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Were you drinking Çeviri Portekizce

322 parallel translation
What were you drinking last night?
Que bebeste a noite passada?
What were you drinking?
O que esteve a beber?
How long ago were you drinking with the Third Reich?
Há quanto tempo atrás é que brindava ao Terceiro Reich?
Were you drinking?
Estiveste a beber?
Were you drinking that night?
Tinha bebido nessa noite?
Were you drinking in the car?
Tinham bebido no carro? Tinham uma garrafa?
Well, who were you drinking with?
- Com quem esteve a beber?
Oh, sorry. Were you drinking Slice or Yoo-hoo?
Desculpa, estavas a beber Slice ou Yoo-hoo?
- Were you drinking?
- Tinha bebido?
Oh, P.U., what were you drinking, gasoline?
O que andaste a beber? Gasolina?
Were you drinking?
Tinha bebido?
- Why were you drinking?
- O que estavas a fazer a beber?
Gibson, you've been drinking again... and you know what my orders were.
Gibson, voltou a beber... e conhece as minhas ordens.
I didn't know you were a drinking man.
Não sabia que era homem de beber.
I was drinking beer before you were born.
Já bebia antes de você nascer.
- Thought you were a drinking man. - Not now, sir.
- Pensei que gostava de beber.
When AngeÉe toÉd me that you were drinking... because you were in Éove with me É thought É'd try to heÉp you.
Quando a AngeÉe me disse que andavas a beber... porque estavas apaixonada por mim, decidi tentar ajudar-te.
Whatever you were drinking, it wasn't soda.
E o que estiveste a beber, não foi limonada.
At the peep of dawn, and as usual we'd been drinking and wenching in the town. You were even better at that than I was.
Ao amanhecer, quando estávamos bebendo... e com as meretrizes, você era melhor do que eu!
You made better sense when you were drinking.
Quando bebias, fazias mais sentido.
If I told anybody like that, I mean, they'd say you were drinking again.
Se eu contasse isso a alguém, iam dizer que voltei a beber.
You were drinking from a spring that came from the long nose of an animal.
Estavas a beber de uma fonte que saía do longo nariz de um animal.
There we were, waiting and drinking away at the old knifey moloko and you had not turned up. And we thought you might have been, like offended by something or other. So around we come to your abode.
Bebemos o nosso leitinho "temperado", esperámos por ti e como não aparecias receámos que tivesses tido algum azar e resolvemos dar cá um salto.
But you were exhausted. You have been drinking.
Está exausto, esteve a beber...
And you just said that you were drinking last night.
e disse que esteve a beber ontem à noite.
You were drinking at the bar, I'm pleased to inform you.
Tenho o prazer de o informar que esteve a beber num bar.
But you were never drinking man!
Mas você não bebia...
You know, to see if they were drinking or something like that.
Para ver se eles estavam bebendo ou algo assim
You were waiting for a nervous officer by himself, instead you see a group of bums drinking and singing.
Esperava um oficial sozinho, cansado. Em vez disso, viu um bando de vagabundos a beber e a cantar.
Sammy, first of all, that was back when you were drinking like a fish.
- Sammy, em primeiro lugar, nessa época, tu eras alcoólico.
You were drinking?
Estiveste a beber?
You guys were drinking.
Estiveram a beber.
You mentioned divorce a couple of times... but you were drinking.
Você mencionou um divórcio. Mas você estava bêbado.
Go on. Hilary, you sit there drinking your coffee the way you were.
Hilary, tu se sentas aí e beba o teu café tal como estavas.
Laddie, I was drinking Scotch 100 years before you were born.
Eu comecei a beber uísque 100 anos antes que você nascesse.
You were so forthright about your drinking problem.
Foste tão honesto acerca do teu problema com o álcool.
You were drinking.
Estiveram a beber...
You were drinking at 89th and Central, illegal club called John's.
Estiveste no John's, o clube clandestino na esquina da Central com a 83.
I suppose you were drinking.
Suponho que beberam.
That's not why it happened. You'd been drinking, and you thought you were making love to me. Yes.
Tinhas estado a beber, e pensaste que estavas a fazer amor comigo.
You were with a woman tonight and have been drinking.
Estavas com uma mulher esta noite e tens andado a beber.
- Were you drinking?
Andaram a beber?
Who quit drinking long before you were even born.
Que deixou de beber. Muito antes de tu nasceres.
Tell me you were out drinking till you threw up.
Diz-me que estiveste a beber e depois vomitaste.
You said you were drinking with an associate of Joey Molino at the night Lester Knight was murdered.
Disses-te andar a beber com um associado de Joey Molino na noite que Lester Knight foi morto.
How long were you gonna let me keep drinking this thing?
Quanto tempo mais me vais deixar beber esta coisa?
She claims you were drinking on duty.
Ela afirma que você bebia em serviço.
- That you're far from stupid, and you were forced to apprentice under your father- - a plumber with a drinking problem. Oh, yes, married at 21. And years later when your wife became ill, you took the night job at London Diamond so you could spend your days by her side.
Todas as noites, às 9 horas, eles fecham as portas da frente.
They were drinking... Are you two getting married here?
Vocês os dois pensam casar?
You weren't drinking, were you?
- Não bebeu, pois não?
You said you were drinking.
Tu disseste que bebeste.

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