It isn't much Çeviri Rusça
345 parallel translation
Lord Choi, isn't the type to let things go. Considering how much he dislikes it when things become noisy.
когда ему кто-то мешает.
- Yeah, well. Isn't this world so much better just with me in it?
А не стал ли этот мир сильно лучше со мной?
It's dedication to a way of life which indeed can be very much reinforced by experience but experience isn't the point of it.
Ёто посв € щение в особый образ жизни, который несомненно может быть усилен переживани € ми различного рода, однако переживани € не € вл € ютс € целью религии.
What makes you think... it isn't just as much sport for the animal as it is for the man?
С чего вы взяли, что у зверя меньше азарта, чем у человека?
Sleuthing isn't much fun after all, is it?
Шпионить за кем-то не так весело, правда?
There isn't anything I... I want as much, unless it's that you children should be healthy and happy.
Я не хочу ничего больше, чем вас, дети, видеть здоровыми и счастливыми.
- Well, it isn't much of a town.
- Это совсем даже не город.
- It isn't even much of a ghost town.
- Это скорее город-призрак.
I don't spend that much time on the newspaper. It isn't just the time.
Я не много времени уделяю газете.
It isn't much, but it's better than nothing in this cockeyed caravan.
Это немного, но это лучше чем ничего, в этом бестолковом пути человека.
Well, this isn't much like the old tanker, is it?
Ну, этот не похож на старый танкер, да?
It isn't much washing they'll be needing.
Не так уж это и хлопотно.
Of course a bit part in an operetta isn't much fun. We can take care of it.
Никто не будет рад маленькой роли в оперетте но это поправимо.
It isn't much fun to be alone on the night of your birthday.
Но вряд ли приятно праздновать свой день рождения в одиночестве.
After a 50 year slumber a 6 month-dream isn't that much, is it?
После пятидесяти лет сна, шесть месяцев грез - не слишком много, не так ли?
She has changed the decorations, she has changed the orchestra. It isn't too much to think that she will change...
Она заменила декорации, заменила оркестр и, вполне возможно, заменит...
It isn't enough. It's a small part only. It is so much more.
Его недостаточно, онο выражает лишь малую часть того, что я чувствую.
This isn't just a whim. It's much more serious.
Это нечто более серьезное.
Isn't it awful? I'm about to ask you for another favor, after all you've done already. Nobody's done so much.
Как это не ужасно, но я хочу попросить вас еще об одном одолжении, хотя вы и так много сделали для меня.
Good as it ever was, which isn't saying much.
Как голова, Док? Хорошо, насколько это возможно.
Yeah, as I say, it isn't much of a layout, is it?
Да, как говорится, не повезло, да?
But there isn't much of it left now Before the main event goes on
Но уже осталось совсем немного времени до начала боя
It isn't much but here's some warm sake to comfort you
Подкрепитесь немного здесь теплое саке для тебя.
It isn't worth very much.
Он стоит не очень много.
That isn't much, is it?
Не так уж много я прошу.
Pierre, it isn't that I miss him so much.
Пьер, не скажу, что буду по нему скучать.
- It's much nicer out here, isn't it?
- Здесь, снаружи, гораздо лучше, правда? - Да.
You made me blush now. You let me talk and talk but you don't tell me anything. I talk too much, isn't it?
Хуан... видишь, я краснею... ты мне позволяешь болтать Бог весть что, а сам всё молчишь.
There isn't much I can do about it.
Что я могу поделать.
It isn't much, $ 50, $ 55.
Тут немного, долларов 50-55...
I've already requested support, But quite frankly, my naval friends tell me there isn't much chance for it.
Я уже запросил поддержку, но говоря начистоту, друзья с флота сказали мне, что получить её шансов немного.
Oh I don't like it, but I guess there isn't much I can do about it.
Мне это не нравится, но, похоже, у меня нет выбора.
The rope shouldn ´ t be tightened too much, specially if it isn ´ t very resistant.
- Не затягивайте верёвку слишком туго. Особенно, если верёвка очень крепкая.
It isn't much. I
Это не слишком шикарно.
It isn't much fun being on nights.
Не так уж приятно работать ночами.
Yes, yes, Morning Fairy, and if it isn't too much to ask I'd like to be as pretty as you are.
= О, да, да! Фея Утренней Зари, если это не слишком много, чтобы просить,.. = Я хотела бы быть такой же красивой, как ты.
- It's too much, isn't it?
- Это уж слишком, да?
Now, this isn't much, but it's the best I could find.
Это не дворец. Но это самое лучшее место, которое я нашел здесь.
It isn't much extra for all that protection, is it?
Это на все случаи жизни!
It isn't good for you to sit out there alone and brood so much!
Это не очень-то полезно - сидеть в одиночестве и терзать себя!
I mean, look, it's very flat here not much hips, and here.... lt's a little early in the day for this sort of thing, isn't it?
То есть, тут плоско, средние бедра... и... здесь... По-моему, рановато для таких забав.
I'm sorry, Sister... but the world isn't much better today, is it?
Простите, Сестра... но сейчас мир стал не намного лучше, ведь так?
Maribel, if it isn't too much trouble go out by the rear exit.
Марибель, если тебя не затруднит, ты выйдешь из другой двери.
Isn't it too much, even if it's your duty?
Неужели это не слишком, даже если вы исполняете свой долг?
It isn't going to do me much good, either, is it?
Да и мне это много пользы не принесет, верно?
well, there isn't much to see, but I Iike it.
Что ж, здесь есть не так много, что посмотреть, но мне нравится.
" Dear Martin, ever since we've been apart I've realized how much I love you and how badly I need you. Isn't it funny how one person can completely change another's life?
" Дорогой Мартин, с тех пор как мы попрощались, я понял... как сильно я тебя люблю и как сильно ты мне нужен, как один человек может полностью изменить жизнь другого.
It is much better without them, lively, isn't it?
Куда лучше так, живенько, правда?
It is much more simple, Isn't it?
Так проще, не правда ли?
"The goat gave an inhuman squeal". That's a little too much, isn't it?
"Коза кричала нечеловеческим голосом".
It isn't all that much, twenty years.
Не так чж зто много.
it isn't 1519
it isn't worth it 21
it isn't real 27
it isn't possible 18
it isn't mine 27
it isn't easy 32
it isn't fair 52
it isn't working 26
it isn't here 19
it isn't safe 35
it isn't worth it 21
it isn't real 27
it isn't possible 18
it isn't mine 27
it isn't easy 32
it isn't fair 52
it isn't working 26
it isn't here 19
it isn't safe 35
it isn't me 34
it isn't over 20
it isn't true 86
it isn't you 23
it isn't funny 18
it isn't enough 18
it isn't like that 22
it isn't your fault 26
it isn't right 41
it isn't that 69
it isn't over 20
it isn't true 86
it isn't you 23
it isn't funny 18
it isn't enough 18
it isn't like that 22
it isn't your fault 26
it isn't right 41
it isn't that 69
muchacho 38
muchachos 38
much 413
muchas gracias 69
much appreciated 57
much love 20
much worse 133
much better 603
much less 38
much later 35
muchachos 38
much 413
muchas gracias 69
much appreciated 57
much love 20
much worse 133
much better 603
much less 38
much later 35