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Translate.vc / İngilizce → Portekizce / [ W ] / Wen

Wen Çeviri Portekizce

376 parallel translation
wen, my friend, these gentlemen seem to think I'm giving you the best of it.
Meu amigo, esses senhores acham que é uma aposta justa.
You allow this wen to be as familiar with me as your dog.
Dais a esse asno muita confiança!
- Chang Wen-hsiang
Chang Wen-hsiang
Chang, you assassinated a royal officer.
Chang Wen-hsiang, Assassinaste um oficial Real
Convicted felon Chang Wen-hsiang...
Eu assinado, Chen Wen-hsiang...
Chang Wen-hsiang
Chang Wen-hsiang
Chang Wen-hsiang, Huang Chung...
Wen-hsiang, Huang Chung...
Ma Chung-hsin. - Li Wen at your service
Ma Chung-hsin e Li Wen, ao seu serviço, excelência
Chang, I've to catch you myself
Chang Wen-hsiang, eu mesmo te vou agarrar
I've to catch Chang myself
Eu mesmo vou agarrar Chang Wen-hsiang
Chang Wen-hsiang, do you see it?
Chang Wen-hsiang, você pode vê-los?
On the doorstep of the Great Helmsman, Pompidou is welcomed by Wang Hong-Wen, promoted by the Cultural Revolution to the heights of the Central Committee to represent it symbolically.
Cada crise dá a luz, não apenas a um novo futuro,... mas a um novo passado perfeitamente claro, mesmo que um pouco tedioso.
They thought that he had become a bothersome figure and abandoned him. ( Alain Touraine ) The left had joined De Gaulle during the events of May and June and it was the right that got rid of him in April.
Na porta do Grande Timoneiro, Pompidou é recebido por Wang Hong-Wen, promovido pela Revolução Cultural até as alturas do Comitê Central... para que represente seus interesses.
No, no, no, cat. That is not for you. It's for Hen Wen.
Não não gato, isto é para Hen Wen.
Hen Wen, Hen Wen. It's always Hen Wen.
Hen Wen, sempre Hen Wen.
Hen Wen got dirty.
Hen Wen sujou-se.
There's something wrong with Hen Wen. What?
Passa-se alguma coisa de errado com a Hen Wen.
Put Hen Wen down.
- Põe a Hen Wen no chão.
Hen Wen, from you I do beseech knowledge that lies beyond my reach, troubled thoughts beyond your heart.
Hen Wen, hoje suplico-te a ti, sabedoria fora do meu alcance.
Take Hen Wen to the hidden cottage at the edge of the Forbidden Forest.
Irão à cabana secreta que está junto ao bosque proíbido.
Only I knew the secret of Hen Wen's power, but now the Horned King has discovered it.
Só eu sabio do poder secreto de Hen Wen. Mas agora o rei do mal conseguiu descobrir.
We must make sure he never uses it to find the Black Cauldron.
Jamais devemos deixar que ele utilize a Hen Wen para achar o caldeirão negro.
Gosh, Hen Wen, I never knew you could create visions and things like that.
Meu Deus Hen Wen, nunca pensei que pudesses criar visões e coisas assim.
But without the help of my pig, Hen Wen, here, I...
mas sem a ajuda da minha porca Hen Wen...
Hen Wen, where are you?
Hen Wen, onde estás?
Hen Wen!
That's her. That's Hen Wen.
- Sim sim, essa é a Hen Wen.
No telling where Hen Wen is by now.
Não sei onde se terá metido Hen Wen.
Hen Wen. I must get her out of there.
Hen Wen... tenho de a tirar dali...
Hen Wen. Oh, Hen Wen.
Hen Wen.
Hen Wen, from you I do beseech knowledge that lies beyond my reach.
Hen Wen, hoje suplico-te a ti....... sabedoria fora do meu alcance.
You must make sure he never uses Hen Wen to find the Black Cauldron. I won't fail you, Dallben.
jamais deveremos deixar que ele utilize a Hen Wen para chegar ao caldeirão negro Adeus, Dallben.
And I suppose it's my fault the pig's here, too? Hen Wen?
- também é culpa minha que a porca esteja aqui?
Hen Wen!
Hen Wen...
Wen did you stop, madam?
Há quántos anos se retirou, senhora?
Princess Wen Hsiu, twelve years old.
A Princesa Wen Hsiu, de 12 anos.
- Would you do me a favor, Wen Shu? - Of course.
- Fazes-me um favor, Wen Shu?
Wen Hsiu?
Wan Jung? When Hsiu?
Wen Hsiu, you want some gum?
Queres pastilha elástica, Wen Hsiu?
Wen Hsiu has gone. She will never come back.
A Wen Hsiu foi-se embora.
Wen Hsiu left the dog behind. Do you want it?
A Wen Hsiu deixou cá o cão.
Lawyer Wen, it's been a long time.
Advogado Wen, há quanto tempo.
That's Hen Wen.
- Essa é a Hen Wen!
You must leave here at once.
Deves levar a Hen Wen deste lugar.
Hen Wen?
Hen Wen? !
It's Hen Wen! She's in trouble!
- É a Hen Wen.
Hen Wen!
- Adeus. Hen Wen
Hen Wen, look out!
Hen Wen, cuidado!
There, there.
Hen Wen, já, já.
Oh, she's your pig?
- Hen Wen?
Wen Hsiu?
Wen Hsiu?

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