávamos errados.
We were wrong.
Estávamos errados.
Uh, I don't know who this Mr. Dyle is... but it's possible we were wrong about who killed your husband.
Não sei quem é este Sr. Dyle... mas é possível estarmos errados sobre quem matou o seu marido.
- We were wrong.
- Enganámo-nos.
Evidently we were wrong because you haven't found them yet!
É evidente que nos enganámos, porque ainda não os encontrou!
- Come on, so we were wrong.
- Pronto, enganámo-nos.
As usual, we were wrong.
Como sempre, estávamos errados.
But we were wrong.
Mas estávamos enganados.
Unfortunately, we were wrong.
Infelizmente, estávamos errados.
- Hugh, we were wrong, not Geoffrey.
- Hugh, quem está errado somos nós e não Geoffrey.
We were wrong. You understand?
Enganámo-nos, entendes?
I think we were wrong.
Só que eu acho que estávamos errados.
We were wrong. The cosmic string was never dangerous to them.
A cadeia cósmica não supõe nenhum perigo para eles.
We were wrong.
We were wrong.
- Hmm. Wrong tactics. We should have told him we were looking for a lost cricket ball.
Devíamos ter dito que estávamos à procura de uma bola de críquete desaparecida.
We were sure you were wrong about there not being any gold here.
Olhe aqui.
After all, we were all Poles together, nobody saw anything wrong in it.
Afinal somos todos polacos, ninguém viu nada de mal nisso.
You were so nice and proper, I never thought anything we did together would be wrong or make us unhappy.
Eras tão cavalheiro que nunca pensei que fizéssemos algo errado ou desastroso.
If I didn't know better, I'd think we were on the wrong track.
Se não tivesse a certeza, diria que estamos na pista errada.
The Medical Officer's report on Johnson suggests we were certainly wrong to even consider this might be a hoax.
O relatório médico do Sr. Johnson sugere que estávamos errados... em nem sequer considerar que fosse um bluff.
I know this may sound horrible, but you were right and we were all wrong.
Talvez soe horrivel mas você tinha razão e nós não. Tivemos que chegar a este ponto para descobri-lo.
We were chasin'the wrong fox, but I've run you to earth at last.
Estivemos caçando a raposa errada, mas por fim te apanhei.
- We weren't wrong, were you?
- Não estávamos errado, sim?
We were all wrong.
- Estávamos todos enganados.
Anyway, Stan-boy, the thing is, we were all wrong.
Seja como for, Stan, a questão é que estávamos todos enganados.
We told her it was wrong to believe that white people were superior to black people or brown, or red, or yellow ones.
Lhe dissemos que era errado... pensar que os brancos eram superiores aos negros, ou aos castanhos, aos vermelhos ou aos amarelos.
It was wrong of our grandpas to make women their slaves so they were the only who could have all the fun Today everything changes and we are against those ways.
Foi um erro dos nossos avôs escravizar à mulher e só eles ter expansão junto ao trabalho, e hoje nossa transformação condena tal proceder
We were all wrong about her
Estávamos erradas.
Commander Powell died today. We were, we were going into hyper-drive. And... well he sits right next to me and... well... something went wrong with the...
O comandante Powell morreu... estava no seu hiper-cadeira... e... ele senta-se junto a mim bem... algo se passou de errado com o seu... íamos a levantar-nos quando saltou pelos ares.
Then I guess we both were wrong.
Então, acho que estávamos os dois enganados.
'It was after a number of unsuccessful attempts'to enter the space warp'that we realised our co-ordinates were wrong.
Só após várias tentativas falhadas de entrar na deformação espacial é que percebemos que as nossas coordenadas estavam erradas.
Were we wrong?
We were in the wrong.
Nós é que agimos mal...
You know, for five months now, I've been tryin'to prove to you, without ever really knowing who you were, that you were wrong, and that we could get somebody interested in the Chiefs.
Durante cinco meses, tenho vindo a tentar provar-lhe, sem sequer saber de facto quem você é, que está errada, e que podíamos encontrar alguém interessado nos Chiefs.
I thought we were working on something here, but maybe I'm wrong.
Pensei que tínhamos aqui qualquer coisa, mas, se calhar, enganei-me.
- What's wrong now? We wouldn't want you to think that just because you were one of her Majesty's civil servants, we were showing you any excess favouritism.
- Não queremos que pense que recebe tratamento privilegiado só porque está ao serviço da rainha.
They made me think we were starting the day on the wrong foot.
Fizeram-me pensar que estávamos a começar mal o dia.
And there were other things we felt were wrong.
E haviam outras coisas que sentimos que estavam erradas.
Well, I guess we were both wrong.
Bem, acho que estamos os dois enganados.
Would it not be wrong if we were to be divested of all assets?
Não estaria mal se nos despojássemos de todos os nossos activos?
Just look at nature and you'll see that life is simple. We must go back to where we were, to the point where you took the wrong turn.
Seria suficiente observar a natureza para perceber que a vida é simples que é necessário regressar ao ponto anterior onde enveredamos pelo caminho errado!
You get the cops, and you tell them how wrong you were to call them... or we'll be back here to turn you into dog meat, you understand?
- Vais dizer á Polícia que te enganaste ao chamá-los, ou nós voltamos cá e damos cabo de ti, percebes?
But, besides saving the wrong man, we were magnificent.
Tirando o facto de termos salvado o tipo errado, fomos magníficos.
We were worried that he might get involved in the wrong crowd.
Temíamos que ele se envolvesse com pessoas erradas.
And the way they always made us feel... like we were the two most important, smartest, most talented, handsomest... and it kills me to think that they look at me and wonder what they did wrong.
E sempre fizeram com que a gente se sentisse, Como se fossemos... os dois mais importantes, espertos, mais talentosos, bonitos... E o que me mata é pensar que olhavam para mim e perguntavam-se onde tinham errado.
we were trying to rescue these two idiot airmen and of course the plan went wrong.
Tentamos resgatar os aviadores idiotas e claro que o plano correu correu mal.
[crowd cheering] BUT WE WERE WRONG.
Mas estávamos errados.
We were splitting'because things were going all wrong.
Nós pirámo-nos porque estava tudo a correr mal.
And I thought we were friends. I did wrong.
Pensei que éramos amigos.
We were both tested, and there was nothing wrong.
Ambos fizemos testes, e estava tudo bem.
we were here 38
we were 914
we weren't 120
we were close 44
we were there 68
we were together 65
we were just friends 20
we were talking 74
we were friends 142
we were young 47
we were 914
we weren't 120
we were close 44
we were there 68
we were together 65
we were just friends 20
we were talking 74
we were friends 142
we were young 47