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Translate.vc / Türkçe → İngilizce / [ K ] / Karnim

Karnim Çeviri İngilizce

28 parallel translation
My guts!
Oh, my guts!
- Karnim!
- My guts!
Karnim... yaram... burasi...
My tummy... it's my wound... here...
"palavralarina karnim tok..."
"... that I ain't taking no jive... "
" palavralarina karnim tok.
"... from no Western Union messenger.
"palavralarina karnim tok."
"... Western Union manager. "
"... palavralarina karnim tok.
"... from no Western Union messenger.
Karnim ac gibi.
I could use a little something to eat.
Gerisini karnim doysun diye uydurdum.
I made up the rest to stay fed.
Bütün gece ona aciklama yaptim. Bu benim karnim, davul degil, dedim.
All night long, I was explaining to him that it's my stomach, not a drum.
. - Karnim sis, biraz kabizim da.
- Bloated, constipated.
Karnim acikti anne.
i'm hungry, mommy.
Karnim aç.
I'm hungry.
Karnim neden agriyor ki?
Why does my stomach hurt?
Karnim doydu artik.
I'm not hungry anymore.
cok karnim acikti.
I'm starving.
karnim aciyor.
My stomach hurts.
Baba, karnim acikti.
Dad, I'm hungry.
Karnim çok sis ve çok kötü kabizim.
- I'm too bloated and constipated.
- Ah, karnim.
My stomach.
Karnim agriyor, gitmeliyim.
My stomach just hurts and I need to go.
Acil durumlarina karnim tok.
Please, no more emergencies.
Karnïm açken aksanlï konusmamalïsïn.
You shouldn't speak with an accent when you know I'm hungry.

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