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And look at him translate Spanish

1,275 parallel translation
It would be well if you could at least come and look at him.
Estaría bien si al menos viniera a verlo.
Son, I only spent 3 days with a young man named Bill Clinton, and look at him now.
Hijo, Solo gasté 3 días con un joven llamado Bill Clinton, Y míralo ahora.
Look at him, he is so thin, and he hasn't grown up!
mírale, está muy delgado, y aún no ha crecido!
Look at him, he is so fat and short!
Mírale, Es gordo y bajo!
And just look at him...
Y miradlo...
So I told him, "Why don't you come by and look at ours, " and maybe it would work out? "
"¿ por qué no vienes a ver la nuestra... y tal vez nos arreglemos"
Dr. Bronson, the reason I called is our son, Johnny... died the other day and I was wondering if you could take a look at him.
El motivo de mi llamada es porque mi hijo... Johnny murió hace algunos días y pensé que usted puede revisarlo
No, he probably got babies and shit. Look at him.
Ha de tener bebés y cosas.
[Elaina :] the blood sucker who got you captured up on the hill! They say he's a monster, And we've got to get a look at him.
El que vive en esa casa dicen que sale de noche y venimos a verlo
I look at him and don't know if he's dead or alive.
Yo le miro y no se si ya esta muerto.
Look at him and then at the snap!
Mirelo a el y luego a la foto!
- You look at him and think "Damn he's hot"
Tú le miras y piensas :
How can you look at an ordinary person, some innocent guy with kids and then shoot him to death?
Dime, ¿ cómo puedes mirar a un tipo corriente, un inocente con hijos y luego matarlo a balazos?
When she came in, he moved away from the armoire and went toward her, but she didn't look at him.
Cuando ella llegó, él se apartó del armario y fue hacia ella, pero ella no le miró.
Just look at him. He keeps all of his feelings and emotions bottled up inside him.
Es tozudo... va contra sus emociones, no las deja salir...
Sometimes I look at him and wonder if he's actually my son.
A veces me parece que es de otro planeta.
When he greets you, look at him for a second. And then answer him.
Cuando te salude le miras un momento y luego le contestas.
Stop it! But look at what I've done to him, and he still loves me. Why would he?
Pero mira lo que le hemos hecho, y aun me ama ¿ Por que lo haría?
Look at the way they admire and adore him.
Miren como lo admiran y lo adoran.
Ask him to go and take a look at her.
Pídele que vaya a verla.
Look, I was a kid just like him, and if someone hadn't given me a chance to excel in the one thing I was good at, I never would have become the brilliant, gum-chewing coach that I am.
Yo de chico era como él, y si no me hubieran dado la oportunidad de hacer lo único que se me daba bien, no me habría convertido en el entrenador magnifico que soy.
And then... Then you wake up, and it's daylight, and you look at him.
Y luego... te despiertas... y es de día... y lo miras.
- Hell, no. I don't love her the way she needs to be loved and I don't even see a future for us, but then I look at my little boy sitting across from me, and I think I'd suffer any torture to be with him for all the minutes of his life.
No la amo de la forma que ella necesita y no veo un futuro para nosotros, pero veo a mi niñito sentado frente a mí y pienso que sufriría cualquier tortura para estar con él todos los minutos de su vida.
You can't look at him and tell me you think he is legit!
¡ No puede mirarle y decirme que cree que es legal!
Look, Haywood made a pass at you, and you turned him down, right?
Mira, Haywood se te insinuó y tú lo rechazaste, ¿ cierto?
Would you put him down in that chair and we'll have a look at him.
Podría ponerle en esa silla y le echaremos un vistazo.
Maybe you and the rest of his adoring legions should take a closer look at him.
Tal vez tú y el resto de su legión de devotos deberían mirarlo más de cerca.
Sometimes I look at him, Mac, and I see something more though.
A veces lo miro, Mac. Y veo algo más.
And there I was too scared to even look at him.
¿ Estás diciendo que Michael no asesinó a tu hermano?
Would it be all right If I went and had a look at him?
¿ Puedo ir a verle un momento?
I have not yet seen him myself, though, um, Jane saw him... and she said he was not at all unpleasant to look at.
Aún no lo vi, pero, um, Jane lo vio... y dijo que no era una vista desagradable.
When I look at you, I see him, and I can't look at you anymore.
Y ya no puedo mirarlo más.
I used to go and look at, you know... Uncle Les... At that time, I never bought it when I looked at him, I didn't believe it.
Recuerdo que fui a ver al tío Les... pero seguía sin creérmelo.
Look at him... how naive and lovely he is!
Míradlo... ¡ Pero qué mono y encantador es!
That judge just took one look at him and...
Esa jueza solo lo miró una vez y...
The evidence points towards him, and you refuse to look at it.
Las pruebas apuntan en su dirección, y te niegas a aceptarlo.
And what we seemed most efficient at was making him look a fool.
Y sólo hemos conseguido hacerle quedar en ridículo.
I couldn't look at my father and have him see on my face all that had happened to me.
No podía verlo y dejar que él viera todo lo que me había pasado.
Ah, man, look at him, dog. All red and embarrassed.
Mírenlo cómo está todo avergonzado.
I'm not going to ask for his hand in marriage, and I'm not throwing myself at him. How do I look?
No voy a pedir su mano en matrimonio ni menos a lanzarme a su cuello.
Judd will take one look at Shiloh and shoot him!
Judd echar un vistazo a Shiloh y le dispararé!
I didn't really get a good look at him. It was dark, and it happened so quick.
Yo-yo-yo... espero que pueda... recordar cómo era.
Come the morning, we'd often take one look at him... and called him the Green Knight.
Al llegar la mañana, a menudo lo mirábamos... y lo llamábamos el Caballero Verde.
You look at him and... never would think he could be afraid.
Al verlo... nunca se te ocurriría que pudiera asustarse.
And now look at him :
Y ahora mírenlo :
Look at that. She pushes him away and he won't budge.
Mira eso. ¿ Ves cómo lo empuja y él no se mueve?
And now look at him.
Y mírenlo ahora.
Since the Duke phoned me at Buckingham Palace and asked me to put together a team of professionals to look after him during his pregnancy.
Desde que el Duque me llamó al Palacio de Buckingham y me pidió que le enviara un equipo de profesionales para cuidarlo durante su embarazo.
I have a hard time seeing a murderer. And when I look at him I have a hard time seeing anything else.
Cuando yo lo miro, me cuesta ver otra cosa.
You look at them, and then you look at the man... and you say, "It's him."
Los miras, y miras al hombre y dices : "Es él"
They'll kill him and eat him just as soon as look at him.
Lo matarán y se lo comerán en un instante.

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