Who would that be Çeviri Portekizce
781 parallel translation
- Who would that be?
- Quem?
Who would that be?
E quem seria esse?
I didn't know who would that be coming from. And here, Jimi, he said to me :
Não fazia ideia de quem era, mas era o Jimi, que me disse :
Who would that be?
E quem é esse homem?
- Who would that be?
- Quem poderá ser?
But one who would be proud to carry out a boast that many make but few have the chance to fulfill.
Mas alguém que teria orgulho... de cumprir a promessa que muitos fazem, mas poucos cumprem.
I know now that you're a man who employs business methods... which in Russia would be punished by death.
Sei agora que é um homem que emprega métodos negociais... que na Rússia seriam punidos com a morte.
Since I'm the one who's going to have to worry about the stampedes and things... I figure that a fair price for your beef would be...
Como vou ter de me preocupar com debandadas e isso, penso que um preço justo seria...
Who would that be?
E quem seria?
Who would say that my debut night would be the last night of that poor circus?
Quem diria que a noite da minha estreia seria a última daquele pobre circo.
It is gratifying to learn that women exist who would permit themselves... to be auctioned off for the price of a slit throat.
É gratificante saber que existem mulheres dispostas a deixarem-se vender pelo preço de um pescoço cortado.
You used to be the kind of man who would sit in a card game and win that much money in one night.
Você costumava ser um tipo de homem que se sentava numa mesa de jogo e ganhava muito mais dinheiro em uma noite.
Ajournalist in Switzerland met with a German scientist who stated that your project would be an incredible breakthrough in anti-Godzilla operations in Japan when completed. It's the truth.
É verdade.
So that there may not be any suggestion of collusion I ask that only those of established reputation and who are known to you take part. I would have you certain I practice no deception.
Para que não haja suspeitas de conivência gostaria que se oferecessem os que têm mais reputação para que tenham a certeza,... de que não se trata de um logro.
If I knew that, then I would be... the almighty God, who knows everything.
Se eu soubesse, então seria... Deus todo poderoso, que sabe tudo.
Who would've dreamed that he'd have to be sold as a slave? Sad.
Quem pensaria que seria vendido como escravo?
This would be the first time, that I met a man, Who placed a Kentucky rifle in the hands of a Comanche.
Esta seria a primeira vez, que conheci um homem, que colocava um rifle de Kentucky nas mãos de uma Comanche.
Wonder who that would be.
Quem será a esta hora?
For three years, you've worked as sort of an emissary for a would-be group of reformers who think that juvenile delinquency can be curtailed if we treat these hoodlums with kid gloves.
Trabalhou como o emissário de um pretenso grupo de reformadores que diz que a delinquência juvenil se reduz com paninhos quentes.
And that person would be the man who killed my boy.
E essa pessoa seria o homem que matou o meu filho.
And also according to that same miner's law, it would be perfectly legal for me to shoot any man who tried to jump my claim.
E também, segundo essa mesma lei dos mineiros, seria perfeitamente legal eu matar qualquer homem que tentasse apoderar-se da minha concessão.
And who would that someone be?
E quem seria esse alguém?
Al Denton, who would probably give an arm or a leg or a part of his soul to have another chance. To be able to rise up and shake the dirt from his body and the bad dreams that infest his consciousness.
Que lhe permitisse levantar e sacudir o pó do corpo... assim como os pesadelos que infestam a sua consciência.
I was so good that once a day someone would ride into town to make me prove it. And every morning I'd start my drinking a few minutes earlier until one morning the guy who asked me to prove it turned out to be 16 years old.
Tão bom que todo o dia... alguém chegava à cidade para que eu o demonstrasse... e em cada manhã... eu começava a beber uns minutos antes... até que numa manhã... o tipo que me desafiou só tinha 16 anos...
[As they awaited the official speaker, who didn't show up... ] [... Don Camillo asked to say a few words... ] [... so that there would be no misunderstandings.]
Esperaram pelo orador oficial que não apareceu... então Don Camillo teve que dizer algumas palavras... para que não houvesse mal entendidos.
Really? And who would that be?
A sério?
Amigo, who would have thought the night we got out of jail... that we would be here like... a rich man, heh?
Quem ia pensar, naquela noite no cárcere... que estaríamos aqui, deste modo : ricos!
Your efforts to rescue me proved to me that you would be the kind of father who would watch out for me.
Os teus esforços para resgatar-me... mostraram-me que serias o tipo de pai... que me protegeria.
Who do you suppose would be able to kill that renegade?
Quem conseguiria matá-lo?
Girls, I would like to point out that the one that is elected beauty queen will be given the honorary task of presenting this gift to our former chairman, who will be eighty-six years old.
Senhoritas, quero avisar que quem... for eleita a Rainha da beleza,... vai ter a tarefa de... entregar este presente ao nosso presidente,... que faz oitenta e seis anos.
Many journalists and people who wanted to see Hemingway used to come at that time to interview him. They never left him in peace to write in this room. she thought that by building that study he would be able to isolate himself.
Nessa altura vinham muitos jornalistas, e pessoas que queriam ver o Hemingway, entrevistá-lo e nâo o deixavam escrever no seu quarto com tranqüilidade, ela pensou que fazendo aquele escritório isolava o da casa e tentou fazê-lo o mais confortável possível mandando lhe colocar dez janelas dobradas
He maybe made me realize that now we've got a little money for the first time in our lives, and the chance to get a lot more, this would be a dumb time to find out who's the fastest with a gun, us or some show-off that might be lucky, even if he wasn't good.
Ele fez-me perceber que pela primeira vez temos algum dinheiro... e a chance de conseguirmos mais... e é burrice tentar descobrir quem é mais rápido... se nós ou algum exibido que pode ter sorte, mesmo não sendo bom.
Any girl who is thinking about entering into any permanent relationship would be glad to know that a man...
Qualquer garota que pense... num relacionamento permanente gostaria de saber...
Anybody who did that round here would be laughed off the street.
Quem quer que o fizesse seria ridicularizado na rua.
Who is here so base that would be a bondman?
Quem de vós é tão vil... que deseje ser escravo?
Who is here so rude that would not be a Roman?
Quem é tão estúpido que não queira ser romano?
I get a dozen calls a day just like that from would-be artists, from ladies who want to evaluate some stupid, little print their maiden aunts left them in their attic
De aspirantes a artistas, de senhoras que querem avaliar um quadreco que a tia deixou no sótão.
And even I knew that one day when the people came to their senses and swept the Conservatives back into power it would be these men who, together with my father would form the government.
E até mesmo eu sabia que, um dia, quando as pessoas caíssem em si e voltassem a pôr os Conservadores no poder, seriam estes dois homens que, juntamente com 0 meu pai, formariam 0 governo.
Who'd could have imagined that he would be a mediocre president?
- Quem poderia imaginar - Que seria um presidente medíocre?
Who wants that said this, it would be greeted with enthusiasm.
Quem quer que o dissesse, seria saudado com entusiasmo.
E it said me that the clinic stops children who start in Hamburg it went to be destruida. went to be dismissed e that received letters threatening that they said that if it put the hands in Aryan children, would have problems.
E ele disse-me que a clínica para crianças que começara em Hamburgo ia... ele ia ser destituído e que recebia cartas ameaçadoras que diziam que se ele pusesse as mãos em crianças arianas, teria problemas.
Convinced of that the victory would be its before the Winter starting, it commanded the generals who continued.
Convencido de que a vitória seria sua antes do Inverno começar, ordenou aos generais que prosseguissem.
That would be like disposing of the goose who owes me a golden egg. Don't you think?
Seria como livrar-me da galinha que me deve um ovo de ouro, não?
Himmler said to me, "'There must be more than that.'" And he set up his own statistics unit - today, one would say computer people - who were to check up on this.
O Himmler achava que tinham sido mais pessoas e criou uma unidade de estatísticas especial encarregada de confirmar o número de mortos.
You know, when you showed me the plans in Paris I could not believe that we should be the first men who would fly.
Sabes, quando me mostraste os planos, em Paris, não acreditava que iríamos ser os primeiros homens a voar.
Mr. and Mrs. Rita Trondheim, Reginald Bosankway who would be next to Norway in a rhyming dictionary if it included proper names and if he pronounced his name like that.
A IDADE DE OURO DA IRRIGAÇÃO DO CÓLON Mr. e Mrs. Rita Trondheim, Reginald Bosankuega, que ficaria ao lado da Noruega num dicionário de rimas, se incluísse nomes próprios e o nome se pronunciasse assim.
I mean, would I be here if I was kiddin', mister? Subway...! Who'd wanna do a thing like that?
Gostaria de agradecer em nome da cidade de Nova Iorque, blá, blá, blá... e nunca parei para pensar no porquê.
I was at first in a very excited mood, because I expected that I would be the first and the only one who knows, who is going to know the explanation and declaration why the war had come to this end and why Hitler couldn't stop
Comecei por estar empolgada por pensar que seria a primeira e única a conhecer a explicação e a declaração da razão pela qual a guerra terminara assim.
But I tell you, I feel as though my life would be wasted if I didn't love deeply with a man whose mind I respected, whose spirituality equaled mine and who had the same, oh, lustful appetite for sensual passion that drives me insane.
Eu sentiria que a minha vida tinha sido um desperdício, se não amasse profundamente o homem cuja mente respeitasse, cuja espiritualidade fosse igual à minha, e que tivesse o mesmo apetite voluptuoso pela paixão sensual que me enlouquece.
Anyway, the one who's the baron now is my- - See, that would be- -
Bem, aquele que agora é o barão é o meu... vejamos...
And also, to send a message to those who prepare something for the night of the referendum, thing that would be very grave.
Mesmo com a melhor consciência, na apropriação coletiva... não é possível ignorar a lei do lucro. Então, que não ponham palavras em minha boca, Depois de 50 anos de diversas experiências socialistas... não vamos recomeçar o caminho de erros que talvez foram indispensáveis ou inevitáveis no passado.
who would do that 91
who would know 21
who would've thought 34
who would have thought 73
who would you pick 16
who would you choose 19
who would do such a thing 43
who wouldn't 128
who would 60
who would it be 34
who would know 21
who would've thought 34
who would have thought 73
who would you pick 16
who would you choose 19
who would do such a thing 43
who wouldn't 128
who would 60
who would it be 34
who wouldn't be 47
who would do something like that 20
who would do something like this 17
who would do this 52
would that be okay 38
would that be all right 34
would that be so bad 32
that being said 144
that being the case 16
that better 41
who would do something like that 20
who would do something like this 17
who would do this 52
would that be okay 38
would that be all right 34
would that be so bad 32
that being said 144
that being the case 16
that better 41
who were you with 40
who was it 877
who was that 1077
who were they 101
who was 108
who wants a drink 19
who was there 49
who wants to know 148
who wants some 43
who were you calling 16
who was it 877
who was that 1077
who were they 101
who was 108
who wants a drink 19
who was there 49
who wants to know 148
who wants some 43
who were you calling 16