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Before you came here translate Spanish

422 parallel translation
Where were you before you came here?
¿ Dónde estabas, antes de venir aquí?
Before you came here, everything was so great.
Antes de que llegara aquí, todo iba genial.
Perhaps I can best explain him to you if I tell you what he said just before you came here.
Quizá yo pueda le explicar mejor Qué él me dijo antes de usted Vine acá.
His word was good on this frontier long before you came here, Colonel.
Él conoce esta frontera mucho antes que ustedes.
Long before you came here, I knew all about you.
Mucho antes de que llegara aquí yo ya conocía todo sobre Ud.
I want to talk about it. I heard you've been seeing him a long time, even before you came here.
Oí que te ves con él desde hace mucho tiempo, incluso desde antes de venir aquí.
- Never saw you before you came here.
- Nunca le vi antes.
Did you drive out to their house with her before you came here?
¿ Manejaste a su casa con ella antes de venir aquí?
There was no trouble before you came here.
Los problemas llegaron con usted.
- Where'd you live before you came here?
- McDonald.
Daiei sent it to me before you came here.
Daiei me la envió antes de que llegases aquí.
- What was your job before you came here?
¿ Qué hacías antes?
He died years before you came here.
Murió antes de que viniera.
Before you came here, Miss Newman... liked me.
Antes de que usted llegara, la Srta. Newman... me gustaba.
You must've known her before you came here, then?
Entonces debió conocerla antes de venir aquí.
But before you came here, when you were still outside, in New York.
Pero antes de venir, cuando aún estaba afuera, en Nueva York.
I heard you and the gendarmes speaking before you came here.
- Le oí hablar con los gendarmes.
Before you came here, you went to my office. Remember?
Antes de que llegaras aquí, fuiste a mi despacho. ¿ Recuerdas?
I loved you, Peter, Before you came here.
Ya te amaba, Peter, antes de que llegaras.
Marie, what did you do before you came here?
Marie, ¿ a qué te dedicabas antes de esto?
What did you do for a living before you came here?
¿ Qué hacía para vivir antes de venir aquí?
Before you came here, I was a little frightened.
Antes de que vinieras, tenía un poco de miedo.
You didn't even know what salmon was before you came here!
Ni siquiera sabías lo que era el salmón antes de venir aquí.
Yes. I came here because you told me before to bring my practice script.
La otra vez me dijo que le trajera mi trabajo.
Now, before we go any further, tell me how you got the money we came here on.
Antes de seguir, díme cómo has pagado el viaje.
This school was here before you came, and it'll be here before you go.
Esta facultad estaba aquí antes de que llegarais y seguirá antes de que marchéis.
She was here before, too, before you came along and took her from us.
Antes también estaba aquí, antes de que tú llegaras.
But that butchering brother of yours has carried off our women before you ever came here, and it ends right now.
Pero ese hermano asesino suyo se llevó a nuestras mujeres antes de usted viniera aquí, y eso acabará ahora mismo.
Did you drive out to their house with her before you came here?
¿ La habéis acompañado a casa? No.
Even before I came here. You needn't bother going to John because when you do, I won't be there, he won't know where I am.
No te molestes en verle, porque me habré marchado.
Look here, young woman. You knew all about this before the lights came up - before anyone else knew that Rhadini had been clipped with a knife.
Sabía lo que estaba ocurriendo incluso antes de encender las luces... antes de que supiéramos que habían apuñalado a Rhadini.
That was slick, Mr. Chan... but if you're trying to find someone who knew her before she came here, why don't you ask?
Qué hábil, Sr. Chan... pero si quiere saber quién la conocía antes de que llegara aquí... ¿ por qué no nos pregunta?
Siggie was here before you came.
Siggie vino antes de que llegaras.
Before you came in here, I was worrying about Hank.
Antes estaba preocupada por Hank.
That puts us back where we were before you came barging in here.
Eso nos deja justo donde estábamos antes de que Ud. llegara.
You see. The lovers who came here before were not like us.
Los enamorados que vivieron aquí antes no eran como nosotros.
Mem, this country has been here 1,000 years before you came... and must continue.
Mem, este país ha estado aquí 1.000 años antes de que usted viniera... y así debe seguir.
You'd never think she was American. But I knew her before she came over here from Milwaukee.
Nunca pensarías que es estadounidense... pero la conocía antes de que viniera aquí... desde Milwaukee.
You're that cute Corporal that was here when I came before, aren't you?
Eres ese lindo Corporal que estaba aqui cuando vine antes, no?
Do you know what I was, before I came here?
¿ Qué pasa, Chris? ¿ Sabes a qué me dedicaba antes?
You knew it Before we came here.
Lo sabía antes de llegar.
Were you talking to Mannick before you came in here?
¿ Estuviste hablando con Mannick antes de entrar?
Even before you came over here.
Incluso antes de que vinieras.
Where were you before you came up here?
¿ Dónde estuvo antes de venir aquí?
There was a pale skin here many moons before you came.
Un blanco llegó aquí hace muchas lunas.
I have nothing personal against Maydew though you know him to be the son of a carpetbagger from Boston Who came here to feather his nest before you game roosters who did the fighting could get back home!
No tengo nada personal contra Maydew, aunque se sepa que es hijo de un arribista de Boston, que se estableció aquí antes de que ustedes, que estaban luchando, regresaran.
When she came in here, you attacked her before she could scream.
Cuando salió, la atacaste antes de que pudiera gritar.
Should've thought of that before you came crashing in here.
Debiste pensarlo antes de aparecer así.
- On the beach. It was before you came to work here.
En la playa, antes de que tú trabajases aquí.
You've insulted me and my whole family, even before you came- - sending my mother a telegram with 2 days'notice, arrive here in the middle of the night and don't come down till the middle of the next.
Nos has insultado, a mí y a mi familia. Incluso antes de venir, enviándonos un telegrama de último minuto. Llegas aquí a media noche y no apareces hasta la noche siguiente.
You see, I went to visit your mother before I came here, there in Richmond.
Antes de venir aquí, fui a Richmond a visitar a tu madre.

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