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Translate.vc / İngilizce → Portekizce / [ W ] / What you said

What you said Çeviri Portekizce

13,787 parallel translation
That's what you said to do.
Foi o que disse para eu fazer.
That's what you said at 60.
Foi isso que disseste aos 60 dias.
I heard what you said, but I'm down on men.
Eu sei aquilo que disse, mas, estou sem pessoal.
I was thinking about what you said about Wells, how there's something off about him.
Estava a pensar no que disseste sobre o Wells, que há algo estranho sobre ele.
Then tell me what you said.
Então, disseste o quê?
What you said... about Rebecca.
Aquilo que disse... Sobre a Rebecca.
That is what you said to me, and then you shut down.
Foi o que me disseste e depois ficaste calado.
No, not until you tell me what you said to him.
- Não, até dizer-me o que lhe disse!
I, uh... I really liked what you said in the meeting earlier.
Gostei muito do que disseste na reunião.
Isn't that what you said?
- Não disseste isso?
Was it Tom, what you said in South Dakota, with the couple?
Foi o Tom? O que disseste no Dakota do Sul, com o casal?
Well, I have to tell you, the general's apeshit over what you said about being ashamed of your service.
O general está louco com o que disse sobre ter vergonha do seu serviço.
What you said... is it on the record now?
O que disse pode ser registado?
Tell me what you said.
Diga-me o que disse.
- What you said, "We're at war..."
O que disse : "Estamos em guerra..."
First, I need to know if you meant what you said before, that you protect your sources.
Antes, tenho que saber se falava a sério, sobre proteger as suas fontes.
Isn't that what you said?
Não foi o que disseste?
Help him by... doing the right thing, doing what you said- - trusting Morgan, trusting the law.
Ajudá-lo... fazendo o correcto, fazendo aquilo que me disseste, confiando no Morgan, confiando na lei.
Freaked out because of what I said or what you said? "Corpse-zombie"?
Doida pelo que eu disse ou pelo que tu disseste? "Zumbi"?
But that's not what you said originally.
Mas não foi o que disse inicialmente.
That's what you said, right, isn't it?
Foi o que disseste, certo?
Isn't that what you said?
Não foi isso que disseste?
- Did she understand what you said?
- Ela percebeu o que disseste?
So maybe we just do what you said.
Talvez façamos como disseste.
I don't, but it's like, you know, like what you said when we came up with this plan.
A sério, mas... sabes, é como tu disseste quando elaboramos este plano.
Because - duh! - that's what you said.
- Porque foi o que tu disseste.
Do you remember what you said?
Lembras-te do que disseste?
You know what else Thoreau said?
- Babe. Sabes que mais disse o Thoreau?
Since you took me to see the Constitution and I said, "Oh, that's pretty." What's all this?
Desde que me levaste a ver a Constituição e eu disse "Que bonito". O que é isto tudo?
I haven't said anything until now because I know what you went through with Danny, and that you're still going through.
Não disse nada, até agora, porque sei o que passaste com o Danny e o que ainda estás a passar.
What, you think'cause you said some fancy words, put your head in holy water, something like that, that you're a changed man now?
Achas que, apenas, porque disseste algumas palavras bonitas, porque colocaste a cabeça em água benta ou algo parecido, que és um homem mudado, agora?
So you really can't tell us what he said?
Então, não nos podes dizer aquilo que ele disse?
You said before that we didn't know what she'd been through.
Disseste antes que não sabíamos aquilo que ela tinha passado.
What has he said to you?
O que é que ele lhe disse?
What are you doing here? You said...
- O que está a fazer aqui?
- Because I think what you just said, that you didn't see anything that night, is the only honest thing you've said up there today.
- Porque eu acho que o que disse, sobre não ter visto nada naquela noite, foi a única coisa honesta que disse hoje.
- I said go home. - What did you tell him?
- Eu disse vai para casa.
What was it you said to Pearse?
- O que disse ao Pearse?
Did you understand what I said?
Entendeste o que te disse?
Did you hear what we said?
Ouviu o que dissemos?
It was rude, what I said, and I hope you'll accept my apology.
Fui mal-educada, espero que aceite as minhas desculpas.
Did you think about what I said?
Pensaste no que eu disse?
Did you not hear what I just said?
Não ouviste o que eu disse?
What are you in hiding for? I thought you said Agent Morgan believed you?
Pensava que tinhas dito que o Agente Morgan acreditou em ti?
Cross said, "Do what you need to do."
O Cross disse : "Faz o que for preciso fazer."
You heard what Rochelle said.
Ouviste o que a Rochelle disse.
What you should have said was,
O que devia ter dito era,
You found it... beneath you. I've had quite a bit of time to think, and I didn't mean what I said about Latin. Leith!
Consideraste-lo inferior a vós.
Did you tell them what he'd said to you?
Disseste-lhes o que ele disse?
Did you believe him? What he said about Lynn?
Acreditaste no que ele disse da Lynn?
What Jace's father said about you turning into a werewolf?
O que o pai do Jace disse sobre te teres transformado num lobisomem?

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