Back to school translate Spanish
3,457 parallel translation
When I told him I wasn't going back to school... Mm, he kicked me out.
Cuando les dije que no iba a volver a la escuela... me echaron.
- went back to school.
- hayan vuelto al colegio.
The four of you to head back to school.
Vosotras cuatro estáis regresando al colegio.
Think about it, Nora, think about going back to school.
Piensa en ello, Nora, piensa en volver a la escuela.
You know, when I went back to school, I pretty much put music on a back burner just so I could compete again, collegiately, and I got hurt.
Bueno cuando regree a la escuela puse la musica en segundo plano para opder competir de nuevo y me lesione
We have a few days to sort things out before she heads back to school.
Tenemos unos cuantos días para arreglar las cosas antes de que vuelva al colegio.
Look, I'm just talking about finding something that I'm good at, maybe going back to school and...
Mira, sólo digo encontrar algo, para lo que sea buena, Tal vez volver a la escuela y..
We decided that instead of me getting another random job, I'm gonna go back to school and pursue an actual career.
Decidimos que en vez de tomar cualquier trabajo, voy a volver a la escuela y seguir una carrera real.
Well, your mom's going back to school.
Bueno, tu mamá va a volver a la escuela.
I can't go back to school.
No puedo regresar a la escuela.
Things have been different since I got back to school.
Las cosas han sido diferentes desde que volví al instituto.
He's not coming back to school until his service.
No volverá a la Universidad hasta antes del servicio militar.
She went back to school.
Ella regresó a la escuela.
I supported him when he went back to school, found him his house, I even helped him get promoted.
Lo apoyé cuando volvió a la escuela le encontré una casa incluso lo ayudé a que lo ascendieran.
Well, it's a big decision, going back to school.
Bueno, volver a estudiar es una gran decisión.
Yep, I was back to school for the first time in over 20 years.
Sí, regresaría a la escuela... por primera vez en 20 años.
I doubt he knows how to get back to school either.
Dudo que sepa cómo regresar a la escuela...
I think I need to get back to school.
Creo que tengo que regresar a la escuela.
I have to get back to school.
Necesito ir a la escuela.
You are not in school right? )
Haven't go back to school.
Eun Gyeol, I think I have to go back to school already.
That. Eun Gyeol. Looks like I have to hurry go back to school.
I'm gonna run this nice young man, back to school.
Llevaré a este joven amable de vuelta a la escuela.
I didn't know you wanted to go back to school.
No sabía que querías volver a clases.
Because it's me going back to school, and he's gonna be all "you can do it," and "how can I help?"
Porque soy yo quién regresa a clases, y él va a estar todo "tú puedes hacerlo", y "¿ cómo puedo ayudar?"
I've been thinking about going back to school for a while now.
Desde hace un tiempo he estado pensando en volver a estudiar.
I didn't want you ending up with a bad grade and get discouraged and give up on the idea of going back to school.
No quería que terminaras con una mala calificación y te desanimaras y renunciaras a la idea de volver a estudiar.
But we all know the only reason you want us to play this stupid game is to get back at your old school for bullying ya.
Todos sabemos que la única razón por la que quieres que juguemos este estúpido juego es para vengarte de tu vieja escuela por abusar de ti.
I'm new here, and I just started this summer so I could kind of get used to the school before everyone comes back in the fall.
Soy nuevo. y acabo de empezar este verano para que pudiera acostumbrarme a la escuela. antes de que todo el mundo vuelva en otoño.
Everyone needs someone to watch their back, whether you're starting high school... or the second act of your life.
Todo el mundo necesita que alguien cuide de tu espalda, sin importar como comiences la secundaria... o el segundo acto de tu vida.
But Teddy Conrad comes from a long line of old-school country club politicians going back to his great grandfather... the late honorable senator.
Pero Teddy Conrad proviene de una larga línea grupos de políticos de la vieja escuela que acuden a su estupendo padrino... nuestro honorable Senador.
Vamos a... They didn't teach me how to say "sew them back on" in high school.
No me enseñaron cómo decir "reimplantarlas" en la escuela...
I went to High School with a couple of these guys back in staten.
Fui al instituto con un par de estos tíos en Staten.
- If Jeanine was the one who would most want to come back to high school, if the trouble was about revenge...
Si Jeanine era la que más quería volver a la secundaria, si el problema era la venganza...
He declared that Ms Laverty had made a one-off payment to secure his daughters'places at Edge Park Prep School, a payment that was made without his consent or knowledge, and that the money was paid back.
Declaró que la Srta. Laverty hizo un único pago para asegurar las plazas de sus hijas en la Escuela de Primaria Edge Park, un pago hecho sin su consentimiento o conocimiento y que el dinero se devolvió.
Why don't you go back to plan-school because looks like you need a better one.
¿ Porque no vuelves a la escuela? Porque parece que necesitas una escuela mejor.
Are you aware that Michelle went back to the high school where Brittney was murdered?
¿ Está usted consciente de que Michelle regresó al colegio cuando Brittney fue asesinada?
Would you go to school if people were pointing at you and whispering behind your back trying to figure out if you're gay?
¿ Lo es? ¿ Irías al colegio si la gente te señalara y susurrara a tus espaldas intentando averiguar si eres gay?
Principal Figgins has asked us to perform at the annual back-to-school pep rally this week.
El rector Figgins nos ha pedido presentarnos en la asamblea de bienvenida de regreso al colegio esta semana.
Now, I understand our National Champion street cred has dropped a little bit since school started, but this is our chance to really wow them and get it back.
Ahora, entiendo que nuestra credibilidad de campeones nacionales ha decaído un poco desde que empezó el año, pero esta es nuestra oportunidad para impresionarlos y volver como antes.
♪ And go back to high school
* Y vuelve al instituto *
♪ Go back to high school
* Si dejas los estudios * * Vuelve al instituto *
♪ Go back to high school.
* Si dejas los estudios * * Vuelve al instituto *
Guy got drafted to the Montreal Canadiens out of high school, ended his career as a fourth-line wing with the'82 Rangers, and whose knee guy had an office in that building that he keeps going back to.
El tipo fue reclutado por los Montreal Canadiens al salir del instituto, terminando su carrera como un extremo de 4ª línea de hockey con los Rangers del 82, y el que le miraba la rodilla tenía una oficina en ese edificio donde sigue volviendo.
♪ But then, Josh wont out of acting school, ♪ ♪ and went back to the crazy house from before. ♪
* Pero entonces a Josh le echaron de la escuela de actores, * * y volvió a la casa loca de antes. *
Just go back to your own school.
Regresa a tu escuela.
Back then... your shoulders looked bigger to me than the school gym did.
En ese entonces... para mí tus hombros se veían más grandes que el gimnasio.
the crime scene of Louise Jelby apparently she was picked up by her killer in a black car when she was on her way back from school and then he drove her out to an abandoned shipbuilder where she was kept captured and abused
La escena del crimen de Louise Hjelby. Al parecer fue recogida por su asesino en un coche negro cuando volvía de la escuela. Y entonces la trajo hasta un astillero abandonado donde fue retenida y abusada.
You know, having this new person join and be accepted right away, it sort of does bring me back a little bit to childhood because i was bullied in school.
Verás, tener esta nueva persona que fue aceptada tan bien de entrada, como que me retrotrae algo a mi infancia, porque era la intimidada en la escuela.
Back in law school, you used to talk about getting away from the family business.
En la facultad de Derecho, solías hablar de alejarte del negocio familiar.
I went back to med school thinking that, you know, maybe I would save a few lives, I would make up for the ones I took.
Volví a estudiar Medicina para salvar un par de vidas y compensar las que tomé.
Yes, that's right. When I was about seven, I was put in boarding school in India, so I went from Zanzibar to India and then I came back to England.
Cuando tenía unos siete años me metieron en un internado en la India, asíque fui de Zanzíbar a la India por un tiempo y luego regresé a Inglaterra.
back to the future 36
back to work 469
back to the beginning 16
back to square one 51
back to business 35
back to your place 18
back to the drawing board 19
back to normal 30
back to life 16
back to you 127
back to work 469
back to the beginning 16
back to square one 51
back to business 35
back to your place 18
back to the drawing board 19
back to normal 30
back to life 16
back to you 127
back together 25
back to your room 17
back to the car 16
back to your posts 16
back to bed 81
back to the tardis 22
back to me 32
back to class 24
back to 39
back to the ship 17
back to your room 17
back to the car 16
back to your posts 16
back to bed 81
back to the tardis 22
back to me 32
back to class 24
back to 39
back to the ship 17
back to it 16
back to one 31
back to back 25
to school 26
school 616
schools 68
schooled 38
school's out 28
school teacher 23
school sweetheart 16
back to one 31
back to back 25
to school 26
school 616
schools 68
schooled 38
school's out 28
school teacher 23
school sweetheart 16