Why wouldn't you Çeviri Rusça
930 parallel translation
Why, you wouldn't - You're not thinking -
Но вы же не... Вы не думаете, что...
Sheriff Ames, why don't you catch him? You wouldn't like me to be stuck in the back with a carving knife.
Шериф Эймс, почему его не поймали?
Why, sure. You wouldn't come to the doctor, so the doctor came to you.
Если Вы не пришли к врачу, значит врач придет к вам.
Why, you wouldn't believe it if I told you that on the first Thursday, we were here on our honeymoon, we just started for Brooklyn Bridge.
Вы не поверите, если я расскажу вам, что в первый четверг, что мы были здесь на наш медовый месяц, мы начали с Бруклинского моста.
- Why not? How do I know I wouldn't be thrown out of here the minute you left?
А вдруг меня выкинут отсюда сразу же после вашего отъезда?
- I really wonder why I wouldn't kiss you.
- Как это я сразу этого не сделал.
Why, we wouldn't think of starting without you.
Мы не хотели начинать без вас.
Could you think of any reason why you wouldn't want to marry me?
А Вы можете назвать какой-либо причину из-за которой откажетесь жениться на мне?
Did she tell you why she wouldn't pour the wine for you?
А как она объяснила случай с вином?
Why wouldn't i? You wouldn't like people to say,
ты же не хочешь что бы сказали
All except why you wouldn't tell me before.
Все, кроме того, почему ты не говорил мне раньше.
You wouldn't say why you were looking for him.
Вы не сказали, зачем его ищете.
Well, I didn't say she was. But why wouldn't you if I told you?
Но я не говорю что она здесь, а почему вы бы не написали если бы сказала?
She wouldn't have any if she knew why you're here.
Ее иллюзии развеются, когда она узнает, с какой целью вы здесь находитесь.
Why wouldn't it be a good one for you, as well?
Почему бы ей не быть хорошей, так же и для тебя?
I'd like to know why you had gall to tell Kenneth he wouldn't have to worry much longer about David and me.
Лучше ответь, почему ты сказал Кеннету, чтобы он больше не беспокоился о нас с Девидом.
I mean - Well, you know, if - if we have children, why-Well, it w-wouldn't be legal.
Ну, понимаешь, если у нас будут дети, они должны быть законными.
Why wouldn't I do it now if I meant to kill you?
Я мог убить тебя и сейчас, если б хотел.
Wouldn't you like to know why?
Не хочешь узнать почему?
— Why should you think I wouldn't be? - Why should you be? Six nights a week for weeks of watching even Margo Channing enter and leave a theatre.
Уже много недель каждый вечер вы ждете, чтобы посмотреть, как Марго Ченнинг выходит из театра.
Even I don't know why, so I thought you wouldn't understand.
Я скажу это ещё раз :
How do you know? I'll say it again : Even I don't know why, so I thought you wouldn't understand.
I've tried to understand why he wouldn't go with me, and it's got to be because of you.
Я пыталась понять почему он не хочет уехать со мной, и похоже что из-за вас.
I wouldn't dream of marrying you. Why, the idea's absurd!
Я не выйду за тебя замуж, это абсурд.
- Why not? You wouldn't be seen. You'd throw away your career.
Тебя не будет видно, и ты погубишь собственную карьеру.
Why wouldn't you?
Почему бы и нет?
Why, there ain't a man aboard, except you maybe... wouldn't rather be kicked by him than be knighted by the Queen of England.
На корабле каждый, кроме вас, предпочел бы пинок от него, чем рыцарский титул от королевы.
- No, I wouldn't like you to tell me why.
- Нет, не хочу знать почему.
Or you wouldn't have understood why he went out without me.
Иначе вы бы не поняли, почему он развлекается без меня.
Why bother? You wouldn't believe it. Try me.
– Что толку, Вы мне не верите.
I wouldn't ask you to divulge a professional secret but your father told you why I'm here.
Так вот, не хочу склонять вас раскрывать тайну вкладов, но... В общем, ваш папа сказал, почему я здесь?
Why wouldn't you live with me?
Почему не хочешь со мной жить?
Why, I know you don't, because if you did, I wouldn't be able to follow you.
Знаю, что не знаете, если бы знали, я бы вас не выследил.
Why, I wouldn't stay here if you asked me.
Да что до меня, я бы тут не задержался, хоть вы на колени встаньте.
Why I would've refused anyway... so I wouldn't've had to fight with you!
Но я бы отказался, чтобы с тобой не поругаться.
I'll tell you why you wouldn't have taken it.
Я скажу тебе, почему ты так отпираешься.
You wouldn't be a school teacher by any chance? No, why?
Ты, случайно, не был школьным учителем?
I should think the why is fairly obvious, wouldn't you?
Думаю, это очевидно, разве нет?
If we got a client like you, why wouldn't we do good things?
Если бы у нас был такой клиент как вы, почему бы нам не сделать все хорошо?
When I sat in your class, why, you wouldn't even dream of harming an insect or an animal.
Когда я у тебя училась, ты даже не подумал бы обидеть животное или насекомое.
- Why wouldn't you get in a cabin, Nura?
Шла б ты в кабину, Нюр.
I know there's no reason in this whole world why you wouldn't like to step on something like me but do you think you could ever take to a man who dragged you from your home and done you the way I done you?
Я знаю, нет ни одной причины, по которой вы захотели бы быть со мной вместе. Но... но... Вы могли бы связать свою жизнь с человеком, который вырвал вас из вашего дома и сделал все то, что сделал я?
Why, you wouldn't know what to do with a genuine warm, decent feeling.
Вы не знаете, что делать, с подлинными чувствами.
Why wouldn't you?
Почему это?
- Why wouldn't you have?
А почему нет?
Why, I couldn't take money from you Joan, that wouldn't be fair.
Это было бы нечестно. Что-нибудь придумаю.
If anyone should kill me, why wouldn't that be you?
Если любой может убить меня, почему бы не Вы?
There's just so many pieces that didn't add up... tire that wouldn't go flat, why you refused to sell the cottage... that bothered me.
Было много разных вещей, которые не складывались вместе... шина, которая не была испорчена, ваш отказ продать дом... это беспокоило меня.
And if Marie-Charlotte loves you poor, why wouldn't she love you rich?
Если Шарлотта любит тебя бедного, почему не полюбит тебя богатого?
But I know... you wouldn't recognize him. Why not?
Но... я думаю, Вы бы не узнали его.
- You wouldn't do that? - Why not?
- Ты не сделаешь этого!
why wouldn't you tell me 19
why wouldn't she 34
why wouldn't it be 80
why wouldn't they 43
why wouldn't he 61
why wouldn't it 20
why wouldn't he be 29
why wouldn't we 35
why wouldn't i be 180
why wouldn't i 174
why wouldn't she 34
why wouldn't it be 80
why wouldn't they 43
why wouldn't he 61
why wouldn't it 20
why wouldn't he be 29
why wouldn't we 35
why wouldn't i be 180
why wouldn't i 174
why wouldn't we be 24
wouldn't you like to know 93
wouldn't you know it 35
wouldn't you say 361
wouldn't you 979
wouldn't you agree 153
wouldn't you say so 24
wouldn't you like that 23
wouldn't you think 16
wouldn't you be 37
wouldn't you like to know 93
wouldn't you know it 35
wouldn't you say 361
wouldn't you 979
wouldn't you agree 153
wouldn't you say so 24
wouldn't you like that 23
wouldn't you think 16
wouldn't you be 37
you know 156049
you know what 23733
you see 13602
you will be 199
you got this 563
young 1055
your 1839
you got it 4932
youtube 39
you suck 398
you know what 23733
you see 13602
you will be 199
you got this 563
young 1055
your 1839
you got it 4932
youtube 39
you suck 398
you can do it 1412
you bitch 789
you're cute 195
you okay 9168
youn 21
yourself 387
your hat 64
your own 34
your phone 169
yours 1007
you bitch 789
you're cute 195
you okay 9168
youn 21
yourself 387
your hat 64
your own 34
your phone 169
yours 1007
your honor 7894
you tell 24
younger 104
you got a pen 63
you know that 5741
you are 6060
your full name 16
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youth 73
you well 16
you tell 24
younger 104
you got a pen 63
you know that 5741
you are 6060
your full name 16
you're welcome 5601
youth 73
you well 16