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Would it matter Çeviri Portekizce

439 parallel translation
What would it matter?
O que isso importa?
Would it matter if I slept with you?
importavas-te, se eu dormisse convosco?
What would it matter?
Que importaria?
What would it matter?
Que importância?
- Would it matter?
Seria importante?
Would it matter!
- Claro que seria importante!
Would it matter if it wasn't?
Faria diferença se não fosse?
Would it matter?
- Isso faria diferença?
If said I didn't, would it matter?
Se disser que não, faz diferença?
Well, I'd hoped that it did matter... that when you came here, things would change.
Bem, esperava que interessasse... e que quando para aqui viesse, as coisas mudariam.
I didn't think it would matter so much.
Eu não acho que seja importante.
He would do that. But it doesn't matter.
Eu gostaria que ele.
Not that it would matter to me, one way or the other.
E fiquei sem saber. Mas não importa nada, se és ou não.
Yeah, they might, but the war in Europe would be over before they ever hacked their way through that forest. We're in a bit of a fix, miss, no matter which way you look at it. There's one thing certain.
Sim, eles podem, mas a guerra na Europa terminaria... antes que eles cortassem caminho pela floresta.
Should the letter reach other hands it would be a serious matter.
Se a carta chegasse a outras mãos, seria fatal.
It would be a simple matter to let the knife slip.
Seria um acto simples, deixar a faca deslizar.
I was just sitting here thinking, as a matter of fact, you know nothing really has turned out the way I thought it would.
Estava aqui sentada pensando, que de facto, sabem... nada aconteceu realmente do modo que eu pensei que seria.
As a matter of fact... Maybe it would be more interesting without it.
Na realidade, talvez assim seja mais interessante.
- It's just a matter of - If they could go to their rooms, that would be a good solution.
Bem, se eles pudessem ir para seus quartos, seria uma boa solução.
Is it a symposium of doubles, or matter and antimatterapproximation, which I would not recommend, as it could lead to annihilation and thus, to the creation of an unknown power, and the known powers are just enough.
É um congresso de clones, ou a matéria frente à antimatéria? Isto eu não recomendo, pois elas se anulam... e efeitos desconhecidos surgirão. Já bastam os conhecidos.
Oh, I think it would also matter to Mitch.
Creio que teria importância também para o Mitch.
Would you like to hear a little about me? It really doesn't matter.
Gostaria de ouvir um pouco da minha história?
Had it been a girl, it would have been a different matter.
Se fosse outra rapariga seria um assunto diferente.
In a matter of seconds, it will on contact, enter the veins. And a few drops of this would be enough to ensure the deaths of 10,000 people.
Em poucos segundos entra nas veias, e, com umas gotas, podem-se matar 10.000 pessoas.
I would say it's a matter of the north pasture.
É uma questão relacionada com o pasto do norte.
I know you would hit it, but that doesn't matter.
Sei que podes acertar, mas isso não é importante.
Would you think it cowardice if I told you that no matter how confident you are, I'm scared?
Acharia covardia se eu lhe dissesse... que apesar da sua confiança, estou um pouco receoso?
I am perfectly certain that you will not cold-shoulder me, you will not turn your back on me, because it would not be a matter of turning your back on me, but on your very country.
Tenho plena certeza que não me vão abandonar... que não me vão voltar as costas, porque... não me virariam as costas a mim, mas sim ao vosso pais.
If it was about gold, it would be a different matter, but this doesn't pay off.
Ontem éramos 10, hoje só somos 6.
That would explain the high-radiation readings, wouldn't it, Captain? If the matter - antimatter..?
Gideon está a contactar-nos, Sr. Spock.
Conjecture, captain, rather than explanation. - It would seem that we were held in the power of creatures able to control matter and to rearrange molecules in whatever fashion was desired. - Well?
- Uma conjectura, não uma explicação.
Then it would be just a matter of counting our dead.
Então, seria apenas uma questão de contar os nossos mortos.
No matter how much I would go over it, I realized I had not been fair.
Por mais que pensasse percebi que não tinha sido justo.
No captain of the Starfleet would do that unless it was a matter of life and death.
Nenhum capitao da Frota o faria se nao fosse questao de vida ou morte.
It was a matter of time before they realized their take would go up if they got blood on the track.
Era questão de tempo antes deles perceberem que sua tomada iria para cima se tivesse sangue na pista.
As a matter of fact, it would be better for you to be frank with me.
De facto, é melhor para vós serdes sincero comigo.
And he does remind me that it would be safest for Rohan... to seek their friendship, no matter how I may feel! Dear Lord, let me deal with these troublesome guests.
- E ele me faz lembrar... que ser ¡ a ma ¡ s seguro para Rohan provurar a am ¡ zade deles não ¡ mportando vomo eu me s ¡ nto!
Jupiter is made mostly of hydrogen and helium, just like the sun and had Jupiter been a few dozen times more massive the matter in it might have undergone thermonuclear reactions in the interior and Jupiter would have begun to shine by its own light.
Júpiter é composto na sua maior parte de hidrogênio e hélio, como o Sol, e se a sua massa tivesse sido algumas dezenas de vezes maior, a matéria nele, seria exposta a reações termonucleares no seu interior, e Júpiter teria começado a brilhar com luz própria.
From such a world, high above the disc of the Milky Way it would be clear as it is beginning to be clear on our world that we are made by the atoms in the stars that our matter and our form are determined by the cosmos of which we are a part.
De um tal mundo, sobreposto ao disco da Via Láctea, seria claro, como está começando a ser claro no nosso mundo, de que somos feitos por os átomos nas estrelas, de que a nossa matéria e a nossa forma são determinadas, por o Cosmos, do qual fazemos parte.
No matter how it happened, the child would still be mine.
Seja como for que tenha acontecido, o filho é meu.
It is a matter of great urgency, Mr. Holmes, or I would not be troubling you on a Saturday evening.
Trata-se de uma emergência, Sr. Holmes. Caso contrário, não incomodaria o seu serão de Sábado.
Before we take this matter to a vote, I would like it clearly stated in the record...
Antes de passarmos à votação quero que fique escrito na acta...
I saw in the papers that he had been engaged by the French government upon a matter of supreme importance but I could hardly foresee that it would have so violent a consequence.
Tinha lido no jornal que havia sido requisitado pelo Governo Francês devido a um assunto de extrema importância. Mas dificilmente poderia prever a violência do desfecho.
Do you not see, it would not matter if you were ugly.
Não percebes que não importava mesmo que fosses feio?
You know, as a matter of fact, it would.
Sabes, na verdade vai fazer.
If one does not matter, Mr. Pengelley, it would like reading the will.
Se não se importa, Sr. Pengelley, gostaria de ler o testamento.
This camp fire stuff is fun it really is but it doesn't matter how painstakingly we go over these sewer plans. Or how many dam flashlights or helmets you've got in that box. When the sun comes up, I'm dust and I would suggest that the rest of you follow me and get the hell out of Dodge.
Esta coisa de acampamento é divertida, é mesmo mas não importa o quanto nós olhemos para as plantas daquele esgoto ou quantas lanternas ou capacetes estejam naquela caixa quando o sol nascer, eu vou embora, e sugiro que o resto faça o mesmo.
She said it would stick in people's minds forever and no matter what, she claimed, it would sway the deaf vote.
Disse que ia ficar na cabeça das pessoas para sempre, e que no mínimo, influenciaria o voto dos surdos.
Now if it had been my priceless papyrus, that would be another matter.
O precioso manuscrito está aqui. Deve calcular que eu nunca o deixaria fugir.
It would matter to me.
Para mim, fará.
It would matter to Morg.
E para o Morg.

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