And you know that translate Spanish
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I know that and you know that, but he...
Lo sé y tú lo sabes, pero él...
Listen, I know that you and I have not always seen eye to eye, and of course, this is important because this is my daughter, but if this checks out... it could mean that an innocent boy
Escucha, yo sé que tú y yo no siempre nos hemos mirado a los ojos, y por supuesto, esto es importante porque esta es mi hija, pero si esto se comprueba... podría significar que un niño inocente
- I just... I just found out, and I thought that you guys should know.
- Me... me acabo de enterar, y pensé que deberíais saberlo.
Cause it looks like you're running away, and I know y'all are not that dumb!
¡ Porque parece que estáis huyendo y creo que no podéis ser tan tontas!
These kids that you know and love.
Estos niños que ustedes conocen y quieren.
You didn't expect to see me here, did you, General, and no one's gonna believe that I was, but everyone's gonna know that you tried to sell a nuclear bomb to terrorists.
No esperaba verme aquí, ¿ no, general? , y nadie creerá que lo estuve, pero todo el mundo va a saber que intentó vender una bomba nuclear a los terroristas.
And I know that you want to be with your family again, but if you want them to live on, it has to be through you.
Y sé que quieres estar de nuevo con tu familia, pero si quieres que sigan vivas, tiene que ser a través de ti.
Well, uh, now Oliver thinks that he can't make a move on Warner and her crew, you know.
Bueno, Oliver cree que no puede hacer una jugada sobre Warner y su equipo, ya sabes.
Well, I don't know what that means, but I do know that if you're letting Prometheus, ACU, or anyone else keep you from stopping Warner and her buddies, then justice isn't being served.
Bueno, no sé lo que significa, pero lo que sé es que si dejas que Prometheus, la Unidad Anticrimen o alguien más evite que detengas a Warner y sus colegas, entonces no se está haciendo justicia.
And I know that I told you that the Green Arrow was not responsible for Billy.
Lo sé. Y sé que le he dicho que Green Arrow no fue responsable de lo de Billy.
And I know that that might sound weird, but, this happened to you because of me.
Y sé que puede sonar raro, pero esto te pasó por mi culpa.
and that's because I know the kind of man you are, Oliver.
y eso es porque sé la clase de hombre que eres, Oliver.
I mean, I'm glad Cayden James doesn't know that, you know, we were trying to keep him in prison because if he did I would be scared of my refrigerator, my car, my alarm clock, and can we talk about elevators for a second?
Es decir, me alegra que Cayden James no sepa que, ya sabes, estábamos intentando mantenerle en prisión porque si lo supiera tendría miedo de mi nevera, mi coche, mi despertador,
You know, that Zoe, she's a hell of a little girl, and... you know, she deserves her dad.
Mira, Zoe es una niña increíble, y... ¿ sabes? , se merece a su padre.
Regarding Helix, you know why I didn't back your play, and you know- - or you should- - that it had nothing to do with a lack of trust.
Con respecto a Helix, tú sabes por qué no apoyé tu jugada, y sabes... o deberías saber... que no tiene nada que ver con falta de confianza.
And now everyone that I love is in danger, including maybe... You know, my son.
Y ahora todos aquellos a los que quiero están en peligro, incluyendo quizás... ya sabes, mi hijo.
Now, I know what many of you are thinking, and you're right, there's nothing that you haven't seen or heard here today that couldn't be explained away by a more conventional explanation.
Ahora, muchos de uds, estarán pensando... y tienes razón, no hay nada que no hayan visto... o escuchado hoy, que no podía ser descripta... por una explicación más convencional.
- Just wanted to let you know that the priest and his friend are gone, for now at least you'll be safe from them, I'll see you later Richard.
Sólo quería hacerle saber, que el cura... y su amigo se han ido, al menos por ahora. Estarás a salvo de ellos, nos veremos más tarde Ricardo.
And, you know, Captain, I think it's a little too coincidental that we got those calls just when they were coming to get Burkhardt.
Y sabe, capitán, creo que es demasiada coincidencia que tuviéramos tantas llamadas justo cuando venían a buscar a Burkhardt.
We believe he may still be in New York and I convinced Imogen that you know the city better than anyone in Idris...
Creemos que todavía puede estar en Nueva York y convencí a Imogen de que conoces la ciudad mejor que nadie en Idris...
I caught him reading through a file of private fire messages that I had received from the Inquisitor and... well, you know the rest.
Le cogí leyendo un archivo de mensajes de fuego privado que había recibido de la Inquisidora y... bueno, ya sabes el resto.
If you weren't with him that morning, if you were sleeping it off and he was out there on his own, I need to know that.
Si no estaba con él esa mañana... si estaba durmiendo por haber bebido... y él estaba allí afuera por las suyas... necesito saberlo.
Just know, I want to be there with you, and help you with that sad little garden.
Solo quiero que sepas que quiero estar allí contigo y ayudarte con ese pequeño y triste jardín.
So in the interests of the smooth operations of this vessel, and the morale of this crew, I just wanted to let you know, that Naomi and I are together.
Por el bien del buen funcionamiento de esta nave y de la moral de esta tripulación, quiero que sepan que Naomi y yo estamos juntos.
I need you to know that and understand that.
Tienes que saberlo y comprenderlo.
It's hard for me to bring this up in person, and it might be better to just not mention it, but please know that I love you.
No puedo hablar de esto en persona, y tal vez sea mejor no mencionarlo, pero quiero que sepas que te amo.
I think it's possible that I was over-identifying with Rebecca,'cause I have a tough relationship with my mother. And you know, that voice that gets into your head, you can't... you can't shut it down.
Creo que es posible que me identificara mucho con Rebecca, porque la relación con mi madre es difícil y esa voz que entra en tu cabeza, no puedes apagarla.
You know, my husband's a lawyer, and we're actually not that different from you and Sidney.
Mi esposo es abogado. Y nos parecemos bastante a Sidney y a ti.
Some of you already know that I'm a cognitive behavioral therapist, and so I've been asked tonight to speak about how to prevent bullying in schools.
Algunos saben que soy terapeuta cognitivo-conductual, así que me pidieron que hablara sobre la prevención del acoso en las escuelas.
You know, you just interrupted a tender moment that me and Madison were having.
Has interrumpido un momento tierno entre Madison y yo.
Bet you know that place inside and out.
Apuesto a que conoces el lugar por dentro y por fuera.
And I want you to know that the last time I kicked a guy in the nuts, my foot didn't stop until it reached his throat. Okay?
Y quiero que sepas que la última vez que pateé a un tipo en las bolas, mi pie no se detuvo hasta que llegó a su garganta.
I want you to find my daughter and tell her that when her mother died, I didn't know what to do.
Si no salgo vivo de aquí, quiero que busques a mi hija y le digas que cuando su madre murió, no supe qué hacer.
See, Ed, the trouble with talking to projections of your psyche... and you of all people should know this... is that they know everything you know.
Mira, Ed, el problema de hablar con proyecciones de tu mente... y tú de todo el mundo deberíais saber... que saben todo lo que tú sabes.
And how is it that you know about them?
¿ Y cómo es que sabes sobre ellos?
And you're thinking that maybe they know of other locations?
¿ Y piensas que tal vez ellos sepan de otra dirección?
You're gonna tell Penguin that you know where this Bridgit is and that you'd like to meet.
Vas a decirle al Pingüino que sabes dónde está Bridgit y que deberían reunirse.
I may have a virus making me freakishly strong and mildly insane, but even I know that you were a sidekick to your brother and you're a sidekick to Barbara.
Quizá tenga un virus que me hace extrañamente fuerte y ligeramente loca, Pero si sé que tú fuiste la secuaz de tu hermano y ahora eres la secuaz de Barbara.
That plan was perfect... and you know it.
El plan era perfecto... y lo sabes.
That's why it's important for you to shadow me for a while, and try to learn everything I know.
Es por eso que es importante para que me de la sombra por un tiempo, y tratar de aprender todo lo que sé.
You will all die by my hand... in the arena... so that all will know that Solovar's justice is wise and swift.
Todos ustedes morirán por mi mano... en la arena... así todos sabrán que la justicia de Solovar es sabia y rápida.
You know what I always say, a fella that can't tell the difference between balls and lanterns is in trouble when the lights go out.
Ya sabes lo que siempre digo : Un hombre que no puede diferenciar entre bolas y linternas está en problemas cuando se apagan las luces.
And I thought, like, after, you know, our success with the gorillas, that we should, like, celebrate the love.
Y pensé, que, después de nuestro éxito con los gorilas, deberíamos como, que celebrar el amor.
This whole thing has made us realize that we have no idea what's gonna happen, you know, and...
Todo el asunto nos hizo darnos cuenta que no tenemos ni idea de qué va a suceder, ya sabes, y...
It's just that some have more developed visual cortex and manual ability, as you know.
Es solo que algunos tienen una corteza visual más desarrollada y habilidad manual, como sabes.
We know, and we understand, which is why we allowed you to do that, but choices have consequences.
Lo sabemos y lo entendemos, es por eso que te permitimos hacerlo, pero las elecciones tienen consecuencias.
You know, I couldn't before because he was in the Speed Force, but, now that he's out of it, feeling footloose and fancy-free, I'm sure...
No pude antes porque estaba en la Fuerza de Velocidad, pero ahora que está fuera, sintiéndome libre y sin ataduras, estoy seguro...
I just... you know, I've lived with a lot of death, tragedy in my life, and seeing you die... it's impossible not to be consumed by that.
Yo... ya sabes, he vivido con un montón de muertes, tragedia en mi vida y el verte morir... me fue imposible no ser consumido por ello.
And you know, deep down, I don't think you want that either.
Y tú sabes, en el fondo, que tampoco creo que quieras eso.
And you know how to use that love against us.
Y sabes cómo usar ese amor contra nosotros.
- Yeah, so, I tasked our satellite to look for anything that might have our specific power requirements, and... wouldn't you know it... we found something that has exactly what we need.
- Sí, e hice que nuestro satélite buscara todo aquello que cumpliese con nuestros requisitos de energía específicos y... mira tú por dónde... encontramos algo que era exactamente lo que necesitábamos.
and you know that how 18
and you 7643
and you know it 1023
and you know 574
and you're welcome 67
and your daughter 42
and you too 176
and you're here 49
and your point is 28
and your wife 79
and you 7643
and you know it 1023
and you know 574
and you're welcome 67
and your daughter 42
and you too 176
and you're here 49
and your point is 28
and your wife 79
and you're next 17
and your father 132
and yours 281
and your brother 50
and you didn't tell me 78
and your friends 28
and yourself 86
and your friend 42
and your mother 135
and your husband 51
and your father 132
and yours 281
and your brother 50
and you didn't tell me 78
and your friends 28
and yourself 86
and your friend 42
and your mother 135
and your husband 51