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Translate.vc / English → Spanish / [ B ] / But she isn't

But she isn't translate Spanish

805 parallel translation
"I don't know - but isn't she attractive?"
No lo sé. ¿ Pero no es atractiva?
I thought Reiko was joking again but she isn ´ t.
Creí que Reiko estaba otra vez con bromas, pero no.
The big ship isn't in the harbor yet, but she's coming.p
El gran barco no está aún en el puerto... pero ya vendrá
She survived this attack... but it isn't humanly possible for her to survive another.
Ha sobrevivido a este ataque, pero no es humanamente posible que sobreviva a otro.
The girl isn't rich but she's charming and pretty, which is enough for the handsome groom.
La novia no es rica, pero es encantadora Eso es lo único que pide su pretendiente.
But the man at the bird store said that she was going to lay some eggs. Isn't that sweet?
El hombre que me la vendió dijo que ella pondría huevos.
She's better again, but she isn't rosy as she used to be.
Está mejor, pero no se encuentra bien del todo.
We know it isn't. But she's under contract to me and I need her to put over your first play.
Nosotros sabemos que no lo es, pero tiene contrato conmigo y la necesito para tu primera obra.
- We had a bad connection. - But isn't she a swell gal?
- ¿ Verdad que es fantástica?
But she isn't wearing anything else!
¡ No lleva nada más!
Your Majesty, we're sorry to trouble you, But Her Majesty isn't in here, is she? She's no longer in her rooms.
Majestad, lamentamos molestaros, pero Su Majestad no está aquí, ¿ verdad?
I would've asked Mom too... but it is more important now because she is no longer here. There isn't a woman in the house anymore.
Se lo habría preguntado a mamá... pero es algo muy importante y ahora no hay ninguna mujer en casa.
She calls herself a countess, but she isn't.
¡ Se hace llamar condesa, pero no lo es!
But little Em'ly, Mr. Peggotty she's your daughter, isn't she?
Pero la pequeña Emily, señor es su hija, ¿ verdad?
- But she isn't due for an hour, sir.
- No vendrá hasta dentro de una hora.
yes but... but she couldn't possibly marry a total stranger but Sir John isn't a stranger he is she didn't even know him four weeks ago when one's in love, time is unimportant
Sí, pero... ¡... pero no puede casarse con un desconocido! ¡ Sir John no es un extraño!
Naturally, a pretty woman is adorable... but isn't she less and less lovable... as time goes by and she becomes less and less pretty?
Naturalmente, una mujer linda es adorable... pero ¿ no lo será menos si... al pasar los años se vuelve cada vez menos linda?
She's not dead but... isn't much better, so I'm taking care of her.
No ha muerto, pero no está... "... muy bien que digamos, así que me quedo cuidándola.
( laughing ) She isn " t, but her cow is.
- Ella no, pero su vaca, sí.
Her blond braids on her shoulders. - But, she's a brunette, isn't she?
Sí, morena pero ella se teñía.
but in my opinion she isn't entirely to blame for all this.
Nuestra ropa vieja.
If you mean that infant trying to look grown-up, I don't know... -... but she certainly isn't in good company.
Si hablas de la niña que quiere parecer adulta no está en buena compañía.
- But she isn't here, damn it!
- ¡ Pero no está aquí, maldición!
But, chief, she isn't - That isn't -
Pero, jefe, ella no es... Ésa no es -
I wrote that Herr von Bismarck will become minister... but not for long, so that she isn't upset... and that soon you and I will be king and queen.
En ella le cuento que Bismarck será ministro pero no durará mucho tiempo, para que no se enfade y que tú y yo pronto seremos los reyes
No, she isn't here, but we're expecting her.
No, ella no esta aquí, pero la estamos esperando.
- She's sick, but she isn't complaining.
- Pero no está convaleciente.
We will do everything in our power... but isn't it possible that the child has run away... that she's staying with a relative?
- Haremos todo lo posible. ¿ Pero no cree que la niña haya querido hacer una broma, antes que escaparse?
but she's too proud for that, isn't she but tonight she won't be squeamish
pero ella está demasiado orgullosa para eso, no es ella pero esta noche no será delicada
but she isn't an actress just like I had been at the time, when I ran away you too have had to get along by yourself at the time no, I had you, but she doesn't have anybody
pero ella no es una actriz simplemente como hubiera estado en el momento, cuando me escapé ha tenido que llevarse bien solo en el momento no, te tenía a tí, pero ella no tiene a nadie
nonsense but they are not human beings like we are she defends our honour and throws away our chances no one can proclaim the noble who isn't noble himself no one can impersonate the sublime who doesn't carry the sublime inside himself
no tiene sentido pero ellos no son seres humanos como nosotros ella defiende nuestro honor y desperdicia nuestras oportunidades nadie puede proclamar como noble a quién no lo es nadie puede personificar lo sublime si no lo lleva dentro
She thinks she's the clever one.. but she isn't.
Se cree inteligente, pero no lo es.
But she isn't a boy.
Pero no es un chico.
But this isn't like her. She's so dependable.
Ella no es así, es muy confiable.
Little Caterinetta isn't terribly fond of studying but she's full of good will, and has a heart of gold.
La pequeña Caterinetta no tiene muchas ganas de estudiar, pero está llena de buena voluntad. Tiene un corazón de oro.
Yes, the evidence would be bad if Stanley were telling the truth but she isn't.
Ya sé, las pruebas serían muy malas si Stanley dijese la verdad, pero no la dice.
Good afternoon. Miss Madden isn't at home, but I'm her business representative and she doesn't want to buy anything.
- La Srta. Madden no está en casa, pero yo soy su representante empresarial y no quiere comprar nada.
I know she isn't perfect Lucky, but she'll have to do.
Ya sé que no es perfecta Lucky, Pero tendrá que hacerlo.
And she says, "But it isn't proper." He says, "Oh, just for a moment."
Y ella dice : "Pero no es adecuado." Él dice, "Oh, será sólo un momento."
- Go on. You know that Miss Kate hasn't come out of it... but she isn't just unconscious.
Sabe que la Srta. Kate no ha vuelto en sí... pero no sólo está inconsciente.
Yes, she does love me... but she isn't like us.
Sí, me quería... pero es imposible.
I think she's wonderful and I'm terribly in love with her but she just isn't news, Rags.
Ella me parece maravillosa y estoy muy enamorado de ella pero ella no hace las noticias, Rags.
But isn't she like Edith, eh?
- ¿ Pero a que es como Edith?
But she isn't! I know...
- ¡ Lo sé!
Stanley, let her go! But she isn't dead, I tell you!
- No está muerta.
It isn't that I believe everything that Cora says, but she says everybody is talking.
No es que crea todo lo que dice Cora, pero dice que todo el mundo esta hablando.
Being a country doctor's wife isn't much of a life for a woman. But if she would overlook the bad part. - George
Ser la esposa de un médico rural no es una gran vida para una mujer,... pero si esa mujer decidiera pasar por alto la parte mala,... yo haría lo imposible por conseguir que valiera la pena.
But she's fine, isn't she
Pero está bien, ¿ no es cierto?
But she isn't gonna parade herself in front of ya.
Pero no se pavoneará frente a ti.
- Yes, but she isn't at home.
Envié un telegrama.
She'll surely be dead but just in case she isn't...
Seguramente esté muerta, pero si no lo está...

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