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Even if he did translate Spanish

473 parallel translation
Even if he did, I wouldn't take it.
Y aunque me lo diera no lo aceptaría.
- Even if he did, he wouldn't understand.
- Aunque te oyera, no lo entendería.
But even if he did, you've got to take the case.
Igualmente, debes aceptar el caso.
And he's out of reach and likely to stay there, even if he did amuse himselfwith you when there was nothing better about.
Y ése está fuera de tu alcance y lo seguirá estando... incluso aunque se entretuviera contigo cuando no tenía nada mejor a mano.
But even if he did find it, he wouldn't know what it looks like.
Pero incluso si lo encontrara, no sabría qué aspecto tiene.
The Emperor wouldn't listen to you. Even if he did, he wouldn't believe his ears.
Y si lo hace, no se creerá lo que oye.
Even if he did, I don't think he did it on purpose.
Y aun así, no creo que fuera a propósito.
Even if he did want to marry you,
Aun si él quisiera casarse contigo,
My lady, would he marry someone who loved him as much as I did... even if he didn't love them very much?
Alteza, ¿ cree que él se casaría con alguien que lo amara tanto como yo... aun si él no la correspondiera con igual intensidad?
Even if he did, nothing was going to change.
Incluso si lo hiciera, nada iba a cambiar.
Even if he did come, I wouldn't see him.
Aunque viniera, no lo vería.
Even if he did ― Emily, a hundred people died in the untouchable quarter last night.
Aunque lo supiese... Cien personas murieron anoche en el barrio de los Intocables.
Yeah, and even if he did, how good is his word?
Si, y si lo hizo, | Que vale su palabra?
And the demonic dark man... even if he did the stabbing, it was while he was under the spell of this witch.
Y ese hombre, vestido de negro y poseído del demonio ha sido obligado a actuar contra su propio parecer. ¡ Sin ninguna duda, esta criatura del diablo le ha embrujado!
Such a nice guy that even if he did, he probably wouldn't do anything to her.
Es tan buen tipo que no creo que le hiciera nada.
And even if he did one piece of information isn't gonna win or lose this war.
Y aunque lo hiciera, eso no decidirá quién gana o pierde esta guerra.
And, even if he did, he shouldn't begrudge me.
Y, si se enterase, no debería sentir envidia.
But even if he did, he can go to hell.
Y a mí, él no me importa nada.
So do I, even if he did crack two of my ribs.
A mi también, aunque me haya roto 2 costillas.
Who's he to hate a society that lets him live like a lord? - Even if he did sneak in the service door.
No puede despreciar una sociedad que le hace vivir como a un señor... aunque haya entrado en ella por la puerta de servicio.
Even if you did get one, why, all he'd do is sit by the side of the bed and start crabbing the government for not stamping out fever.
Aunque consiguiera uno, no hacen más que lamentarse del gobierno y recetar brandy para la fiebre...
Oh well, even if that's the case. - Did he hurt himself?
- Oh, bueno, incluso si fuera así... - ¿ Le ha pasado algo?
Or if he did, it might be even worse.
Y si lo hiciera, sería mucho peor.
I don't remember. And even if I did, I was wrong.
No me acuerdo y aunque fuese así, me he equivocado.
He'd have come in and when he did, even if he'd never met you.
Habría venido cuando vino aunque nunca la hubiera conocido.
I never did hold much with Job, even if he is Scripture.
La historia de Job no es mi preferida, aunque esté... en las escrituras.
Even if you thought you did, you'd give him a break...'cause he might be a good guy.
Aunque sea solo una corazonada, déle una oportunidad, pues podría tratarse de un buen tipo.
It was nice of you to recognize me... even if Step did give me the cold shoulder.
Yo lo he olvidado. Me alegra que me reconociera, aunque Paso me diera de lado.
Even if I did, he mightn't consider me a good investment.
Aunque lo conociera, puede que no me considerara una buena inversión.
Whatever he did, he did for good and sufficient reason... even if it turns out he murdered somebody.
Lo que hiciera, lo hizo por una buena razón... aunque haya asesinado a alguien.
Even if you did have a fight with him, he's in trouble.
Incluso aunque te hayas peleado, está en problemas.
I told her if she said one more word, I would go to America, even if I did not want to go
Le he dicho que, una palabra más, y me iría a América aunque no me apeteciera
Oh, I don't even know where he is. And if I did, I'd never go back to him.
No sé dónde está, y aunque lo supiera, nunca volvería con él.
Even if Willard did marry you for your money, at least he married you.
Aunque Willard se casara por dinero, al menos lo hizo.
If he could save himself, even all alone, he did because that's what I feel.
Si él pudo salvarse... y lo hizo porque eso es lo que siento. Siento que Andrzej está vivo.
Above all, I want to write him that even if he'll never come, even if he won't fall in love, only because he wrote me the way he did, he made me understand that when I'll get out of here I'll get out to never return.
y le quiero escribir que, aunque él no venga a verme aquí nunca... aunque no se enamorase nunca... sólo por que me ha escrito, así como me ha escrito... me ha hecho entender que... que cuando salga de aquí... lo haré para no volver más.
It helped me to achieve what I did... Even if I fell short by almost 30 million.
Eso me ayudó a conseguir lo que he conseguido aunque me quedé corto por 30 millones.
Oh, bravo.. He's really good if he can predict my responses, because even my mother never could understand what I did.
Es capaz de predecir su respuesta más ligera, su acción más insignificante.
What did he say, Chief, when you told him we'd get the formula back even if it meant our lives?
¿ Qué dijo cuando usted le dijo que recuperaríamos la fórmula incluso a costa de nuestras vidas?
I needed to be with eyes half-closed, even then, he has that courage within yourself. I did take out and put me in considering how great, which is good if you have not been washed properly.
cerré los ojos aunque tampoco tiene tantísima leche lo vi cuando le obligué a correrse encima de mí teniendo en cuenta lo grande que es mucho mejor no fuera que no pudiese lavarme bien
Even better if he caught me behind, the way Mrs. Mastiansky told me that her husband did, just like dogs do. Stretched the language as far as I could. You can understand a man the way he is?
como los Martiansky y como hacen los perros sacando la lengua tanto como sea posible los hombres siempre quieren algo nuevo se puso hecho una furia durante unos minutos cuando volvió con los resultados rompiendo las apuestas y jurando en arameo
I did not intend to marry, even if he was not married, I would not marry....
No entra en mis planes casarme con él, incluso aunque no estuviera casado. Él lo comprende.
Even if, you, and only you, could persuade me to do what I did.
Aunque tú, y sólo tú, podías convencerme para hacer lo que he hecho.
Even if Slugworth did get in here, he couldn't find anything.
Aunque Slugworth viniera aquí, no iba a poder encontrar nada.
And even if she did escape, wouldn't she be coming after you?
He incluso si hubiese escapado ¿ no hubiese ido tras de ti?
They wouldn't even strike up a conversation if there was another boat even on the horizon. That didn't stop Harry though, did it? No, he recorded everything.
No tenía acceso a la conversación, no había otro bote en el horizonte pero eso no detuvo a Harry, el grabó todo.
Well, even if it isn't so did he have a chance against him?
Pues, aunque así fuera ¿ acaso podía contra él?
But even if you're right and somebody told him to do it, why did he listen?
Pero si Ud. tiene razón y alguien le dijo que lo hiciera... ¿ por qué hizo caso?
But look, even if they did let Dad stay here... he'd still have to have somebody take care of him.
Aunque le dejaran quedarse aquí, necesita tener a alguien que lo cuide. No podemos permitírnoslo.
You know, even if Vic Patterson did shoot up the car with his gun, that doesn't mean he killed Dakota.
¿ Sabes? , aunque Vic Patterson hubiera disparado al auto con la pistola, Eso no quiere decir que matara a Dakota.
You did a perfect job even if I didn't help you much.
Han hecho... un trabajo perfecto,... incluso si yo no he servido mucho de ayuda.

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