Doesn't everyone translate Spanish
727 parallel translation
Over there. I did find her. But he's lying and telling everyone that the shoe doesn't belong to his wife.
Encontré al dueño, pero ese hombre dice que no es el zapato de su esposa.
But I don't know if it's really a curse because he shuts everyone out and doesn't let anyone get close to him.
Pero no sé si es realmente una maldición... porque se cierra a todo el mundo y no deja que nadie se acerque a él.
But the author is looking out for him who has been abandoned by everyone, and so he bestows upon him an epilogue, telling a story that... - unfortunately... - usually doesn't occur in real life.
Pero el autor se preocupa por quien ha sido abandonado por todos, y le concede un epílogo, contando una historia que, desafortunadamente, no suele ocurrir en la vida real.
this is my will and my factory's supreme law everyone else has to submit to it, without any objections even if I lead the whole firm into the abyss... and he who doesn't subject to that supreme law
Éste debe ser el objetivo de cualquier empresario que sea consciente de su responsabilidad. ¡ Ésta es mi voluntad y la ley suprema de mi fábrica! Todo el mundo tiene que someterse a ella, sin objeciones.
- No, it's better you start. Soon we'll be great-grandparents, which doesn't happen to everyone! - True!
Podrías decirme que estabas encerrado en la maleta, que no oías nada...
So I'll wait for him till 8 : 00 and, if he doesn't call, well, then I guess it would be all right, because, well, you're going to be here such a short time, and... And you're working for the Government, and it's everyone's patriotic duty to do...
Le esperaré hasta las 8, y si no me llama, pues... entonces supongo que podemos irnos, porque... como va a estar usted aquí tan poco tiempo y... trabaja para el gobierno, es deber de todos colaborar para... para...
Oh, con que no, ¿ eh? Todo el mundo acaba aquí tarde o temprano, ¿ verdad?
The answer to that is that everyone doesn't feel as I do.
No todos sienten lo mismo que yo.
Brings sunshine into everyone's life, doesn't he?
"No, because everyone would realize City Hall doesn't need me at all."
"No, porque no quiero que se den cuenta de que pueden arreglárselas sin mí."
Very well, suppose he does hate the Party. Doesn't everyone secretly?
Supongo que en el fondo odia al Partido, al igual que todos.
Doesn't everyone get spoiled rotten around here?
¿ No mimáis demasiado a todos aquí?
Just because it runs in the family doesn't mean that everyone has it. Kiss me, Sire.
El hecho que se herede en la familia no significa que todos lo tenemos. ¡ Béseme, Sire!
Everyone knows that parliament doesn't make a move without his advice.
Todo el mundo sabe que el Parlamento no se mueve sin su consejo.
Doesn't everyone have two pianos?
¿ Qué no todos tienen dos pianos?
Except everyone doesn't know about you!
Pero claro, eso no lo sabe todo el mundo.
It's a bit sad, because that way everyone is... replaceable and doesn't leave any hole behind, when he leaves.
Es un poco triste, porque de esa manera cada uno es... reemplazable y no dejará ningún hueco detrás, cuando se vaya.
The guilt of one doesn't rule out the responsibility of everyone else.
La culpabilidad de uno no anula la responsabilidad de los demás.
Well, doesn't everyone?
¿ Acaso no todos las tienen?
Think everyone's like her husband, who gets cuckolded and doesn't complain? !
¿ Crees que todos son como su marido que se calla cuando los engañan?
It's everyone's dream, secret wish about the land that doesn't exist.
El sueño de todo el mundo, el deseo secreto de una tierra que no existe.
Doesn't everyone?
¿ No lo hacen todos?
- It doesn't matter, you and everyone.
- No importa, tú y todos.
He doesn't have everyone's support.
No todos apoyan a Nottola.
- Doesn't everyone?
- Todo el mundo la conoce.
Doesn't everyone?
¿ No lo hace todo el mundo?
No, because the rain doesn't make everyone sad.
No, porque la lluvia no pone triste a todo el mundo.
That's why the disease doesn't affect everyone.
Es por eso que la enfermedad no afecta a todos.
Everyone has a run of bad luck sometimes. It doesn't mean anything.
Todos tienen mala suerte de vez en cuando.
And she doesn't dare show herself now, as his sister, because everyone knows.
Y no se atreve a mostrarse ahora, porque sabe que todos saben.
I hope she doesn't return here and create scenes in front of everyone.
Esperemos que no vuelva y monte un número.
his wife, although she left, doesn't want to live without him And he's a laughingstock among everyone in town. "
Hoy ausentista en función, moralmente destruido su mujer aunque se ha ido sin él no desea vivir y él es el hazmerreír de todos como marido.
But that doesn't make any difference, because you have to look like this, the George Corley everyone knew.
Pero eso no importa, porque tú tendrás que parecerte a él al George Corley que todos conocían.
The letter doesn't really mean anything on its own... but I'm gonna have to interview everyone... that was there that day.
La carta realmente no tiene significado por sí sola... pero tendré que hablar con todos... los que estuvieron ese día.
I like to finish at a reasonable hour. Doesn't everyone?
Me gusta terminar a horas razonables como a todos.
Everyone who has seen it says that such a perfect automaton doesn't exist any where else in the world.
Todos los que le han visto han dicho que es un autómata perfecto no existe ningun otro en el mundo.
Wait a minute, everyone's heart doesn't want to be in disorder
Esperad. No podemos hacer eso.
Everyone doesn't move
¡ Tranquilos!
When everyone else is flushing their cocaine down the toilet you're the only one who doesn't have to worry.
Cuando todos corren a tirar la cocaína por el retrete... tú eres el único que puede permanecer tranquilo.
That doesn't fit everyone.
Esta comparación no me agrada.
He doesn't give flies to everyone.
Él no le da moscas a nadie.
Look, Quico, in this world everyone plays his own song,... and whoever doesn't play it gets wrecked. Do you understand?
Mira, Quico, en este mundo cada cual tiene su disco, y el que no lo toca revienta. ¿ Entiendes?
That what is here are some of my very best ideas. I want everyone to try very hard to make sure it doesn't all go down the drain.
Aquí hay algunas de mis mejores ideas y quiero que se esfuercen para no perderlo todo.
Doesn't it bother you that this jet is going to crash with everyone aboard?
¿ No le inquieta saber que el jet se estrellará con todos a bordo...
Well, doesn't everyone - eventually?
Bueno, ¿ no lo hace todo el mundo con el tiempo?
However, to be outside of normality accepted by everyone... Doesn't necessarily mean someone's crazy.
Sin embargo, estar fuera de la normalidad aceptada por todos,... no significa necesariamente estar loco.
Doesn't everyone's, sir?
No le ocurre a todos, señor?
Just because your life is in the toilet... doesn't mean everyone else has to live there, too.
Sólo porque tu vida es un desastre, no quiere decir que de los demás debe ser así.
Doesn't he look like a monkey, he scratches And says hello to everyone
No se parece a un mono, Pero él se rasca y tambien saluda a todos
Why doesn't the Lord blow out the sun so everyone can roll in fornication?
¿ Por qué Dios no apaga el sol de un soplo... para que todos se revuelquen en la lujuria?
- Doesn't everyone? - No.
- ¿ No la comprende todo el mundo?
everyone 6978
everyone does 112
everyone knows that 202
everyone else 136
everyone makes mistakes 31
everyone's fine 32
everyone else does 24
everyone knows 120
everyone is here 26
everyone says 22
everyone does 112
everyone knows that 202
everyone else 136
everyone makes mistakes 31
everyone's fine 32
everyone else does 24
everyone knows 120
everyone is here 26
everyone says 22
everyone calm down 28
everyone dies 42
everyone says so 22
everyone knows it 22
everyone says that 28
everyone does it 23
everyone out 134
everyone's gone 34
everyone's dead 32
everyone here 42
everyone dies 42
everyone says so 22
everyone knows it 22
everyone says that 28
everyone does it 23
everyone out 134
everyone's gone 34
everyone's dead 32
everyone here 42