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Kaldi Çeviri İngilizce

432 parallel translation
Bir iki kiºilik yer kaldi.
Just got room for a few more.
Yaklasik 500 dolarim kaldi.
I've got about $ 500 left.
Bitmesine az kaldi.
It'll be out soon.
- Az kaldi.
- In a few minutes.
Polislerin gelmesine çok az kaldi.
We only have minutes to get set for the police.
Sizin düsündügünüz geçmiste kaldi.
What you're thinking, McNamara, is yesterday's news.
Sparta geçmiste kaldi, Helen.
Sparta is the past, Helen.
Yolcularim Bisbee'ye gidiyor. Birkac kilometre kaldi.
My passengers are due in Bisbee, only a few miles away.
Birimize veda etmek zorunda kaldi, cok yazik.
He had to say goodbye to one of us and that's too bad.
- Patron nerede kaldi?
- What's holding up the boss?
Karar vermek icin yarim saatin kaldi.
That leaves you one half-hour to decide.
Hepsi geride kaldi!
They're all gone now!
On yiI öncesi çok geride kaldi.
Ten years is a long time ago.
Alti ay sonra, Haneda havaalaninin yanindaki otelde kapici olarak calisti ve Kawasakide bir yurtta kaldi.
Six months later, he worked as a porter at a hotel near Haneda Airport and lived at a dorm in Kawasaki City.
Yapacak... o kadar çok sey kaldi k ¡.
There's so much left to do.
Tankerler gec kaldi.
Tanker truck's late.
- Bes dolar kaldi.
- Five dollars left.
Sadece 1 5 saniye kaldi.
Only fifteen seconds to go.
Sakinlemeyi kontrol edin. 5 saniye kaldi.
Check for relaxation. Five seconds to go.
Çantam revirde kaldi.
I left my case in the infirmary.
Dört tane kaldi.
Four more to go.
Üc tane kaldi. '
There's three to go.
Biliyor musun, Mac? Eve varmamiza yarim günlük yolumuz kaldi.
You know, Mac... half a day's ride, we'll be home.
Birileri öldü de bana mi kaldi, diyeyim? - Tanrim!
Tell her somebody died and left it to me?
Pardon ama çok az vaktimiz kaldi, prova bile yapamayacagiz.
I'm sorry, but we have so little time, we can't even rehearse.
19.yy'da insanlik mekani kabullenmek zorunda kaldi, diyordu... 20.yy'in büyük meselesiyse farkli zaman kavramlarinin birlikte varolmalariydi.
He said that in the 19th century mankind had come to terms with space, and that the great question of the 20th was the coexistence of different concepts of time.
- 15 saniye kaldi.
Insertion in 15 seconds.
- Takili kaldi!
- He's hung up!
- Takili kaldi!
He's hung up!
- Ne demek takili kaldi?
- What do you mean he's hung up?
Dönüse bir saat kaldi.
Minus one hour to extraction.
On January 18, 1943, the deportations were resumed.
Seni vurmama ramak kaldi.
I'm very close to shooting you. Leave me alone, Jeffrey.
15 saniyeniz kaldi.
You now have 15 seconds to comply.
Bes saniye kaldi.
You now have five seconds to comply.
Nerede kaldi o atesliligin, Bob?
You don't feel so cocky now, do you, Bob?
evet, iyi bir çalisma, ama çok geç kaldi.
Well, that's good work, but it's too late.
Az kaldi.
It's almost over.
Biraz param kaldi, o yuzden anlastim.
I had some money left, so I agreed.
Yapacak cok az isim kaldi.
I only had a little work to do.
Sayende o çift bugun hayatta kaldi.
That couple is alive tonight because of you.
Bir kamyonun altinda kaldi ve üstü basi yaglandi ama iyi.
He got caught under a truck and got grease on his coat.
Hayir tasarruf ettik ne kaldi simdi.
No. I've to save whatever's left now.
Çok genç yasta zavalli kiz dul kaldi duygularima katiliyormusunuz?
At a very young age the poor girl was widowed. Are you on your senses? Do you know what you're saying?
Tek soru kaldi, bu oturumu kime fatura edecegiz?
The only other question is who do we bill this hour to?
Barker hayat boyu sakat kaldi... Joe ise baska bir cezaevine gOnderildi.
Barker was maimed for life... and Joe was sent to another prison.
Charlie artïk geride kaldï.
Charlie now belongs to the ages.
Sadece sekiz dakika kaldï.
We only got eight minutes.
Ilgilenen varsa, gece yarïsïna 2 dakika kaldï.
Two minutes to midnight, if anyone is interested.
On saniye kaldï.
Ten more seconds.

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