A few drinks translate Spanish
890 parallel translation
Have a few drinks. Then you'll have the courage to impress the girl.
Bebe, para que tengas coraje para impresionar a la chica.
Maybe YOU should have a few drinks.
Tú también tendrías que tomarte un coñac.
While we slave over this mud, he goes off to have a few drinks!
Mientras nosotros limpiamos su lodo, él se va a beber.
She always does that When she gets A few drinks in her.
Siempre lo hace cuando bebe demasiado.
We're having a few drinks to celebrate my daughter Hilary's birthday.
Estamos celebrando el cumpleaños de mi hija Hillary.
Let's go have a few drinks.
Vámonos de copas.
I was only showing him how to mix a few drinks.
Solo le estaba enseñando cómo preparar las bebidas.
So I had a few drinks and laughs. Anybody get hurt?
He echado una canita al aire, ¿ y qué?
Nothing the matter with me that a few drinks won't cure.
Nada que un par de copas no cure.
A joint where you could have a sandwich and a few drinks and run interference for your girl on the dance floor.
Un lugar donde se podía comer un sándwich, beber algo y pasar un rato bailando con su chica. Tocaba el piano allí todo el día.
And he wouldn't have said it, only he's had a few drinks.
Y él no lo habría dicho, pero bebió un poco.
I had a few drinks.
Él cogió unas bebidas.
By this time, I'd had a few drinks. Which resulted in a real blackout for me.
Para entonces, había bebido unos tragos, por eso no recuerdo lo que sucedió.
After a few drinks, well.. Non compos mentis.
Después de unos cuantos tragos, soy incapacitado mentalmente.
I guess I had a few drinks too many.
Supongo que bebí demasiado.
I shouldn't have thought it worth your while just for a few drinks.
Pensé que no te valdría la pena sólo por el precio de unas cervezas.
Now Mr. Bannister's going to buy us all a few drinks while I entertain myself by refusing to go to work for him.
Ahora el Sr. Bannister va a invitarnos a una copa... mientras yo me divierto rechazando su oferta.
Particularly after a few drinks. How is yours, Rupert?
Sobre todo después de unas copas, ¿ qué tal su copa, Rupert?
Let's go. We'll cool off at the ranch with a few drinks.
¡ De acuerdo, Seagrue, vámonos!
I played with dice, I had a few drinks...
Estuve jugando a los dados, bebí unas copas...
He likes a few drinks after we finish, so he sent it up.
Le gusta tomar algo al acabar. Lo ha enviado él.
Estaba bebido y le pegué.
Invité a un par chicas a cenar, luego tomamos unas copas en el Mocambo.
You know, the usual thing, a few drinks, and some laughs!
Ya sabe, lo de siempre, unas copas y unas risas.
A few drinks to loosen up the train ride, good talk, a beautiful girl.
Unas copas antes del viaje en tren, una buena charla, una chica hermosa.
We'll dance'em around, buy'em a few drinks then we'll run into an Up-Dough.
Vamos a bailar y las invitamos a unas copas.
I had a few drinks.
Me he tomado unas cuantas copas.
I had a few drinks and when they brung Adams out of jail I got excited, I guess.
Bebí un poco y cuando lo sacaron de la prisión... creo que me entusiasmé.
Had a few drinks, a few too many.
Ha bebido mucho, demasiado.
A few drinks, a dance, a hug.
Unos tragos, un baile, un abrazo.
He'd like you to step below for a few words and a few drinks.
Te invita a charlar y a beber abajo.
How about slipping into something comfortable like a few drinks and some Chinese food?
¿ Quieres tomar algo? Unas copas y comida china.
- l stopped along the way for a few drinks.
- Me he tomado unas copas por el camino.
I realize this is sudden, but there'll be dancing, a few drinks, and laughs.
Sé que es repentino, pero habrá baile, algunas bebidas, y sonrisas.
We can go somewhere, have a few drinks, go to the races, but I think you are a nice girl. You deserve something more solid, huh?
Podemos ir a alguna parte, tomar unas copas, ir a las carreras, pero creo que eres una buena chica y te mereces algo más sólido, ¿ no?
I shouldn't put too much stock in what Billy says, particularly when he's had a few drinks.
No me fiaría mucho de lo que dice, sobre todo cuando ha tomado unas copas.
We just did a day's work, we came for a few drinks and cards, like every Friday, isn't that so, Vienna?
Volvemos del trabajo. Hemos venido a beber y a jugar como todos los viernes. ¿ No es verdad, Vienna?
I had a few drinks with the people from the bank.
He tomado unas copas con la gente del banco.
Everything you want this minute depends on a few drinks in a trollop's guts.
Todo lo que hoy ansías depende de unos cuantos tragos en las tripas de una ramera.
I wouldn't say you dream by day, but after a few drinks, isn't it possible?
Yo no diría que sueñas despierto, pero con unos tragos encima, ¿ no es posible?
That just because of a few drinks and a steak and your help with those ridiculous drapes that...
Sólo porque tomamos unas copas y por tu ayuda con esas cortinas.
Oh, I had a few drinks.
Me tomé unos tragos.
With a few drinks, and one thing leading to another, I - I suppose I could get some more information about the doctor.
Con unos tragos y algunas cosas más creo que podré obtener más información sobre el médico.
Few people have the advantage of meeting you in a shooting gallery as a pickup and then having drinks with you in a "10 Cents a Dance" palace.
Pocas personas tienen el privilegio de conquistarla en una barraca de tiro... y después tomar copas en un palacio a "10 céntimos el baile".
All right, Seagrue. Let's go. We'll cool off at the ranch with a few drinks.
¡ De acuerdo, Seagrue, vámonos!
In a few minutes, I will order three drinks in the dining car.
Voy a pedir tres copas.
We had a few drinks and to get down to cases...
- Espera a oír esto.
You sit around in the gloom and have A few quiet, meditative drinks.
Te sientas en la penumbra, y te tomas algo tranquilamente y meditando.
Most dames, you're out for a few laughs, a couple of drinks.
Con muchas chicas, se sale para divertirse tomando algo.
We'll have a few more drinks, then we'll catch you up.
Vamos a beber algo y ya os alcanzaremos.
We all of us pay too much for drinks once we've had a few.
Todos pagamos mucho por las bebidas en cuanto hemos bebido un poco.
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