By that translate Spanish
75,206 parallel translation
No one by that name has been admitted through the emergency room.
No ha llegado ningún paciente con ese nombre.
Ah. Not the first time I was fooled by that.
No es la primera vez que me confunde eso.
For the longest time, I didn't know what he meant by that.
Durante mucho tiempo, no supe lo que quería decir con eso.
Oh, you're not putting anything by that, are you?
Oh, no te estás guardando nada, ¿ no?
And something about her having a pretty face and he was distracted by that.
Y algo sobre que tenía una cara preciosa y que estaba distraído por eso.
And, by that, he means if you mess with their territory, they will seriously mess you up.
Y, con eso, se refiere a que si te metes en su territorio, te arruinarán de verdad.
what did you mean by that?
¿ Qué quería decir con eso?
Judging by that body it's gotta be more than one.
Por ese cuerpo, debe ser más de uno.
Were you aware that the U. S. Attorney was pursuing charges against you in connection with a firearms disturbance by one of your employees?
¿ Estaba al tanto de que el fiscal federal presentó cargos contra usted en relación con un disturbio con armas de fuego de uno de sus empleados?
My accomplice and I have proved To the world that it's possible, By simply using the personal data. That day by day We leave behind in the digital world.
Mi amigo y yo demostramos al mundo que con solo alterar los datos que dejamos cada día en el mundo digital es posible desacreditar a cualquier persona.
Mom's not gonna eat cupcakes that have clearly been fingered by tiny hands.
Mamá no va a comer cupcakes con marcas de dedos.
All I know is that my bed, which I specifically re-pillowed for Allison, is now occupied by my mother.
Solo sé que en mi cama, a la que le cambié las almohadas para Allison, está mi madre.
Anyway, I was in that house, that big, horrible house all by myself and I was scared.
En fin, yo estaba en esa casa. Yo sola en esa casa grande y espantosa. Y tenía miedo.
You can't just be that woman who's standing by her man, smiling like Lobotomy Barbie - while he goes fucking... - I know, I know.
No puedes ser la mujer que apoya a su marido sonriendo como una Barbie lobotomizada mientras él se folla...
And I want all the touch screens to say that they're powered by my clean energy initiative'cause those ecotards love that shit.
Quiero que todas las pantallas digan que usan energía limpia porque a los "ecotarados" les encanta.
You oughta know that by now.
Ya debería saberlo.
"I'm gonna go past his house, and that dog..." "... that dog is gonna be all by hisself. "
voy a pasar por esta casa, y ese perro... ese perro va a estar solo ".
Whoever goes through that door, gets shot by whatever cop amped up on shitty coffee and testosterone is waiting out there.
Quien lo haga, será baleado por algún policía alterado por café de mierda y testosterona que espere ahí afuera.
I almost got attacked by a bat, but other than that, I'm good.
Casi me ataca un murciélago, pero aparte de eso, estoy bien.
The buzz backstage is that Sol's ex was taken to the hospital by ambulance.
Se rumora que llevaron a la ex de Sol al hospital en ambulancia.
I think I traumatized her by taking her to that Ethiopian place.
Creo que la dejé traumada después de llevarla a ese lugar etíope.
Don't you think it's a bit ironic, trying to prove to your dad that you're telling the truth by lying, cheating, and stealing?
¿ No crees que es un poco irónico que intentes demostrarle a tu papá que dices La verdad con mentiras, engaños y robos?
The two rivals found themselves doomed by the lusts that drive all men... money, power, and the pursuit of a goose.
Los dos rivales se encontraron a ellos mismos condenados por los deseos que impulsan a todos los hombres... dinero, poder y la búsqueda de un ganso.
that Travis would jeopardize the lives of his fellow soldiers by foolishly jumping the gun?
Travis arriesgaría las vidas de sus compañeros soldados por precipitarse tontamente?
If that were true, we would've detected signals by now.
Si eso fuera cierto, ya habríamos detectado señales.
- By the third dentist, my gums were so swollen that my teeth fell like they were ready to fall out.
Al tercer dentista, mis encías estaban tan hinchadas que mis dientes parecían estar a punto de caerse.
Some snitch had let it slip that a drug deal was going down by the border.
Unos chivatos avisaron que un negocio de drogas estaba en proceso en la frontera.
By not responding lo violence with violence, we lake away that fear,
Por no responder a violencia con violencia, quitamos ese miedo,
I was told someone from Oxford City Police had been by - - that was you?
Me dijeron que alguien de la policía de Oxford había venido acá, ¿ era usted?
Is that what all the police are doing down by the mere, looking for him?
¿ Es eso lo que toda la policía está haciendo en la laguna, buscarlo? Sí.
I mean, not that it was her fault, by the way.
Quiero decir, no es que fuera su culpa, por cierto.
And by the way, you're paying for that window.
A propósito, tú vas a pagar por esa ventana.
By the way, did you ever pay for that window?
A propósito, ¿ alguna vez pagaste la ventana?
He's ranting that his friend was killed by a monster in the woods.
Está diciendo que su amigo fue asesinado por un monstruo en el bosque.
No, but there is something that garnered by attention.
No, pero hay algo que atrajo mi atención.
Well, Ralph said he saw Dev being dragged away by a monster, and that is Dev right there.
Bueno, Ralph dijo que vio a Dev siendo arrastrado por un monstruo y eso es Dev, justo ahí.
The Abrahamic belief is that the dead go to a specific plane of existence after death and that hell is ruled by a fallen angel.
La creencia Abrahámica es que los muertos van a un plano de existencia específico tras morir y ese infierno lo dirige un ángel caído.
It was completely cracked up, as if it had been put back together by a lot of different pieces, and not one of all of these texts references anything like that.
Estaba completamente agrietado, como si hubiera sido unido de nuevo a partir de un montón de piezas diferentes y ninguno de todos estos textos hace referencia a nada parecido.
You didn't gather that by me handing you your ass this morning?
¿ Que no has entendido que yo entregue tu trasero esta mañana?
Yes, well, I'll be willing to bet you that. Every one of jeffrey day's exes has a non-disclosure agreement, And they're all prepared by mr.
Sí, bueno, estoy dispuesto a apostar que que cada una de las ex de Jeffrey Day tiene un acuerdo de confidencialidad, y todos están preparados por el Sr. Clark Farman.
Sexually assaulted children usually take years to process the experience. And then the trauma can be triggered again by situations that, emotionally, they feel as similar.
A los niños sexualmente agredidos por lo general les toma años procesar la experiencia y el trauma puede ser activado de nuevo por situaciones que, emocionalmente, se sienten tan similares.
The FBI just confirmed that the photographs and videos all originated from multiple locations and have been actively traded for at least five years by a child porn ring.
El FBI confirmó que todas las fotografías y vídeos se originaron desde varias ubicaciones y se han negociado activamente durante al menos cinco años por una red de pornografía infantil.
And I know that by paying that ransom, I committed a crime.
Y sé que al pagar ese rescate, he cometido un crimen.
Judging by the freshness of that guy's kicks, I'd say we were in 1995.
A juzgar por los zapatos de ese sujeto, diría que es 1995.
That's why the show looks just like the future because the show is made by people from the future.
Por eso el programa luce como el futuro, porque fue creado por gente del futuro.
Crono Squad's entire mission is to protect humanity's future, and what better way to do that than by inspiring the children of the past.
La misión del Escuadrón Crono es proteger el futuro de la humanidad, ¿ y qué mejor manera de hacerlo que inspirando a los niños del pasado?
Get over to that switch by the wall.
Ve a esa palanca de allá.
Do you have any water that doesn't come from a nuclear power plant, by any chance? - Vodka.
Petradze, ¿ hay agua que no sea de una planta nuclear, por alguna casualidad?
And congratulations on that, by the way.
Felicitaciones, por cierto.
- You know that Nikolai and I are not only bound by mutual respect and shared beliefs. We are also bound by powerful physical attraction. - Oof.
Me une a Nikolai el respeto y las creencias mutuas, además de una poderosa atracción física.
My concern is I wonder if your judgment is being clouded by your feelings that are brought on by Nikolai's lumpy poison cock.
Y mi preocupación es esta : me pregunto si tu apreciación se ve nublada por tus sentimientos, provocados por el pene grumoso y tóxico de Nikolai.
by that time 70
by that logic 19
that 10639
that's nice 2129
that's gross 203
that's enough 4716
that's it 18340
that's good 7000
that's great 6151
that's right 20311
by that logic 19
that 10639
that's nice 2129
that's gross 203
that's enough 4716
that's it 18340
that's good 7000
that's great 6151
that's right 20311
that's all 8171
that's 10531
that's my boy 361
that's my girl 410
that's all i got 169
that all started with a big bang 89
that's good to hear 161
that's awesome 830
that's cool 1334
that's great work 19
that's 10531
that's my boy 361
that's my girl 410
that's all i got 169
that all started with a big bang 89
that's good to hear 161
that's awesome 830
that's cool 1334
that's great work 19