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Come closer to me translate Spanish

136 parallel translation
Don't come closer to me!
No. ¡ No se acerquen a mí! ¡ No se acerquen a mí!
Millicent, come closer to me so that George can sit.
MiIIicent, hazle sitio a George.
Come closer to me.
Acércate a mí.
Come closer to me everyday.
Acercarte a mi cada día.
Come closer to me.
Acércate a mi.
Come closer to me. - No!
- Acércate. - ¡ No!
Come on, come closer to me.
Ven aquí, cerca de mí.
Come closer to me!
You must come closer to me.
Acércate un poco mas.
You could come closer to me.
Puedes acercarte.
"come closer to me"
Acércate a mí
Come closer to me so that you can see me, so that you can see how you lie at the bottom of the abyss.
Acércate hasta que puedas verme, hasta que veas cómo yaces bajo tierra.
You just don't want to come closer to me.
No quieres acercarte más a mí.
"Come closer to me."
" Acércate a mí.
Come closer to me.
Ve, acércate. Ven.
Come closer to me.
Raise your arm. Come closer to me, and don't be a coward.
Acércate, no seas un cobarde.
Come closer to me.
Ven, acércate más.
Come closer to me.
If you can hear my heartbeat, come closer to me There's a song on every lip.
usted puede oir mi latido del corazon, acerquese a mi hay una cancion en cada labio.
Come closer to me.
Acércate más a mí.
Don't come any closer to me!
No te acerques más... ¡ vete!
Oh come a little closer dear, tell me what I want to hear.
Acércate más cariño Dime lo que quiero oír
Come closer if you want me to kiss you.
Un poco más cerca si quiere que la bese.
Please, Athanael, come closer to me.
¡ Acércate!
Come a little closer to me.
I'd venture to say that that valuation... would come closer to, uh, $ 300,000.
Me atrevería a decir que la valoración... se acercaría más a los 300 mil.
- i'll do as i please your phone is close to the window come a bit closer to the window open the curtains
- Haré lo que me plazca. Su teléfono está cerca de la ventana,... acérquese un poco más a la ventana y corra la cortina.
Don't come any closer to me.
Apártate de mí, Mavis.
I won't come any closer if you don't want me to.
No me acercaré más si no quieres, pero debes creer lo que te digo.
Come closer to me
Acérquese a mi.
Come a little closer. Come a little closer to me.
Ven aquí un rato, ven aquí un ratito.
don't come any closer to me.
Nadie se acerque a mí.
If I'm attracted to a type at all, you come much closer.
Suponiendo que haya un tipo de chica que me guste, se parece más a ti.
Come, you who are poised, motionless but who are getting closer to me every hour.
Ven, tú, quien eres equilibrado, inmóvil... pero estás más cerca de mí... cada hora.
Don't get closer or I'll jump. Okay, I'm not going to come any closer.
Ok, Clip no me acerco mas solo quiero hablar
See, I just met you. How come I feel closer to you than I do to him?
Acabo de conocerte y me siento más cerca de ti que de él.
Nobody's come closer to snuffing the Batman than me.
Nadie más que yo le ha llegado tan cerca.
- Just stay where you are and don't come any closer to me.
Quédate ahí y no te me acerques.
If you'd told me these people were murdered by a ghost I wouldn't believe ya. But I can come closer to believing'a ghost story than this.
Si me dices que fueron asesinados por un fantasma... no puedo creerte... antes creería una historia de fantasmas que esto.
If you want him to turn around or you want him to come closer, you just tell me, hmm?
Si quiere que se dé vuelta o si quiere verlo más de cerca, sólo dígamelo.
And easier for Swamiji to help me come closer to that truth.
Y Swamiji me ayuda a acercarme a esa verdad.
Come closer to me. I want to see your villain's face!
Acérquese para que pueda verlo.
D-Don't come any closer to me!
A... apártate...
I knew about that behavior from books... but that image had never been recorded in Fernando de Noronha... and when I saw that happening right in front of me... I thought : "I'll sit still here to see if they come closer".
Yo conocía ese comportamiento por los libros... pero la imagen nunca había sido registrada en Fernando de Noronha... y cuando vi eso pasando frente a mí... pensé : "Debo quedarme parado para ver si vienen aquí cerca".
I would like to be so bold as to get you to come a little closer.
Me gustaría ser más atrevido y hacer que te me acerques más.
Come closer to me
Acércate a mí
come to me, closer.
ven a mí, más cerca.
Don't come any closer to me, bitch!
No te me acerques, perra
Don't go away from me... come closer... what's love doing to me?
No te alejes de mi.. Acércate.. ¿ Qué me está haciendo el amor?
Come on. You come closer to me.
Tú te acercas a mí...

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