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Translate.vc / İngilizce → Portekizce / [ W ] / Woulda

Woulda Çeviri Portekizce

254 parallel translation
Woulda been a snap!
Teria sido tão fácil!
See, if I woulda had a gun there... why, one of us might have got hurt, and it might have been me.
Se tivesse uma arma, um de nós podia estar ferido. E podia ser eu.
Otherwise, your friend Joe here is gonna woulda have to sleep in the park anyway.
Senão o seu amigo Joe terá de dormir à mesma no parque.
Pearlo woulda killed him if he'd heard about it.
O Pearlo tê-lo-ia matado se soubesse disto.
You woulda had three eights.
Las ter três oitos.
There was a time when I woulda caught all three.
Houve uma altura em que as teria apanhado às três.
My cut woulda been what?
- A minha parte seria o quê?
Something... woulda made you more famous than Miss Rheingold.
Uma coisa... que te tornaria tão famosa como a Miss Rheingold.
It's the product that woulda brought you fame and fortune.
D produto que te traria fama e fortuna.
The key that woulda opened the key to Hollywood.
A chave para as portas douradas de Hollywood.
Well, who woulda thought a wet-nosed kid woulda made a big thing out of it?
Quem iria pensar que um rapaz ranhoso daria importância a isto?
I went through over half of'em one night. And woulda got around to the rest of'em if I hadn't pulled a leg muscle.
Numa noite estive com metade delas, e podia ter estado com todas se não tivesse cãibras.
Inside he was afraid of his own shadow. Never woulda got over it either, if this other fella hadn't come along.
Mas no fundo, tinha medo da própria sombra... e jamais teria superado isto, se não aparecesse outro tipo.
If he'd have hit ya, he woulda killed ya.
Se ele te batesse, matava-te.
The slopehead woulda killed me?
O chinoca matava-me?
He woulda killed the Chink.
Ele teria-o morto.
- He woulda put out your lights.
- Ele punha-te a dormir.
I sure woulda liked to have met up with you before you took to them clothes and them vows.
Adorava tê-la conhecido antes de ter tomado os votos.
Five minutes more, we woulda got it remote from the bedroom.
Mais cinco minutos, e teríamos isto remotamente a partir do quarto.
And a Rebel gunsmith woulda got his head handed to him.
Um armeiro rebelde, teria lhe partido a cabeça.
Only knockin''em off woulda been enough.
Bastava matá-los simplesmente.
I woulda killed you.
Eu cá matava-te.
You woulda liked him.
Gostavas dele.
If I did, I woulda carried you everywhere.
Se soubesse, andava contigo ao colo para todo o lado.
If CBS woulda had their cameras there we'd have made Sports Spectacular.
Se CBS tivesse filmado aquilo, íamos aparecer na televisão, de certeza!
One minute more and you woulda missed us.
Mais um minuto, e não nos tinha apanhado.
I woulda throwed'em out on their ear.
Vamos esquecê-los.
This never woulda happened if you didn't meet that guy.
- Não iria se não o conhecesse!
And we woulda just gone on the same way..... till we were too old to even hope for better.
- Pode ser! E seria tcdo igcal... até sermos velhos demais para sonhar com algo melhor!
It woulda been a disaster.
Seria um desastre.
- If he had, then we woulda had a case.
Se o tivesse feito, então sim teriamos um caso.
There was a time when I woulda asked why.
Em tempos, teria perguntado porquê.
I used to coulda, woulda, shoulda.
Poder, dever, saber, perder, comer.
I never woulda done as good. You're always there.
Contei sempre contigo.
Do you think I woulda got it?
Achas que o teria conseguido?
I think you woulda nailed it.
Acho que serias perfeito.
Who woulda thought of that?
Ninguém conta com isso!
I woulda got away with it, too, if not for you snooping kids!
Eu tinha-me safado, se não fossem estes miúdos chatos!
John woulda liked you.
Deverias ter gostado dele.
I coulda been a star if I woulda stuck with it.
Podia ter sido uma estrela se tivesse perseverado.
Being born and raised here, I never woulda known.
Nascido e criado aqui, não fazia ideia.
- I woulda been a sexy chick!
- Dava uma garina toda boa, eu.
If I wanted a kiss, I woulda called your mother.
Se eu quisesse um beijo, tinha pedido á tua mãe.
That's not what I woulda guessed.
Não diria isso de ti.
That ´ s what I woulda told the bitch.
Era isso que diria à cabra.
- Woulda, coulda, shoulda.
- Aproveitar enquanto é tempo.
- If CRD opened, it woulda been on the news.
- Se a CRD tivesse sido reaberta, saberíamos.
- Good,'cause, you know, I woulda...
- Ainda bem, porque eu teria... - Eu sei.
The old Beecher woulda hid just now.
O velho Beecher ter-se-ia escondido agora.
I woulda called you before, but Michael just found me.
Devia ter ligado, mas o Michael descobriu-me.
Besides, no way I woulda hit you.
Além disso, nunca te atingiria.

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