Believe me translate Spanish
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Oh, believe me, I'm pretty ticked myself.
Oh, créeme, yo también estoy bastante fastidiado.
Bobo, you gotta believe me, I had nothing to do with this.
Bobo, tienes que creerme, no he tenido nada que ver con eso.
Believe me, it's not just about dirty cops.
Créame, no se trata solo de polis corruptos.
I understand, believe me.
Lo entiendo, créeme.
- He could have killed him. - If he wanted to, the guy would be dead right now, believe me.
- Si hubiera querido, el tipo ya estaría muerto, créame.
Believe me.
Look, I-I know how this sounds, believe me.
Mira, sé cómo suena, créeme.
Believe me, I don't.
Créeme, no lo hago.
- Oh, believe me, I did.
- Créeme, sí la tenía.
"Follow the money," which... believe me, will be much harder than you think.
"Seguir el dinero", lo que... créanme, será más difícil de lo que piensan.
Believe me when I say this, they were not of this world, Lord.
Créame cuando le digo que ellos no eran de este mundo, señor.
If I told you this was a picture of him and a killer whale, - would you believe me?
¿ Me creerías si te digo que es una foto de él con una orca?
Otherwise, they're not gonna believe me.
- Si no, no me creerán.
You believe me, don't you?
Me crees, ¿ verdad?
And I knew that if I told you what happened... that you would never believe me.
Y sabía que si te contaba lo que pasó, nunca me creerías.
Listen, I don't expect you to believe me, but if I don't get that money, a lot of people are gonna die.
Escuchad, no espero que me creáis pero si no consigo ese dinero va a morir mucha gente.
No, you got to believe me!
No, ¡ tienes que creerme! ¡ No!
Believe me, if I were lying, you could tell.
Créeme, si estuviera mintiendo, lo sabrías.
If at the end of this night you do not end up in jail, will you believe in me?
Si al final de esta noche no terminas en la cárcel, ¿ creerás en mí?
You believe in me now?
¿ Crees en mí ahora?
Tell me you believe in the power of the Almighty.
Dime que crees en el poder del Todopoderoso.
So you feel that way, but I'm supposed to believe you're going to help me.
Si eso es lo que piensas, ¿ por qué debería creer que vas a ayudarme?
No one's gonna believe you and me are married.
Nadie se va creer que estamos casados.
Your lawyer said you had Lewy Body Dementia, that you were insane, but I didn't believe it.
Su abogado dijo que padecía demencia de cuerpos de Lewy, que estaba loco, pero no me lo creí.
But a lot of scientists, including me, believe that the prophets and seers in the old days were actually people suffering from temporal lobe epilepsy.
Pero muchos científicos, yo incluido creemos que los profetas y videntes de épocas pasadas eran en realidad gente que sufría de epilepsia del lóbulo temporal.
I'm glad you believe again.
Me alegra que vuelva a creer.
I want you to believe in me.
Quiero que creas en mí.
Mmm. Still can't believe it.
Aún no me lo puedo creer.
Still can't believe this either.
Y tampoco me puedo creer esto.
Why should I believe you, when you've lied to me?
Y quieres que te crea a ti, que me mientes sin parar.
You expect me to believe that?
¿ Y esperas que me lo crea?
Even when they showed me your picture, I couldn't believe it.
Cuando me enseñaron tu foto, no lo podía creer.
Agent Thoms, I don't believe that anymore. And you know what?
Agente Thoms, ya no me creo eso. ¿ Y sabe qué?
I-I just- - I don't believe it.
Es solo que yo... no me lo creo.
I mean, the explosion, I still don't believe it.
La explosión. Todavía no me lo creo.
I was led to believe that it was about an Israeli effort to sabotage our treaty with Iran.
Me hicieron creer que era sobre un intento israelí de sabotear nuestro tratado con Irán.
I can't believe you called me on an open line.
No puedo creer que me hayas llamado desde una línea abierta.
I can't believe you called me on an open line.
No puedo creer que me hayas llamado por una línea abierta.
Say what you want, call me naive, but I believe in that light.
Diga lo que quiera, llámeme ingenua, pero yo creo en esa luz.
I just can't believe that this is my life.
Simplemente no me puedo creer que esto es mi vida.
I didn't dare to believe it.
No me atrevía a creerlo.
Don't believe a word that woman says about me.
No creas ni una palabra de lo que diga esa mujer de mí.
And I will speak to Kevin because I absolutely refuse to believe he's psychotic.
Y hablaré con Kevin porque me niego rotundamente a creer que esté psicótico.
So, I refuse, Matt, to believe that he's the goddamn second coming of Christ!
¡ Así que me niego, Matt, a creer que es la maldita segunda venida de Jesucristo!
But me, I just... I just couldn't believe it.
Pero yo... no podía creérmelo.
I find that hard to believe.
Me cuesta creerlo.
It's great that your newlyweds believe that a bird with a range of 50 miles is gonna carry their stupid poetry to Timbuktu, but don't sell that bullshit to me.
Es genial que los novios crean que un ave con un rango de 80 km lleve poemas estúpidos a Timbuktú, pero a mí no me vendas esa porquería.
When Matt told me you were gone, I didn't believe him.
Cuando Matt dijo que te fuiste, no le creí.
And that should've convinced me, but I couldn't believe the last time I saw you or talked to you was in that fucking hotel room that night I burned his fucking book.
Me debería haber convencido, pero no podía creer que la última vez que te vi o te hablé fue en ese hotel, esa noche que quemé su libro.
Believe you me, I wish our marriage was as fake as the Tooth Fairy or magnets.
Créeme que desearía que fuera tan falsa como el Hada Madrina o los imanes, pero alguien en Indiana se lo está tomando muy en serio.
And I honestly believe that he is trying to redeem himself, that he is telling me the truth.
Y sinceramente, creo que intenta redimirse, que está diciendo la verdad.
believe me when i tell you 16
believe me now 16
mexico 335
metro 61
menu 31
merci 624
melanie 499
merida 43
mercedes 285
metres 235
believe me now 16
mexico 335
metro 61
menu 31
merci 624
melanie 499
merida 43
mercedes 285
metres 235