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Unfortunately, all we were able to recover were images of the poison canisters used by the Empire against the Geonosians.
Desafortunadamente, todo lo que pudimos recuperar fueron imágenes de los contenedores de veneno utilizados por el Imperio contra los Geonosianos.
I'm simply stating I need to interpret agreements signed by the Soviet Union.
Digo que debo interpretar los acuerdos que firmó la Unión Soviética.
It was built by the March of Dimes for President Franklin Roosevelt, who had polio.
La construyó March of Dimes para Franklin Roosevelt, que tenía pollo.
What we're proposing is a new election in the two states that weren't able to provide valid electors by the safe harbor date.
Lo que proponemos es una nueva elección en los dos estados que no pudieron enviar electores válidos dentro del plazo.
I've learned you've got to grab the present by the balls.
Aprendí que hay que agarrar el presente por las bolas.
I... I'm only the messenger, by the way.
Por cierto, solo soy la mensajera.
I think this must have been recorded by the pilot.
El piloto debió de grabar esto.
Uh, by the way, my husband is not managed by anyone.
Por cierto, nadie se encarga de mi esposo.
I have your gun, by the way.
Por cierto, tengo tu pistola.
" I told the president there were four men by the same name the State Department was tracking.
" Le dije al presidente que había cuatro hombres llamados así buscados por el Departamento de Estado.
You accuse me of breaking the rules, and I tell you, I am playing by the rules.
Me acusan de incumplir las reglas y yo les digo que sigo las reglas.
By the end of the day, the country will have its first woman president.
Hoy, el país tendrá a su primera presidenta.
The feeling is most of the press will be using it by the a.m.
La mayoría de los medios la usarán en la mañana.
Well, you can run it by the former president...
Consúltelo con el expresidente...
I just saw that psycho imposter clown out by the dumpster giving me threatening looks.
Acabo de ver a ese payaso impostor psicópata fuera, al lado del contenedor, lanzándome miradas amenazantes.
[laughs] That was very funny, by the way.
Qué buen chiste.
I left them here by the door.
Las dejé cerca de la puerta.
These are crunches, by the way.
Estas son flexiones por cierto.
Well, except for my editor, who they think could be dead by the time I get there.
Bueno, excepto para mi editora, quienes piensan que estará muerta para cuando llegue allá.
It's automatically triggered by the second invoice.
Se activa automáticamente por la segunda factura.
By the woman who replaced you?
¿ La mujer que te reemplazó?
There's assault with a deadly staircase, aggravated by the fact I won't admit it.
Hay asalto en una escalera, agravada por el hecho de que no lo admito.
In high school, I won some state championships, and I even received a full athletic scholarship to the University of Oregon, where I met an enormously influential man by the name of Bill Bowerman.
En la secundaria, gané campeonatos estatales y hasta recibí una beca atlética completa para la Universidad de Oregon donde conocí a un hombre muy influyente llamado Bill Bowerman.
If you weren't careful, he might just pop out of that cobbler shop and grab you by the scruff of the shirt and tell you to try on these shoes and run around the track.
Si no tenías cuidado, él podía salir de esa zapatería tomarte del cuello de la camiseta y pedirte que te probaras un calzado para correr en la pista.
It was six months behind schedule by the time that it was given to me.
Tenía 6 meses de retraso al momento que me lo asignaron.
Tinker had a way of somehow grasping that ethos... and combining it with the greatness of Jordan... and fusing that into a sneaker, so that by the Jordan 3, 4, 5 and beyond, the Jordan brand becomes larger than life.
Tinker logró de algún modo atrapar esa ética. Y la combinó con la grandeza de Jordan. La fusionó en un calzado que después de Jordan 3, 4, 5 y más allá las Jordan son más que un símbolo.
I was very, very saddened by the passing of Bill Bowerman.
Estaba muy triste por la muerte de Bill Bowerman.
By the way, I have no idea how the rain system works.
No sé cómo funciona el sistema de la lluvia.
[Angela] By the way, my husband, you may not know this...
A propósito, mi esposo, quizá no lo sepa...
I'm sure the proximity sensor was triggered by a meteor again.
Estoy segura que el sensor de proximidad volvió a ser activado por un meteoro.
What I'm saying is this aggression in Antarctica, by powers unknown, is a direct result of the uncertainty that our presidential situation has wrought.
La agresión en la Antártida por parte de fuerzas desconocidas es el resultado de la incertidumbre de nuestra situación presidencial.
Nobody's on it because she's a junkie, and everything she said to me is in the Lucas Goodwin manifesto, which has been picked apart by every message board and conspiracy theorist on the Internet.
Porque es una drogadicta. Todo lo que me dijo está en el manifiesto de Lucas Goodwin, que están analizando todos los conspiracionistas de internet.
If there is any rescue attempt by the United States,
Si EE.
Someone or someones... tried to make my wife and I lose the election by keeping us underground today.
Alguien nos encerró a mi esposa y a mí para que perdiéramos las elecciones.
This is an administration that operates behind closed doors. You know, with everything that was happening today, this reporter from the Herald came by.
Con todo lo que estaba sucediendo hoy, vino un reportero del Herald.
Stop by any time. Especially if you're in the mood to talk.
Ven a verme, sobre todo si quieres hablar.
You know, you can just hang it up by pressing the button on the side.
Puedes colgar con el botón lateral.
Oh, to the public, you were the First Lady, sitting vigil by your husband's bed.
Para la gente, era la primera dama que apoyaba a su esposo.
Augustus Underwood was just another redneck who died fighting for the wrong side, forgotten by everyone but you and me.
Augustus Underwood era un campesino que murió luchando en el lado equivocado. Todos lo olvidaron, menos nosotros dos.
There was a time when I wanted to, and then the moment passed and time went by and then it just felt forced.
Hubo una época en que quise hacerlo, y luego ese momento se esfumó, el tiempo pasó y después me parecía forzado.
Yeah, I mean, we don't want to panic him by evolving the design too fast.
Sí, quiero decir, no entremos en pánico al desarrollar el diseño demasiado rápido.
The good news was that I found out that I could draw and it was almost by accident.
La buena noticia era que descubrí que podía dibujar y fue casi por accidente.
[Tinker] I had gone to Paris and seen a very controversial and loved or mostly hated building, The Georges Pompidou Center, designed by Renzo Piano.
Había ido a París y había visto un edificio muy controversial, ya sea amado u odiado el Centro Georges Pompidou, diseñado por Renzo Piano.
I was very much inspired by that building, and that's how I ended up exposing these airbags in the Air Max.
Me inspiró mucho ese edificio y así es como terminé exponiendo las bolsas de aire en las Air Max.
[Tinker] You can be inspired by all kinds of things, but maybe the most reliable inspiration is just Michael.
Pueden inspirarte muchas cosas pero la inspiración más confiable es solo Michael.
So over the next ten years, he created the rest of the windows, one by one.
Durante los diez años siguientes, creó el resto de los vitrales. Uno por uno.
If you look at most concerts before 2003, most of the photos were done by professional photographers near the front and you'll see a big god-like image of the pop star and a load of lights behind.
Si miras la mayoría de los conciertos antes de 2003 las fotos eran hechas por profesionales en primera fila imágenes de la estrella de pop como una deidad y muchas luces detrás.
The model tells stories, which I was very captivated by.
La maqueta cuenta historias y me cautivó mucho.
We read the pages of the script, and we literally make a chart, second by second, page by page. What is happening? Who is saying what?
Leímos las páginas del guion y literalmente hicimos un cuadro, segundo a segundo, hoja por hoja de lo que sucede, qué dice quién.
- Mm-hmm. - The cool kids and I used to try to make them feel better by leaving banana bread outside their door.
Los chicos populares y yo solíamos intentar que se sintieran mejor dejándoles pan de plátano en la puerta.
I am not in the least bit intimidated by her.
No estoy en lo más mínimo intimidado por ella.

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