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Translate.vc / Türkçe → İngilizce / [ K ] / Kaldïr

Kaldïr Çeviri İngilizce

98 parallel translation
Yavasça kaldïr.
Lift it off easy.
- Kaldïr elleri. Kaldïr.
All right, hands up.
Ellerini kaldïr.
Get your hands up.
Kaldïr kïçïnï.
Move your ass.
Çocuklari kaldir.
Wake up the boys.
Kalkanı kaldir, daha yukarı.
Hold that shield up.
Ellerini kaldir.
Put your hands up.
Sag elini kaldir.
Hold up your right hand.
Evet, var. Indir onu ve ellerini kaldir.
Yes, you have, so put it away and put your hands up.
Ayaga kaldir!
Let him up!
Ayaga kaldir, kahretsin!
Get up, goddamn it!
Kollarini kaldir.
Put your arms up.
Pantolon paçalarini kaldir.
Pick up your pants leg.
Haydi kaldir!
Come on, pick it up!
Haydi, pantolon paçalarini kaldir!
Come on, pick up the pants leg!
Get it up!
Ellerini kaldir!
Hold your hands out!
Jo, dekoru kaldir.
Jo, clear this set.
- Leon, onu kaldir.
- Leon, pick him up.
Scotty, kicini kaldir ve buraya gel....
Scotty, get your ass down here.
Pekala. simdi güzelce yukari kaldir.
O.K. Now, hold your glass up really nice and high.
Esyalarini karistirmiyordum. iste, kaldir sunu havaya.
No, man, I wasn't goin'through your stuff, man. Here. Hold it up.
- Elini kaldir, Paddy,
- Put your hand up, Paddy.
- Elini kaldir.
- Raise your hand.
Ellerini havaya kaldir! Kaldir ellerini dedim!
Put your hands up!
Kenny, koca kicini kaldir!
Kenny, move your fat ass!
Kicini kaldir buraya gel, cocuk!
Get your ass back down there, boy!
Koca kicini kaldir.
Move your big ass.
Turkish, kaldir kicini.
Turkish, get your arse up.
Rica ederim! Kaldir sunu!
Oh, for fuck's sake!
Kaldir sunu? Hadi!
Put the fucking thing away will you.
Hemen kaldir sunu!
Put the fucking thing away!
Kaldir, Mark. Acele et.
Put it away Mark, just put it away.
Kaldir su silahi.
Put the gun away.
Mobay, kaldir kiçini.
Mobay, get your ass in the air.
Jack, Jack, Kaldir telefonu, benim.
Jack. Jack, pick up. It's me.
Jackie, kicini kaldir ve buraya gel, yoksa duvagi ben takacagim.
Jackie, get your ass in here, or I'm wearing the veil.
Kaldir kicini!
Get your ass up!
Kaldir koca kicini.hemen.
Get your ass outta here. That's right.
Evet, kaldir ellerini.suraya, dikkat et.
Yeah, put your arm up. Right here, like that.
kicini kaldir.
Don't block our march.
Kaldir kafani!
Head up!
Orta parmak kaldir.
Raise middle finger.
Bir, iki, üç, kaldir!
One, two, three, lift!
Kaldir, kaldir!
Lift, lift!
Kaldir su kahrolasi kiçini!
Move your fucking arse!
Ellerini yukarı kaldir Roy.
Reach for the sky, Roy.
Kaldir su burusuk yasli kicini!
Move your wrinkly old keister!
- Kamerayi yukari kaldir pantolon agini görüyoruz sadece.
Tilt up the camera. I'm looking at his crotch.
Kaldir su boktan seyi.
Move that piece of shit.
Claire iyilesmeden, vucudunu kaldir.
Move Claire's body before she heals.

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