During that time translate Spanish
1,066 parallel translation
What can she do during that time?
Qué puede hacer durante ese tiempo?
During that time, there was an enormous upsurge of the people, who were completely panicked, terrified.
Durante esta época, hubo un enorme aumento de la gente, que estaba completamente amedrentada, aterrorizada.
The children who were born during that time, between 1942 and 1944, should have suffered from rickets, and I say this as a doctor.
Los niños que nacieron durante esa época, entre 1942 y 1944, deben haber sufrido raquitismo, y digo esto como doctor.
And it's during that time that the Battistoni company was building the highway between Battipaglia-Matera.
¿ Y que en el mismo periodo la empresa Battistoni..... se encargaba de la construcción de la autopista Battipaglia-Matera, exacto?
And during that time, numerous families abandoned this village in search of fortune in lands where they say gold is plentiful.
Durante ese tiempo, numerosas familias abandonaron este pueblo para buscar fortuna en otras tierras, donde dicen que abunda el oro.
During that time, she devoted herself to me.
Qué criatura tan extraordinaria, qué ángel.
The boys we sent to check it out, they say nobody even saw a car in your neighbourhood during that time.
Los investigadores que enviamos dijeron que nadie vio ni siquiera un auto en el vecindario.
No one filed a complaint with my office during that time-frame.
Ninguna persona se presentó en mi oficina en ese espacio de tiempo.
During that time, it rained and then we had some sun.
En ese tiempo, llovió y luego hizo sol.
All during that time, the things he's told us were taking place.
Durante todo ese tiempo, las cosas que nos ha dicho fueron tomando lugar.
During that time, Melissa, the housemaid, she was takin'care of you?
Y durante ese tiempo, Melissa, la criada, cuidó de ti, ¿ no?
During that time, could anybody have gotten your keys?
Durante ese tiempo, ¿ pudo alguien haber tomado sus llaves?
We can get ready to go to the U.S. during that time.
Aprovecharemos ese tiempo para ir a U.S.
And during that time, you expect us to become nuns?
Y nosotras, mientras, ¿ nos hacemos monjas?
we also agree to the truce for 10 years... During that time you will not attack any tribe or ambush any caravan or any individual associated with us and vice versa If you injure any one of us, the truce ends and vice versa.
A cambio de ello aceptamos... una tregua por diez años... durante ese tiempo... no atacarán ninguna tribu ni caravana... ni ningún individuo relacionado con nosotros... y viceversa si hieren a alguno de los nuestros finaliza la tregua... y viceversa.
During that time, she rediscovered her will to live.
Durante aquel viaje pareció recuperar el deseo de vivir.
During that time, your father and I discovered we could still have fun together.
Durante ese tiempo, tu padre y yo descubrimos que aún podíamos pasarlo bien juntos.
Sure would be fun watching TV during that time, huh?
Imagínenlo. Seguro que sería divertido mirar la TV durante ese tiempo, ¿ huh?
I have to inform you that we've been travelling behind you for three-tenths of a mile, and, during that time, your speed varied between thirty-two and thirty-six miles an hour.
Debo informarle que hemos estado viajando detrás suyo por medio kilómetro y, durante ese tiempo, su velocidad varió entre 52 y 58 km. por hora.
For nearly ten dead years after that evening with Cordelia I was borne along a road outwardly full of change and incident but never during that time, except sometimes in my painting did I come alive as I had been during the time of my friendship with Sebastian.
Durante casi diez lóbregos años desde aquella noche con Cordelia... recorrí un camino aparentemente lleno de cambios e incidentes... pero jamás, en todo ese tiempo, salvo algunos momentos con mi pintura... me he sentido tan vivo como lo estaba durante la época de mi amistad con Sebastian.
But where were you, during that time?
Y usted mientras, ¿ dónde estaba?
We have to avoid the police and your people during that time.
Tenemos que evitar a la policía y a sus amigos durante este tiempo.
During all that time, I don't think you have spent 10 minutes at the keyboard.
Creo que no ha estado ni diez minutos en el teclado.
No time for that, I will tell during the trip.
Hay tiempo para eso, os lo diré durante el viaje.
During all this time that I've been chasing you around... I've thought it all out.
Durante todo el tiempo que los sigo lo pensé todo.
During the relatively long time you spent in Clermont-Ferrand, did you ever see or hear of the persecutions that occurred?
¿ alguna vez vió u oyó algo sobre las persecuciones que hubo?
Meanwhile a report from the Tromso Geophysical Institute... suggests that prevailing winds... during the estimated flight time of the dirigible Italia... indicated that the crash might have taken place... in the vicinity of Franz Josef Land.
Mientras, un informe del Instituto de Geofísica Tromso... Sugiere que los vientos imperantes... durante el tiempo estimado de vuelo del dirigible Italia... indicaban que la colisión pudo haber ocurrido... en las inmediaciones de la tierra de Francisco José
But one thing that is obvious is that I suffered a memory lapse, during which time I bruised my arm.
Lo que sé es que he sufrido un lapsus de memoria, durante el que me lastimé el brazo.
I shall give you three minutes during which time... you will wish to confirm for yourselves... that what I have said is true.
Les daré tres minutos, durante los cuales... podrán confirmar con sus propios ojos... que lo que les dije es verdad.
That was a long time ago, during my military service.
Esta es muy vieja, durante el servicio militar.
That was when I trusted Shino during the day for the first time.
"Eso sucedió cuando confiaba en Shino, durante el día de nuestra primera cita".
[Kojak] For those of you who are less familiar with this case than others, I'm not gonna waste time going over the tons of paperwork... autopsy report, forensic data, et cetera... dead ends that we've accumulated during the course of this investigation.
Para los que estéis menos familiarizados con el caso, no voy a perder el tiempo repasando documentos, informes de autopsias, datos forenses y demás... callejones sin salida acumulados en el curso de la investigación.
At that time the King's court swarmed with such little sprites during festivities.
Va vestida como si fuera un fantasma.
If somebody went in there and, let's say, dropped an electrical appliance in there, in that bathtub, during a time when it was occupied, I mean.
Si alguien hubiera echado un aparato eléctrico ahí en la tina, estando ésta ocupada, claro está.
( De Guingand ) lt's anyone's guess whether, having got that Rhine bridgehead, at that time of year, with the bad weather setting in, whether we'd have been able to maintain that for several months during the winter.
( De Guingand ) incógnita de si lt, Después de haber conseguido que la cabeza de puente del Rin, en esa época del año, con la creación del mal tiempo en, si lo hubiéramos podido para mantener esa durante varios meses durante el invierno.
It was the 3rd time he set the world record during that storm.
Por tercera vez logró romper el récord mund! aI con tormenta.
There is no time for that during war.
No hay tiempo para eso estando en guerra.
That you didn't spend your time just painting during my absence.
Que no perdiste el tiempo solo pintando durante mi ausencia.
During all that time, I...
En todo ese tiempo...
During all that time, I refused to accept it.
Todo el tiempo y me negué a aceptarlo.
Borusa used to say that during my time at the academy.
Con poderes hipnóticos altamente desarrollados.
One was about Wallace, it was during the time of that election, it was about Wallace, George Wallace, and I said he keeps calling everybody pointy-head... he... he refers to pointy-headed intellectuals.
Tenía dos chistes en un monólogo en una sección de seis minutos para uno era sobre Wallace, era en la época de aquellas elecciones, era sobre Wallace George Wallace, y yo decía "No hace más que llamar a todo el mundo" cabeza puntiaguda " ... Es una forma de referirse a los intelectuales...
For what purpose doth a man seek what is above him, he who knoweth not what is good for him during his days on the earth, during the time that passeth like a shadow? "
¿ Le es necesario a un hombre buscar lo que está por encima de él, él que ignora aquello que le es ventajoso en su vida... durante los días que permanece extranjero en su tierra, y durante el tiempo que pasa como una sombra? "
And during that whole time, that woman's picture, whom I already loved, never left me.
Durante ese tiempo, el retrato de esa mujer a quién amaba ya... no me abandonó.
It proves that during this time you haven't been asleep.
Prueba de que esta vez no has estado dormido.
We can look into the reef, naked, follow it during hours the small confused fishes into puddles, that didn't escape in time.
Podemos mirar en el arrecife, desnudo, siguiéndolo durante horas el pequeño pez desconcertado en los charcos, que no escapó a tiempo.
Mr. Powell, during the time that you knew me as a child... did you spend a lot of time with me?
Sr. Powell, cuando yo era niño, ¿ pasaba ud. mucho tiempo conmigo?
During the time that you had him here, did you discover... any particular habits of his- - peculiarities, quirks?
Durante el tiempo que lo tuvo aquí, ¿ descubrió... algún hábito particular suyo? ¿ Peculiaridades? ¿ Singularidades?
and during all that time, not one orgasm. That's a lie!
¡ Eso es mentira!
Frank... during the time we were married... was there ever anything about me, you know... either, um, emotionally or, uh, anatomically... that would lead you to believe that I was masculine?
Mientras estuvimos casados... ¿ notaste algo en mí... ya sea emocional o físico... que te pareciera masculino?
Went on during the time you were in that coma.
Ocurrieron mientras tú estuviste en coma.
that time 73
time 2517
times 1964
timer 243
timers 88
time to go home 94
times square 22
time to die 52
time to wake up 54
time is running out 68
time 2517
times 1964
timer 243
timers 88
time to go home 94
times square 22
time to die 52
time to wake up 54
time is running out 68
time is of the essence 71
time flies 78
time is up 41
time is money 74
time to go 627
times are changing 28
time to sleep 29
times are tough 45
time travel 83
time will tell 62
time flies 78
time is up 41
time is money 74
time to go 627
times are changing 28
time to sleep 29
times are tough 45
time travel 83
time will tell 62
time is 18
time's up 595
time to eat 55
times before 18
times a week 28
time for bed 134
times in a row 26
times change 49
times over 33
times a day 121
time's up 595
time to eat 55
times before 18
times a week 28
time for bed 134
times in a row 26
times change 49
times over 33
times a day 121