There you have it translate Spanish
4,194 parallel translation
Damn, there you have it.
Diablos, ahí lo tienes.
There you have it.
Ahí lo tienen.
There you have it.
Aquí la tienes.
- Well there you have it (! ) Oop!
Bueno, ahí lo tienen.
So there you have it.
Ahí tienen.
There you have it.
- Ahí lo tiene.
- [Beep] - And there you have it.
Y ahí lo tenéis.
There you have it people... follow your dreams.
Ahí lo tienes. Sigue tus sueños.
There you have it.
Ahí lo tienes.
There you have it, folks. Another case solved by our nation's most elite task force, Five-O!
Otro caso resuelto por... el equipo más elitista del país, ¡ el Five-0!
You have no idea what it's like back there.
- Ud. no tiene ni idea de cómo es allí.
Well, Joy, you have to admit, it does sound a little out there.
Bueno, Joy, tienes que admitir que suena locura.
You don't even need to use it, you can use the paddles by the wheel but they have put that there because it makes it more of an occasion.
Ni siquiera necesitan usarla, pueden utilizar las levas detrás del volante Pero la han puesto aquí porque esto lo hace más especial
I know you guys have it, I know it's back there.
Sé que lo tienen, lo sé, está allí atrás.
If there is one thing that I have learned through this whole experience... it's that... if you film anybody long enough, they're going to do something stupid.
Si hay algo que he aprendido por esta experiencia... es que... si grabas a alguien por mucho tiempo van a hacer algo estúpido.
It's nice to have someone who is the right height. There you go.
Es agradable tener a alguien que pesa lo correcto.Aquí vamos.
We would have died down there had it not been for you.
Podríamos haber muerto allí abajo de no haber sido por ti
- You wouldn't have been out there unless it was for me.
Nunca hubieras estado allí si no fuera por mi
Do you have any idea what it's like out there?
¿ Tienes idea de cómo es aqui?
It's clear that you have been there before, otherwise you would not have wanted to go there!
¡ Está claro que has estado allí antes, de otro modo no hubieras querído ir allí!
Must have been his nerves or something but you should have been there, it was great.
Debieron de ser los nervios o algo así, pero deberías haber estado allí, fue genial.
It's a very complicated and tricky procedure, because you have to get the formula correct, and there's only one chance to get it right.
Es un proceso muy complicado y engorroso, porque tienes que tener la formula correcta, y hay solo una oportundidad de hacerlo bien.
You'll get home, it will be cold and raining and you'll have a pint of beer in your pub and you'll want to stay there.
Llegará a casa, hará frío y estará lloviendo y se tomará una pinta de cerveza en su pub y querrá quedarse allí.
But we have an obligation, we have a duty, to stop this execution if there's reasonable doubt, and you know it.
Pero tenemos una obligación, tenemos un deber de detener esta ejecución si existe duda razonable, y lo sabes.
And I must have made it so much worse by being so overprotective and just - I just-I really want to be there for you the way you used to be there for me.
Y encima lo he debido de empeorar siendo tan sobreprotectora y... solo quiero estár ahí apoyándote como tú lo hacias conmigo.
Do I really need to remind you that only I have the power to release you or see to it that you die in there, just like my father did?
¿ De verdad necesito recordarte que solo yo tengo el poder para liberarte o asegurarme de que mueras aquí, al igual que hizo mi padre?
You might have something there, if you just changed it completely.
Podrían ser útiles, si los cambiaras por completo.
Don't you think if we have to work that hard to try and hide something, well then there's a bigger problem at the heart of it all?
¿ No crees que si debes esforzarte tanto para intentarlo y para esconder algo, bueno entonces es un problema mayor en el fondo?
I'll lay there if you absolutely have to have it, but... Oh.
Me echaré si es que en definitiva tienes que tenerme, pero...
There's definitely a style to Brooke's food. You look at it, and you're like, "there's no way this is all gonna make sense," and then you start to taste it, and it's like an adventure in each dish. It's wonderful to see how all of you have done so much.
es definitivamente el estilo de comida de Brooke la miras y dices "no hay forma que esto tenga sentido," empiezas a comer, y es como una aventura en cada plato es maravilloso ver todo lo que han hecho
You know, the stupid thing is that I imagine most moms feel that way from time to time, and it should be okay for me to feel that way every once in a while, to have doubts, to want more, to question whether or not this is all there is to life.
Ya sabes, lo estúpido que es eso imagino la mayoría de las madres sintiéndose así muchas veces, y debería estar bien sentirme así a veces, tener dudas, querer más, la cosa es, si es o no todo lo que hay.
They have a lot of food there. So you gonna take it?
Tienen mucha comida allí. ¿ Vas a aceptarlo?
There is two of us that are really the controlling factors and we deliberately set it up that way so if one of us got out of the game we could still operate as stealth "r" us, like any backup plan you'd have.
Hay dos de nosotros que están controlando los distintos factores y deliberadamente lo están dirigiendo así, para si en el caso de que uno de los dos se va podríamos seguir operando "El Sigilo somos nosotros", como si fuera un plan B.
Well, I have wonderful news, but since there's nobody good to share it with I might as well tell you two.
Bueno, tengo noticias maravillosas, pero ya que nadie es bueno para recibirlas quizás se las cuenta a ustedes.
How many times have you said when it comes to science there is no room for God?
Cuando se trata de ciencia, ¿ cuántas veces has dicho que no hay lugar para Dios?
And I found myself thinking... Even if it had been me there with you... I probably couldn't have made you smile like that
Y me puse a pensar... que incluso si ése hubiera sido yo... probablemente no hubiera podido hacerte sonreír así.
You weren't there, so you have no idea what it...
- una situación.
If there's anyone in Singapore you don't have to worry about, it's him.
Si hay alguien en Singapur de quien no te tienes que preocupar, es él.
So I got to thank you, Burke because I never would have put myself out there if it wasn't for you.
Así que tengo que agradecértelo Burke porque yo nunca podría haberme puesto ahí si no fuera por ti. Así que...
Do you have any idea how it got there?
¿ Tiene idea de cómo llegó allí?
It would be awesome to have you there.
Sería genial que vinieras.
No, no, no, no, no, I have a date tonight, and, you know, there's a lot of women who sleep with you, and I can't figure out why, so maybe it's about clothes, and maybe...
No, no, no, no, no. Esta noche tengo una cita y hay muchas mujeres que se acuestan contigo, y no puedo saber por qué, así que quizás es por la ropa y quizás...
I will say it's hard to have a moment with you when there's a homeless dude dropping a deuce in our urinal.
Diré que es difícil tener un momento contigo cuando hay un sintecho soltando un demonio en nuestro cuarto de baño.
Have you thought about what it's gonna be like when you go back there?
¿ Has pensado cómo va a ser el volver allí?
Look, there was a time you'd have asked me to do that, and I'd have done it in a second just to be onstage with you.
Mira, hubo un tiempo en el que solo tenías que pedirme que hiciera algo, y lo hacía en un segundo solo para estar en el escenario a tu lado.
Well, there's a conversation I've been hoping to have with you for a while now, but I've never found the right time to have it.
Bueno, hay una conversación que he esperado tener contigo desde hace tiempo, pero nunca he encontrado el momento oportuno para tenerla.
I know the life I have, and I know there are positive and negative things, but believe me, if you offered to change it, I'd say no, because without any of us, this, wouldn't be the same.
Y si la vida que tengo, que hay cosas positivas y negativas, y si me propusieran cambiarla, diría que no, porque sin uno de nosotros esto no sería lo mismo.
- * is all you have to do * - ( Beat-boxing ) There's a BE on Berkeley if you want to check it out.
Hay un BE en Berkeley si quieres echarle un vistazo.
It's hard to tell, sometimes, but there is a difference between a man and an animal and you'll know, sure enough, if you ever have the misfortune of actually killing someone.
Es difícil de decir, a veces, pero hay una diferencia entre un hombre y un animal como bien sabrás, seguro, si has tenido la desgracia de tener que matar a alguien.
Vincent found it in his phone, and he said the only way it could have got there was when you two fought in his office.
Vincent lo encontró en su teléfono, dijo que el único modo que llegara allí era que tú lo pusieras cuando os peleasteis en su despacho.
As long as you have a bit of spare cash to buy them clothes and shit, make sure there's food on the table..... and be there for them when they need it, you're sorted.
Mientras te sobre un poco de dinero para comprarles ropa y demás, te asegures de que haya comida en la mesa y estés allí para ellos cuando lo necesitan, lo tienes resuelto.
there you go 7508
there you are 4720
there you go again 130
there you guys are 26
there you two are 19
there you 22
there you were 26
you have it 246
have it your way 210
have it your own way 27
there you are 4720
there you go again 130
there you guys are 26
there you two are 19
there you 22
there you were 26
you have it 246
have it your way 210
have it your own way 27
have it 105
therese 78
there 14012
theresa 292
therefore 1419
there's always hope 39
there we go 2292
there aren't any 65
there isn't 382
there he is 3176
therese 78
there 14012
theresa 292
therefore 1419
there's always hope 39
there we go 2292
there aren't any 65
there isn't 382
there he is 3176