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Almost there translate Spanish

6,679 parallel translation
- Almost there, Will. - You got it.
Estamos llegando, Will.
Almost there.
Ya falta poco.
Almost there, mate.
Casi allí, aparearse.
We were almost there.
Estábamos cerca.
You're almost there.
Casi estás ahí.
You're almost there!
¡ Ya casi está!
Almost there.
Casi terminamos.
You're almost there, mate.
Ya casi llegas, amigo.
Come on, almost there.
Vamos, casi allí.
Almost there.
Casi allí.
Almost there!
¡ Casi estamos!
- You're almost there.
- Casi llegas.
Hang on, you are almost there.
Espera, un momento, espera.
- We're almost there.
Casi estamos ahí.
Almost there.
Ya casi estarnos. ¿ Eh, Marcos?
Marcos, almost there.
Marcos, cariño, ya casi está, ¿ vale?
I'm almost there.
Estoy casi allí. Mierda.
I'm almost there.
Estoy casi allí.
OK, folks, I'm almost there.
Muy bien amigos, estoy casi ahí.
Casi no tiene.
Almost there.
Casi ahí.
We're almost there, girls.
Estamos casi allí, chicas.
Almost there.
Casi llegamos.
( Grunting ) Almost there.
Ya casi.
You're almost there!
¡ Casi estás ahí!
- All right, almost there.
Muy bien, ya casi estás ahí.
Get out your paperwork. We're almost there.
- Aprendes, ya casi llegamos.
Almost there.
Ya casi llegamos.
Almost there.
Ya casi estamos.
- We're almost there.
- Ya casi estamos allí.
- We're almost there.
- Ya casi.
We're almost there.
Casi estamos.
Almost there.
Falta poco.
Okay, guys, here we go. Almost there!
Vale, chicos, allá vamos.
Hey, look out up there. You almost hit me with this angel, you idiot.
Cuidado allá arriba, casi me pegan con este ángel.
Almost there.
Ya casi llego.
Kilian went home and stayed there for almost three years.
Kilian volvió a casa y se quedó ahí casi tres años.
Like, there's what we see in the world... And right behind it, you know, almost like... It's like everything's cellophane-wrapped or something.
No es lo que vemos en el mundo... ni detrás de el, ya sabes, casi como... todo fuera de celofán o algo así.
You almost got off the fence there.
Casi Tienes fuera de la valla allí.
When we get to the field, we are so happy that we almost want to just stand there as its so beautiful.
Cuando llegamos al campo, estamos muy contentos, solo queremos estar ahí. Es tan hermoso.
There is almost nothing left.
Casi no queda nada.
I almost landed on his line... and there was nothing on it, there was no bait, no lure...
y no había nada en ella. Ni carnada, ni señuelo...
Just knowing that there's somebody out there trying to kill you... it's almost too much to handle... really.
Solo saber que hay alguien ahí afuera tratando de... matarte. Es casi demasiado con qué lidiar.
We're almost there.
Ya casi estamos.
There is almost never miss.
Yo casi nunca fallo.
Come on, come on, come on, come on, come on. We're almost there.
- Vamos, vamos, vamos.
I almost died out there!
¡ Casi me muero allá afuera!
I'm almost there, just give me one second.
Casi lo logro, espera.
Jake is almost here there is no turning back, Sophia.
Jake está a punto de llegar y ya no hay vuelta atrás, Sophia.
Wh... it... it's almost done, just get out of there now...
Está... está casi terminado, sal de ahí ya.
Despite its obvious savagery, there's something almost gentle at play.
A pesar de su evidente salvajismo, hay algo casi amable en juego.

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