That was an accident Çeviri Türkçe
920 parallel translation
That was an accident.
Bu bir kazaydı.
- Nobody tell me that was an accident.
- Hiç kimse kaza olduğunu söylemesin.
That man at the Anchor Dolphin. That was an accident, was it?
Bardaki adam kazara öldü değil mi?
That was an accident.
Bir kazaydı.
Annen de çok fazla acı çektirdi, sadece bir adı var.
It was unfortunate that he was hurt... but that was just an accident.
Talihsiz şekilde yaralanması bir kazaydı.
I was going to come to Korea myself, so that I could also meet Hee Joo. But when Han Na came back to England... she told me that Hee Joo had died in an accident.
Hee Joo'yu bulmaya gelecektim ama Han Na geri dönüp Hee Joo'nun araba kazasında öldüğünü söyledi.
That shot was an accident.
Beni vuramaz.
That it was a lovely evening and you went for a drive and that there was an accident.
Güzel bir akşamdı, gezintiye çıktın ve kaza oldu.
Then you wish it was an accident, and you had that policy for $ 50,000.
- Ve bir kaza sonucu olsa. Ve poliçeyle 50,000 $'ın üzerine konsan?
And from then on, clear up to the night we got the judge out of bed in that little Idaho town, nothing was an accident, Ted.
O andan itibaren geceye kararımı vermiştim. O küçük Idaho kasabasında yargıcı yatağından kaldırıp... Hiçbir şey tesadüf değildi Ted.
You're being dreadfully cruel. lt was just an accident that he came back early.
Çok acımasızsın. Erken dönmesi sadece bir kazaydı.
It was an accident. Do you remember that, a skiing accident?
Bir kazaydı, kayak kazası, hatırladın mı?
It was just an accident, but they murdered him that night.
Sadece bir kazaydı, ama onu o gece katlettiler.
Just between us, we're not satisfied that Half-High explosion was an accident.
Yarım Yüksek patlamanın bir kaza olduğu konusunda tatmin olmaz.
That it was an accident undesired by you?
Pekiyi, istenmeyen bir kaza olduğuna dair?
That was an unavoidable accident.
Kaçınılmaz bir kazaydı.
- That day was an accident.
- O günküler bir kazaydı.
Was that an accident, or did you do it on purpose?
Bu bir kaza mıydı, yoksa bilerek mi yaptın?
I don't doubt that it was an accident... the elevator door, through an oversight, was left open.
Onun bir kaza olduğundan şüphem yok asansör kapısı açık bırakılmış.
You know that. - It was an accident.
- Lejeune'u öldürdün.
I was an accident that you hated and tried to hide.
Nefret edip saklamaya çalıştığın bir hataydım.
Inspector, granted that the cut on the wrist was caused by that knife, is there anything to show whether it was an accident or done deliberately after the murder to account for the bloodstains?
Müfettiş, bilekteki kesiğin o bıçak yüzünden oluştuğunu düşünecek olursak, bunun bir kaza sonucu mu olduğunu yoksa kan lekelerini açıklamak için cinayetten sonra bilerek mi yapıldığını gösterecek bir kanıt var mı?
I'd say that this was an exceedingly well-planned, or we might say, a happy sort of accident, Mr. Robeson.
Bence bu son derecede iyi planlanmış bir kazaydı, ya da şöyle diyebiliriz, mutlu türden bir kaza, Bay Robeson.
Do you think it was an accident we met that night in the fog?
O gece siste karşılaştığımızın bir kaza olduğunu mu sanıyorsun?
It was an accident Pa! I told you that.
- Bir kazaydı!
Do you think that chandelier falling was an accident?
Sizce o avize kaza eseri mi düştü?
Do you think that falling casket was an accident?
O tabutun düşmesi bir kaza mıydı?
I realize now that my sister's death was an accident.
Şimdi anlıyorum ki, kız kardeşimin ölümü bir kazaydı.
It was an accident that you met him in the first place.
Onunla karşılaşman bile bir kazaydı.
It was an accident, you have no right to talk like that.
Neticede bir kazaydı, bu şekilde konuşmaya hakkın yok.
That was soon after my parents were killed in an automobile accident..... and I was very alone.
Ailemin bir araba kazasında ölmesinden hemen sonraydı ve çok yalnızdım.
precisely because she unfortunately found out... that my husband's death wasn't an accident, she should have realised that it was both foolish and dangerous to push it.
Kesinlikle onun kocamın ölümünün bir kaza olmadığını... maalesef öğrenmesi yüzünden, zorlamanın hem aptalca hemde tehlikeli olduğunun farkında olmalıydı.
- Can't tell me that was just an accident.
- Bana bunun bir kaza olduğunu söyleme.
That's it, I'll tell'em it was an accident!
Aynen öyle. Kaza derim.
That was an accident!
O bir kadın.
To remind people, perhaps, that it was not an accident, huh?
-... kasabada olmamam daha iyi, ha?
That was no miracle, just an accident and life is full of'em.
Hayır, bu mucize değildi, sadece bir rastlantı. Hayat onlarla dolu.
It was an accident with that ridiculous gas stove!
Gaz sobasıyla yaşanmış saçma bir kazaydı!
And making love to Ilona, that was also an accident?
Peki Ilona'la sevişmen, o da mı kazaydı?
2307 Lorraine Drive, death being caused by three.38 caliber bullet wounds in the upper chest. The jury also finds, from the evidence submitted, that the death of Bryce Chadwick was an accident.
- 2307 Lorraine Drive oturan Bryce Chadwick 21 Tmmuzda, göğsüne isabet eden üç adet 38 kalibrelik kurşunla öldürülmüştür jüri, Bryce Chadwick'in ölümüne ait delilleri incelemiş ve bunun bir kaza olduğuna karar vermiştir.
That was an accident.
O kazaydı.
In spite of the cautious tone of the official report I can't see any reason to believe that the crash was an accident.
Resmi raporların ihtiyatlı söylemlerine rağmen ben kazanın bir tesadüf olduğuna inanmıyorum.
Miss Bishop, the lieutenant is from homicide and, obviously, he is under the impression that the accident was caused by an exploding cigar.
Bayan Bishop, Komiser cinayet masasından. Ve kazaya... patlayan bir puro kutusunun sebep olduğunu düşünüyor.
Is that Capri was not an accident, but rather an inspiration.
Capri adının tesadüfen konmadığı, bize ilham veren bir ad olduğu.
They're unravelling the tangle now, and there's a penalty against the Mean Machine for roughness, and that pass sure didn't look like it was an accident.
Üstünden kalkıyorlar. Mean Machine'nin bu davranışı penaltı ile cezalandırılacak ve bu pasın bir kaza olmadığı da besbelli.
Greta doesn't believe that Mario's death was an accident.
Greta, Mario'nun ölümünün kaza olduğuna inanmıyor.
But why don't you accept the fact that it was an accident?
Şey, Komiser, kamera bir ressamın paleti gibidir.
Oh, no, it was an accident with farm machinery, that's what it was.
Makinalarda yaşanan bir iş kazasıymış. Aynen öyle olmuş.
That was on purpose, not an accident!
Bunu bilerek yaptım, kaza değildi!
Oh, why do you keep suggesting that my father-in-law's disappearance was something more than an accident?
Oh, kayın pederimin kayboluşunun bir kazanın ötesinde bir şey olduğunu niçin ima edip duruyorsunuz?
that was close 355
that was stupid 112
that was quick 252
that was about 19
that wasn't very nice 41
that was a long time ago 336
that wasn't a question 26
that wasn't my intention 19
that was fast 352
that was awesome 388
that was stupid 112
that was quick 252
that was about 19
that wasn't very nice 41
that was a long time ago 336
that wasn't a question 26
that wasn't my intention 19
that was fast 352
that was awesome 388