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But you're married translate Spanish

481 parallel translation
I suppose you'll think I'm a meddling old fool, but... You know, I'd feel a good deal better if you'd clear out of this place after you're married, and have nothing more to do with Mr. Beaumont.
Supongo que pensarán que soy un viejo tonto entrometido... pero estaría más tranquilo si se van de aquí en cuanto se casen... y no tienen nada más que ver con el señor Beaumont.
later, after we're married, then you may talk but we're already married that's right have you already forgotten?
¡ Pero si ya estamos casados...! ¡ Ah, es verdad...! ¿ Ya se te ha olvidado?
Do as you like, but this is a tough town to get married in if you're busted.
Haz lo que quieras, pero casarse sin blanca en esta ciudad es duro.
Yeah, but the moment you double-cross me, the moment I find you're out trying to make a name for yourself when I am not around, I'll step right in and tell Kay you're married.
Sí, pero si me traicionas, en cuanto descubra que estás intentando algo cuando yo no estoy presente, le diré a Kay que estás casado.
But remember Georgette, you're a married woman... and Francois is little bit jealous.
Pero no olvides, Georgette, que eres una mujer casada. Y Francois es algo celosillo.
Not because you're getting married, but because you're leaving this place.
No porque vayas a casarte, sino porque dejas este trabajo.
But you will have when you're married.
Pero lo tendrás cuanto te cases.
Camarada Malova, me encantaría que te quedaras, pero solo llevamos una hora casados y debemos conocernos.
I know you're married to him, and I got no right to say this, but I still love you.
Sé que estás casada con él y no tengo derecho a decir esto, pero te sigo amando. - Oh, Bob. - Tú no le amas.
No, but I'm afraid after we're married a while a beautiful young girl will come along and you'll forget all about me.
No, pero temo que después de un tiempo de casados llegue una preciosa jovencita y te olvides de mí.
Oh, not because you're married to her, Pete, but you know.
No es porque te hayas casado con ella, pero...
But I also know you'll feel different after we're married.
No pensarás de esa manera cuando nos casemos.
It seems the wrong way to start out married life... but you're the boss.
No parece que esté bien empezar nuestra vida de casados así, tú mandas.
But if you figure on getting married with my rock, you're nuts.
Pero si creéis que os vais a casar con mi anillo, deliráis.
You're really a darling... but you don't realize that I'm a married woman.
Eres realmente un encanto... pero no te das cuenta de que soy una mujer casada.
You're engaged, all right, but you're not married yet.
Prometido, sí. Casado, aún no.
After all, you're engaged to be married in a few weeks... but I suppose that in wartime life moves a lot faster.
Al fin y al cabo, se casa dentro de pocas semanas. Pero supongo que en tiempos de guerra el tiempo corre más aprisa.
You're gonna get married, but not to Albert.
Te vas a casar pero no con Albert.
But you're married, Kay, you're married to Alucard.
Pero te has casado con Alucard. No lo quiero.
I never did. But you're married to him!
- Pero te has casado con él.
You're a married woman, but you don't feel like one.
Estás casada pero no te sientes como una mujer casada.
But you're hardly free, since you're practically married.
Pero tú apenas eres libre, desde que estás ya, prácticamente casada.
It's all right to pretend we're married to get you a seat in the club car, but we can't overdo this.
Está bien simular que estamos casados para conseguir asiento en el coche club, pero no podemos pasarnos.
- But you never told me you're married. - Oh, yeah.
Pero no me habías dicho que estabas casado.
That's an idea, but I'll bet you're married already
Es una idea, pero seguro que ya está casado
But we'll take good care of her. She might be fine until you're grown up and married and have kids. ( DOORBELL BUZZING )
Pero la cuidaremos... y te verá crecer y tener hijos.
You should cultivate a straightforward "yes" now you're married into an important family, but look carefully and you'll see that
Debería decir un "sí" normal ahora que se ha casado con una mujer de una familia importante.
You're married, and I'm not in the wife-stealing business, but why did you have to come to that airport?
Está usted casada Y yo no me dedico a levantar mujeres. ¿ Pero por qué vino usted al aeropuerto?
But you can't be married, you're already married to Lucius Randall
Pero no os podéis casar ; estás casada con Lucius Randall.
But whether a man or a woman, you don't have to be alone - even if you're not going to get married.
Pero, sea un hombre o una mujer, no tiene por qué estar sola aunque no vaya a casarse.
She's over her illness, but if you were to get married in the state you're in now, I don't think it would go well at all.
Está pasando su enfermedad, pero si os casarais en el estado en que os encontráis ahora, no creo que os fuera nada bien.
You're all right now, but you almost married Wilbert.
Ya estás bien, pero estuviste a punto de casarte con Wilbert.
You may not be happy, but, by Godfrey, you're supposed to be married anyway.
Puede que no seáis felices, pero deberíais estar casados.
But you're saving up for your shop and to get married, and...
Pero está ahorrando para su tienda y para casarse.
But I'm more at ease knowing you're to be married
Pero yo me quedo más tranquilo si te casas
Excuse me, but you're a married woman now.
Perdona, ahora eres una señora.
The man I married in England I could talk to... but you're not that man.
Podía hablar con quien me casé en Inglaterra, pero tú no eres ese hombre.
Now you're married. But you call this a marriage?
Ahora están casados, pero ¿ lo llaman un matrimonio a esto?
But if you're not married?
- Si no estoy casada.
I know you're not married, but -
Sí, ya sé que no estás casada pero...
You'd like to all right, but you're married.
Te gustaría mucho, pero estás casado.
Now, look, son this wedding might have been a little unexpected and all of that but you're just as married as you're ever going to be.
Mira, hijo puede que esta boda haya sido algo inesperada pero no vas a estar más casado en la vida.
- But you're married.
- Pero estás casada.
We ain't getting married, but you're too bullheaded to listen!
¡ No nos vamos a casar, pero eres un cabezota y ni siquiera me escuchas!
Marisa, it's not that I want to stop you getting married, or engaged, but you're a sergeant's daughter, and you get engaged with a young boxer who has a motorcycle!
Marisa, no quiero impedir un matrimonio, un noviazgo, pero eres hija de un sargento y estás comprometida con un joven boxeador y motociclista.
But I heard you're getting him married to Shambhu's niece...
Pero oí que lo vas a casar con la nieta de Shambu...
So, you're not married, but you'd like to be.
Así que no está casada, pero le gustaría estarlo.
And then, do it later on but that seems like such a hack's way of getting married, so we're going to drive up-state, or over to Jersey, or wherever it is that you do it, and do it.
Y luego, lo haremos más tarde, pero casarse así parece algo rutinario, así que vamos a... ir al norte del estado, o a Jersey, o a donde... se haga eso, y lo haremos.
More than probable you will be... but first you're goin'to church and get married, ya hear? To my daughter.
Probablemente te llevará, pero primero... irás a la iglesia y te casarás... con mi hija.
The way I see it, you're the bullfighter's widow, but you're also married to Clayton Poole, except that Poole is married to your sister, as well as to you.
A mi modo de ver, eres la viuda del torero, pero también estás casada con Clayton Poole, además Poole, está casado con tu hermana, así como contigo.
Oh, uh, this is a funny question to be asking your own brother but you're not married, are you?
Bueno, una pregunta curiosa para hacérsela a un hermano. No estás casado, ¿ verdad?

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